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Fellow delegates, honotable chairpersons, several European Union laws offer

protection from discimination based on sexual orientation and additional

requirements refer to the human rights situation on accession countries.Activists
hailed the biggest step forward for gay rights since Portugal became the eighth
country to allow nationwide same-sex marriages in 2010, breaking with the
Catholic nations predomonantly conservative image.
Portuguese law recognizes full adoption and restricted adoption, both of which refer to the
adoption of minors. Full adoption is irrevocable and gives the adoptee legal status identical to
that of a biological child. Restricted adoption is revocable.
Portugal, long ago a country of emigration, has now become a country of net immigration,a large
number of EU citizens have chosen Portugal as a destination and started a renewal of attitudes
and forms of cultural expression. The multi-culturality of Portuguese society is definitely an
irreversible reality, mainly in most industrialized urban areas, where there are more work

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