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Zachery Esponda
Ms. Gardner
English 10H, Period 2
5 December 2014

Forced Disarmament

The government is
hard at work, laboring away.
"Look! Look!" they plead.
A house rises from the ashes,
a result of this forced disarmament.
Like an old musty
wood floor, it creaks.
Slowly it erects itself.
The rubble of a mud hut,
a burnt shell of what once
was a humvee,
the skulls of many.
"Look! Look!" they plead.
Begging others to see,
death yet they call it progress.
Their house of success,
it slowly sways,
the roof sagging under the
weight of many.
"Look! Look!" they plead.
They believe their house
is impenetrable, like a
king's fortress. It is everything,
everything but this.
It buckles,
crashing to the ground.
It has been destroyed
by the very beast they created:


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