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Mathematics 6th Class Ch#02

1. Sets are differentiated into three types depending on the number of

elements they have.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
2. A set containing a finite or limited number of elements is called a _______.
A. finite set
B. Infinite set
C. Both
D. None
3. A set which has an infinite or unlimited number of elements is called an
A. finite set
B. Infinite set
C. Both
D. None
4. Q = {a star in the sky} is a _____ set
A. finite set
B. Infinite set
C. Both

D. None

5. A = {1, 3, 5, 7} is a ____ set

A. finite set
B. Infinite set

D. None

C. Both

6. The empty set is also known as _______ set.

A. null B. void
C. both
D. None
7. The empty set is represented by the Greek letter _____ or ________.
A. phi
B. { }
C. both
D. None
8. Two or more sets may be equal if they have the ______ elements.
A. same
B. different
C. both option
D. None
9. We use the symbol ________ to denote a subset.
10. {1, 3, 5}_________ {3, 5, 1}
C. =
Answers Keys:
1. B
6. C

2. A
7. C

3. B
8. A

4. B
9. A

5. A

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