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Zachery Esponda

Ms. Gardner
English 10 ,Period 2
18 September 2014

Sonnet 27 Analysis
It is evident in sonnet 27 that the author is subjected to the days hard work: With his love
for someone, he finds new strength. In the first quatrain of the poem the author reign forces that
he is tired and weak from the long days work. He reinforces this through subtle repetition using
the phrases weary with toil, travel tired, and bodys work expired. This sets the scene and
provides a problem to which the author goes on to solve. The author then goes on to speak of
how the person he loves gives him new strength thus keeping him awake. This person is so
enchanting to him that he cant fall asleep and he then goes on another journey, yet this one in his
mind. The author use sweet consonance in lines nine and ten-souls, sight, shadow, and
sightless- all of which create a picture of his loves beauty without directly saying it. He then
uses descriptive diction and a lovely simile to describe the person that he loves. In the end the
author shows us that although his body is tired, he finds new strength just in thinking about the
one he loves and cant sleep, thus he truly never finds rest.

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