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Research is substantive, multiple sources, books, refereed journal articles,
newspaper clips, blogs, magazine articles and other credible sources used
comparatively, analytically and critically. You compare and contrast and
demonstrate a command of the topic on ALL assignments.
More refereed, peer reviewed sources, some online, most traditional books,
Reads extensively
Gets out of comfort zone
Applies what is learned accurately
Shares expertise in class and in online forums
ALWAYS prepared for class, participates in and leads class discussions
Work is exceptional and demonstrates learning beyond rote memorization
and in-class instruction
Is an Intentional Learner
Well organized, beginning, middle and end
Free of plagiarism, work is original
Goes beyond what was assigned, finds other relevant information and makes
deliberate connections
Innovative and creative makes connections that are not obvious and presents
them in an intriguing way
Meets deadline
Completes ALL assignments
Free of grammatical, spelling and other such errors
Followed assignment instructions
This standard is consistent on ALL assignments

B-Specialist/Early Adopters/Opinion Leaders

Research is above average

Does some comparing, contrasting and analysis on MOST assignments
Reads moderately
Remains in comfort zone
Comes prepared for class most of the time, leads some class discussions,
participates more often than not
Makes connections sometimes and is able to apply some of what is learned
Active Learner, but not always intentional and deliberate
Has sources, some refereed, some online
Well organized, beginning, middle and end on assignments
Free of plagiarism, work is original
Meets deadline
Followed assignment instructions
Completes MOST assignments
Few grammatical, spelling and other such errors
Shows command on SOME but not all assignments

C-Generalist/Early Majority/Followers
Demonstrates command of topic based on rote memorization and in-class
Knowlegeable about one area, does not apply what has been learned
Reads occasionally
Prepared for class sometimes, rarely leads class discussions
Minimal Class Participation
Situational Learner, inconsistent
Minimal research, few sources, most online sources
Makes most deadlines
Free of plagiarism
Completes SOME assignments
Does not read the assignments or follow instructions
Some grammatical, spelling and other errors
Shows command on ONE, if any assignments

Your time and effort do NOT earn grades. Results earn grades. If you stay up all
night, that is a personal choice not a requirement. Your time management skills are
NOT my concern. Your education is. Therefore, remove emotion and provide
sound empirical evidence. The grade you receive is the grade YOU earned. Do not
impress me, impress yourself. Challenge yourself to engage and enjoy the learning

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