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24 pages ` 15 ISSN 0972-3366 FORTNIGHTLY

Vol. 16 No.6

Issue Serial # 364 16-31 March 2015





Kerala clashes expose CPMs secular faade

Kozhikode: Sporadic break-outs of political clashes in Nadapuram
in Vadakara Taluk of Kozhikode (Calicut) district in Kerala since
past four decades have so far claimed more than a dozen lives,
maimed hundreds, and have caused destruction to the tune of
several crores. The victims of the clashes between cadres of CPI
(M) and Indian Union Muslim League have always been Muslims
and backward classes.
Since 1970s, CPI (M) played communal politics unlike anywhere else in India, and most often Indian Union Muslim League
played well into their traps. Major riots of 1987-89, 2000-01 and
the minor riots that followed have left irreparable loss to the
Muslim community, both physical and social.
The recent clashes began with the murder of a CPM youth
called Shibin (19) by a group of Muslim Youth League members
at night on 22 January at Thuneri near Nadapuram. Losing no
time, the CPM cadres unleashed an orgy of destruction against
the Muslim community in the locality. The aim it seemed was to
loot and burn the maximum number of households in minimum
time. They started the attacks with a late night steel-bomb attack
on a Muslim house in the night of 22 January. Next day, CPM
declared hartal in the area.
Since Nadapuram is already a communally-sensitive area, it
has a special police patrolling system unlike anywhere in Kerala. In
the morning itself a large police force including ADGP, Rural Police
Chief and other officials of higher rank arrived in the area. Before
Shibins body was brought to Nadapuram from Calicut Medical
College, which is 60 kms from Nadapuram, three Muslim houses
were attacked in Vellur, a nearby village while the police stood by,
watching. While the body was being carried to the funeral ground
in a procession attended by prominent CPM leaders and a massive
number of people, they shouted provocative slogans. If the police
had intervened in time, further arson, destruction and looting could
have been prevented but they didnt. On their way, it is believed,
members of RSS coming in pickup vans and other vehicles joined
them to spread the attacks on Muslims shops, offices of Muslim
parties and vehicles of Muslim institutions. They targeted everything that is Muslim regardless of the victims political or ideological leanings.
Pre-planned, North-Indian Style
It became clear that the attack was preplanned when the funeral
procession reached Vellur near Thuneri. What followed was the
complete destruction of Muslim properties within a radius of two
kilometers. Muslim houses were marked with red flags and other
houses with black to identify one from the other. Victims say that
the attackers came in three groups. Most of the Muslim men had
fled the area fearing retaliation and some were out for Friday
prayer. Only women and children stayed home hoping that police
would come to their rescue. The first group, around 25-30 men,
some were masked and some were not, pelted stones at houses.
This first round was to scare those in the houses and to make
them flee. Police, instead of stopping them, only played the role of
passive onlookers.


Broken house in Nadapuram;

below: houselhold items thrown into well.
Inset: Shibin

Why No Outrage?

Destruction of this magnitude in such a short

period was never seen earlier in Kerala. Use
of a similar chemical has been reported
previously in an incident in which a Muslim
owned textile showroom was destroyed
causing a loss of Rs one crore almost a year
ago in Nadapuram town. Police and forensic
officials say that this special chemical is used
for fast burning. Such chemical was earlier
used in the Gujarat pogroms of 2002.
There is strong circumstantial evidence that there was a sort
of understanding between some police officers and CPM leaders.
Not long after the first team left, came the second team carrying
weapons and forcefully looting gold ornaments worn by women
and children and carrying away everything valuable in the houses. Reportedly, a total of 5 kilograms of gold ornaments, worth
around 1.3 crore rupees, were looted along with large amounts of
money, smart phones and costly electronic items. The attackers
simply took everything they could and destroyed what they could
not. It has even been reported that a woman was robbed while
she was being taken to hospital unconscious in a police vehicle.
Continued on page 21

