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THE PRODUCTION his machining center is monitored directly by the C.AD. system. Tools and moulds for new products are then produced in the shortest time. For over 45 years, SADTEM has gained the knowledge of the casting processes of synthetic resins, together with their range of uses. This knowledge enables SADTEM to offer the best solution for the considered application. ith its flexible and precise manufactu- ring organization, together with all the production means available in its pre- mices, SADTEM can supply large series compr thousands of units, as well as small quai DF _ custom design pieces. ‘The use of robots and computerized machines for winding casting and testing gradually replaces the heavy and dull tasks by more enriching ones. SADTEM has a large budget for R and D, to maintain its leading technological position for the future. Its own means are enhanced by a close co-operation with greatest European Test Laboratories and the Universities of Technology. s of

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