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24 April 2008 Dear friend of Bible Society ‘A government asks Bible Society for help! Can you believe it? projet Vt Gabon, in Africa, has officially asked ‘ba asfe Bible Society for its Scripture-based dana project Good Samaritan to help iif them bring the scourge of HIV/AIDS under control in their country. And Gabon is the sixteenth African country to use this unique Bible project. So effective is Good Samaritan with its refreshingly new and Biblically-based approach to the terrible and widespread problem of HIV/AIDS, that demand for the project far outstrips supply. The creator and developer of Good Samaritan, Konstanse Raen, is a good friend of the Bible Society in New Zealand. Her son lived in New Zealand for a while and she dropped into Bible House in Wellington, when visiting him. So we know her well and have total confidence in her. Now in her 60's, she’s an inspiration She still regularly works 10-hour days, 7-day weeks in the often inhospitable environment of Africa writing, directing, encouraging, lecturing and taking the Good Samaritan project to the desperately needy and sick people of that continent. Her commitment to God through her service to the HIV/ AIDS sufferers and their families in Africa is total Konstanse specifically asked if we in New Zealand could help bridge the huge gap they have between their supply of Good Samaritan Scripture materials, and the demand for it. Some Africans pay what they can afford for the Good Samaritan Scripture materials; many others are so poor they are given them free-of-charge. This is a proven and very successful Bible Society ministry where the Word of God brings fresh hope and a new and better way of life to thousands of Africans. | am both excited and humbled that we have been asked to play a part in this modern-day real-life tragi-drama being played out on the vast stage that is the African continent. Please read the enclosed brochure that tells more of this project, and then prayerfully consider your gift to help meet this great and urgent need Thank you! In Christ Mark. Fore. Rev Mark Brown Chief Executive

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