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Functions of Government - Legislative Branch

The government of Pakistan has three divisions which are

known as Legislative Branch, Executive branch and Judicial
branch. Lets discuss the role of each branch in detail.
Legislative Branch
The legislative division is known as the Parliament, an
expression for government hereditary from the United Kingdom.
The legislative branch consists of two houses:

The National Assembly: The National Assembly is a lower

house and straightforwardly people
elect 342-members
National Assembly.

The Senate: The Senate is an upper house and the ~104senators are circuitously elected for six-year tenure.
The Parliament benefits from parliamentary primacy. All the
Cabinet ministers as well as the PM (Prime Minister) should
also be members of Parliament (MPs), agreement to the
constitution. The PM and the Cabinet representatives are
accountable to the Parliament cooperatively.
The PM and the Cabinet Ministers are mutually responsible to
the Parliament. If there is a policy malfunction or slip on the part
of the government, all the associates of the cabinet are mutually
liable. If a vote of no confidence is approved against the
government, then the government fall down and a new one must
be fashioned.

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