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Zachery Esponda
Ms. Gardner
English 10H, Period 2
5 September 2014


A World Without War

Fellow classmates, today we are surrounded by countless, seemingly endless wars. Like
so many others the tyranny of war has been forced upon us. When the time comes for us to lead
this nation we must not make war solely in the best interest of the government: resources, money,
power. However, we must avoid war at all cost and only engage in war when it is our only option
and is in the best interest for we the people.
For centuries men and women of our country have encountered countless waves of the
cruelty of war and will continue to do so if we remain stagnant. Imagine your friends and family
broken to pieces by the bullets shattering ability when they are faced with war; when your
brother unwillingly leaves for war and comes back a man you cannot recognize; when you can
talk to your father but he cant talk back to you because hes dead; when you don't know your
friend because he has been forever changed by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; when the family
you once knew is present, but their presences is not familiarthis is what will happen should we
allow war to be made over the material things of life. We must unite to make a revolutionary
change to the logic behind waging war.
The PTSD Foundation of America states, One in three returning troops are being
diagnosed with serious Post-Tramatic Stress symptoms, and we must stop the wars fueled by
the lust for power, money, and resources causing these innocent lives to be lost in vain. (The

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Statistics - PTSD Foundation of America). As William J. Astore former lieutenant colonel said,
We've managed to isolate war's physical and emotional costs,we've made war a distant
abstraction for most Americans (Astore). As a nation we need not fail to notice the hardships
that war will undoubtedly bring us. It is up to us to change war in order for us to win this war.
When the time comes for us to lead this country we must make the right decisions,
decisions that are in the best interest of the people, not the government. We must avoid war and
create compromise ridding us of the tyranny of war. We must not wage war over foreign oil and
the control of other countries and the money received for weapons. We must teach our children
of the destructive tyranny of war so they too will desire to abolish it. We must avoid war at all
cost. As one we will accomplish what war has failed to created. Peace. To work in unison with
other countries is the only way to end the tyranny of war. What minute advantages that we may
lose is far outweighed by what we will gain with the lose of war.
To avoid war is to create peace; however, war may be the only option. As Solomon
proclaimed in the book of Ecclesiastes, There is an occasion for everything,a time to love and
a time to hate; a time for war and time for peace (English Standard Version, Eccles. 3.1-8). A
time will come when war is the only option, but it is our duty to give all our effort to avoid it.
The lust of some will over power their conscience, but we must not let our all too human desires
rule us.
When the time comes for us to lead this country will you do what is right or will you
break under pressure? Together we can change the way we decide to wage war, and we will
promote peace, ending the tyranny of war. To end the tyranny of something that has existed from
the beginning of humankind will be no easy task. Many will fail to join. However, accomplish

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this and we shall no longer suffer from the relentless waves of war, but we will rest in peace.
Taking the high road in life can be a lonely trek, but together it will be the trip of a lifetime.


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Works Cited
Astore, William J. "Seven Reasons Why We Can't Stop Making War." CBSNews. CBS
Interactive, n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.
"The Statistics - PTSD Foundation of America | Combat Trauma Support Groups, Camp Hope
Houston, Warrior Shield Fort Hood, Warrior's Shield Radio." PTSD Foundation of
America Combat Trauma Support Groups Camp Hope Houston Warrior Shield Fort
Hood Warriors Shield Radio. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

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