Inside MG

Two men are accused of rape. Both are arrested and lodged
in a high security prison. One, a Muslim, is dragged from his
prison cell by thousands of youth while the other, a Naga, is
not. The Muslim accused is then stripped naked and attacked
in all possible ways until he falls dead. Then his body is tied
to a motorcycle and dragged all the way over seven kilometers to the city tower where the mutilated body is hung All
this happened in the presence of a mob of some 15000 people, mostly young including school children, and hundreds of
policemen. Thousands are seen in photographs of the ghastly incident as clicking and videographing the bloody spectacle which can amuse only beasts and hard criminals. Yet this
incident failed to stir the nations conscience. It failed to get
shrieking front page headlines. Did not influence the otherwise shrieking channel anchors. No demos, outside the victims native Assam, and no candle light vigils were held.
Earlier too we saw that in a somewhat similar case of the
lynching of a Pune techie, Mohsin Shaikh, there was no outrage. While the whole nation was on its feet, and rightly so,
in Nirbhayas case, there was no outrage for the Delhi
Muslim woman who was gang-raped in her house only days
after the Nirbhaya incident. No outrage for Muzaffarnagar or
for Bodo victims. No outrage for Hashimpura and Bhagalpur
or even for Gujarat 2002 victims. Criminals who killed, burnt
and those who murdered innocents in fake encounters, are
now being released one after the other and yet there is no
outrage. There is only one common denominator here: all the
victims were/are Muslims. Has conscience breathed its last
in Gandhis India? Has civil society too been polarized by the
Modi-Amit duo? We are searching for an answer which will
show if future India is a civilised society or jungle raj.


Dimapur shame



Indian Woman

J&K 10 Analysis 11 Special Reports 3,13 Issues 2,11,13

Speaking Out 11 Books 21 Newsmakers 12 Health 8
Leadership 9 International 16-20 Community News 14-15
Islamic Perspectives 20 Our Publications 19 Letters 23

Whats in Gods names? 22

The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


Encouraging Entrepreneurship & Innovation among Indian Muslims

India is at the cusp of an unprecedented entrepreneurial revolution. Innovation and entrepreneurship are the buzz words in social and business circles. Several platforms like NEN
(National Entrepreneurship Network) have been
created by government and non-governmental
agencies to promote and support budding entrepreneurs.
Not many in our community are aware of
these opportunities or have access to such platforms. This might be due to lack of information,
lack of confidence, lack of direction, or simply
because our community doesnt have an entrepreneurial culture.
Muslims have had a good share of conventional businesses such as brass in Moradabad
leather in Kanpur, carpets in Mirzapur and lockmaking in Aligarh, but not enough is done to
encourage the new-age technology-driven businesses based on innovative ideas. The very
basic understanding of being innovative seems
to be missing. Innovators are not born, they are
made. It is a shift of mindset. Shift from com-

plaining about problems to finding their solutions. And this shift is achieved by having the
right environment around fresh and young
minds. Creating the right culture is crucial.
Interestingly, the Muslim community has no
dearth of financial resources, professional experience or youth. Still we find ourselves at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid. What actually lacks is a systematic approach and passion
to break the status quo at mass level. A lot can
be learnt from communities like Sikhs and Parsis
if we consider the immediate past. Communities
can become self-reliant and economically stable
by adopting an entrepreneurial culture, thus contributing much more substantially towards the
nations development.
Things do not change overnight. If our community wants to bear fruit tomorrow, seeds need
to be sown today. Here are a few measures that
look inevitable for Muslim community to leapfrog
the socio-economic development.
At individual/family level
- Create an environment around young minds
that instils the sense of being responsible for
society and its challenges. Sense of being the

owner of the good or bad and that it is ME who

needs to act, not others
- Encourage kids to find solutions to problems.
Be it social or technical. If there are problems,
there are solutions too--- find them
- Innovation is not rocket science. Finding solutions to common problems is innovation and
putting them to financial benefit is entrepreneurship
- Our educational system is designed to create
good employees, not good employers. Let kids
know the difference. How an employer contributes to the community and nation building.
How are jobs created by new businesses and
how does that matter for the country.
- Above all, business was our beloved Prophets
Sunnah. Encourage kids to learn about historic
contributions made by Muslims to the world
At community level
- Resourceful people should come forward with
a mission to promote and support entrepreneurship
- Create platforms to combine ideas, mentorship
and investment
- Create incubation centres where new ideas can

