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The Cold Frame

By Shannon Nguyen, Angus Brodeur,

Ben Franks, and Camille Obert

What is a Cold Frame?

A Cold Frame a four-sided structure with a
removable glass or plastic top. The frame is
placed on the ground to protect small plants
and seedlings so they can grow easier.

Key Features

Plastic sheeting to allow light and heat

Easy access to plants
Frame is sturdy
Easily transported
Relatively cheap
Clean design

2 pressure treated plywood (4ft. x 8ft.)
10 redwood supports (2in. x 2in. x 35in.)
1 plastic sheeting (10ft. x 25ft.) (3.5mil)
200 galvanized screws (2 1/2in.)
2 tee hinges (3-1/2 inches)
(see materials list)


Pressure treated plywood - 52.54

Redwood supports - 25.70
Plastic sheeting - 10.98 (10x25)
Hinges- 10.94
galvanized screws - free, already have
Total = $89.22

What does the Cold Frame look like?

Our Cold Frame
seen from
different views
and angles.
scale 1in:1ft.

Thanks For Listening!

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