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66-13,367 WEISS, Bernard George, 1934~ i LANGUAGE IN ORTHODOX MUSLIM THOUGHT: A STUDY OF "WAD* AL-LUGHAH" AND ITS DEVELOP- /i MENT. Princeton University, Ph.D., 1966 Religion. University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan LANGUAGE IN ORTHODOX MUSLIM THOUGHT: A STUDY OF "WAD® AL-LUGHAH" AND ITS DEVELOPMENT Bernard George Weiss A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY RECOMMENDED FOR ACCEPTANCE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL STUDIES May, 1966 Preface Some of the materials used in the preparation of this dissertation were acquired from Egyptian libraries through the microfilming facilities of the Department of Manuscripts of the Arab League in Cairo. It was my good fortune to spend the winter of 1964-65 in Cairo under a research grant from the American Research Center in Egypt, during which time the acquisition of these materials was possible. I have deliberately made it a practice not to include in the footnotes bibliographical data other than the author's name and the title. The reader may consult the “List of Works Consulted" for further data. some Arabic titles are abbreviated, but in such a way that the work may be easily located in the “List of Works Consulted". The use of ibid., and op. cit. is restricted to instances where the previously cited work is on the same page. I owe special thanks to Dr. Rudolph Mach and Prof. Farhat Ziadeh for calling my attention to numerous useful works, and to Prof. Ziadeh for reading the entire draft of the dissertation and suggesting numerous improvements. Any shortcomings that may mar the following pages are all of my own making. Introduction. 6... ee ee ee ee ee eee “WARS AL-LUGHAH" AND THE PROBLEM OF - THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE - ~~. - +--+. +e - ee + 841 The Question of Greek Influence ...- +--+ + 8-13 The “Naturalist-Theological" Controversy . - . - 13-18 @raditionist Origins of the “Theological Views. 2 ee ee ee ee ee ee ew ee 18620 The “Conventionalist-Theological" (ContcOveL ev) 900s el 20-95 Whe Significance of the Controversy - .~.-.- - 35-37 The Term Wade - - - - ee ee ee ee ee ee BTML “WAD® AL-LUGHAH" AND THE PRINCIPLES OF JURISPRUDENCE ---- +--+ eee ee eee 42-89 Pinbroguceson fe Wag¢ al-Lughah and the Mutakallimtn. ..... 42-45 Anticipations of wage aie =Lughah in al-shafisi . . . - ee ee ee oe 45247 Wad¢ al-Lughah in the Legal Thought of the Muctazilites.. 2... - +--+ +--+ 47-54 Wag* al-Lughah in the Legal Thought of the Scholastics -- +--+ ee ee ee ee 54-89 The Scholastic Systemization. ......- 54-60 Wag‘ _al-Lughah and the Deeoaee Premises"... . - Foe ee ee ee + 60-88 The Knowledge of Wad¢ . - . . ee ee + BIRT Wad* and the Features of Language .. - . 72-89: Asuming Up... ---- ee ee ee ee THE "SCIENCE OF WAD “ (ILM AL-WADS) - - ~~ ~~ - 90-139 Introduction... ee ee ee ee ee + 90-93 The Categories of Wad¢ . - - -- ee ee ee + 94-118 ¢Amm-‘Amm,

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