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8614 Burnhouse Rd.

Puglia, Italy 70121

March 10, 2015
Cool Chill
1234 Street St.
Daxing District, Beijing 102600
Dear Mr. Chill:
Hello there Mr. Chill. I am a representative of Lynns Ice in Puglia, Italy. Now, I know
that there have been recent rumors surrounding us that we are a carbon copy of Ritas,
but as our slogan says, Were Not Ritas! Anyways, I was writing to let you know that
we are interested in being supplied ice by your company. We hope that you will see this
as a key business opportunity to align yourself with one of the up-and-coming
businesses in the Italian Ice market.
Very simply, we need you to supply the ice to our company. Our previous backer and
provider for ice has failed to meet our expectations, something we expect not to happen
with a well-known man in the ice production business like yourself. What we are asking
from you is to produce and deliver the ice to all 3 of our locations with deliveries
happening as regularly as one-week time spans. Obviously you will be well compensated
for the business, and we will be sure to promote your company tastefully with any of our
Statistically speaking, you can expect this to be a profitable venture. Since our creation a
few years ago, our intake has increased 10% each year. We are a company that has been
able to open 2 new locations in just a few short years and show no signs of slowing
down. Now I understand how you might hesitate at the accusations that were a carbon
copy of Ritas italian ice, but I can assure you that those claims are false and
unfounded. If you take a critical look at us as a company, you can understand how great
of an opportunity this could be for you.
I understand Mr. Chill that you are a busy man. You have a well-known business in
ChillChill Ice to maintain and a reputation to uphold. It is exactly those reasons that we
should and must act immediately on this offer. We need ice to be delivered as soon as
possible in order for things to continue running smoothly, so while you are our first
choice, understand we do not have long to make a decision. So Mr. Chill it is with great
urgency I implore you to take us up on this offer and align yourself with the rising
business I represent. Please respond as soon as possible, and we at Lynns Ice look
forward to working with you.
Kyle Rogers, Kyle Marx, Lynn Kamash, John Lauman


John Smith, Lynns Ices Head of Inventory

Kyle Rogers, Kyle Marx, Lynn Kamash, John Lauman

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