Mr Sareshwala, Muslims are nobodys fools

In a scathing attack on prominent Muslim
faces and organisations, Zafar Sareshwala, a
business baron of Gujarat and a protg of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
reportedly said, In AIMPLB,
except its president Maulana
Rabey Hasani Nadwi, rest all
are fools. I feel that Muslim
bodies like AIMPLB have no
vision. They have failed to prioritise their issues.
He added: There are other
bodies like the Muslim Majlise-Mushawarat, which became
defunct in 1964, but still its
dead body is being carried on
by some Muslim leaders. It is
stinking now. Another is Milli Council. These
are all redundant (IE, Feb. 20).
In a civilised society, difference of opinion
and approach is welcome. Everybody has the
solemn right to dissent and disagree.
Freedom of speech is a beauty. Islam established this right in its golden era and gave due
space and respect to asking questions. It was
how an ordinary person could question the
size of the shirt of a caliph. Sureshwala has
the right to question the wisdom and strategy
of Muslims to redress their grievances. But he
cannot enjoy the liberty to call persons of
eminence, experience and older in age to him,
fools. His comment symbolises arrogance
and an unacceptable attitude.
What Sareshwala inferred from a meeting
with Maulana Nadwi is blatantly illogical. To
his wisdom, only the president of AIMPLB is
a right-thinking person and all those who
elected him are stupid. Consider the logic.If
the members are wise enough to elect a rightthinking person, how can their wisdom in
other matters be discredited? Certainly,
Maulana Rabey Hasani Nadwi is first among
equals. All members are competent to advise
him and this is why he respects all of them.
Though Sareshwala did not disclose what
transpired during his meeting with the president of AIMPLB, we can imagine that Maulana
Nadwi would have told him that he was bound

to collective decisions of the members. In

most organisations, the president or chairman
follows a democratic system; he does not
decide himself on matters of policy without
consulting others.
If Sareshwala thinks his wisdom and
vision are absolute, then he certainly is a misguided soul.
However, it is not a strange phenomenon. You can find patients
confined to lunatic asylums
claiming to be mentally healthy.
They think all others are mad.
However, the problem arises
when a person, young like
Sareshwala, who has very little
experience and knowledge, calls
elders fool and redundant. Such
badmouthing is against our values. We put such cocky persons
in the category of Sakshies, Adityanaths and
Niranjan Bharties. Certainly, their utterings do
not help their mentor.
Right, Mr. Sareshwala, Muslim leaders
should have some engagement with the ruling
class. But engagement is not a one-way traffic. The ruling class will have to create space
for one-fifth of the population of the country.
Engagement does not mean surrendering our
concerns and keeping our eyes and ears shut
on the outrages the country has been witnessing for the last eight months. We do not
subscribe to your idea: Muslims cannot
remain isolated from a party which is in
power, and Modi should not remain untouchable forever. Permanent animosity against a
political party and its prime ministerial candidate will not help improve the communitys
(situation) (TOI: 24 Nov. 2013). For our principles and for the liberation of our country
from the British, we fought for a hundred
years and made exemplary sacrifices. To
some, mundane comfort is paramount, to us
is our faith and principles.
What are the priorities of Muslim organisations, which have become redundant and
how have Muslims failed to prioritise their
issues? In a nutshell, we want the
Government of India to follow rule of law and
translate guarantees given in our Constitution
into practice. Attacks on Muslims faith and

on their persons and properties have to stop.

They demand non-intervention in their personal laws, religious matters and in their
choice of education until there is a serious
breach of law. What governments have been
doing in the past and at present is utterly
against the assurances and guarantees given
in the Constitution.
These organisations and persons demand
curbs on activities meant to create disharmony among communities. What is Mr.
Sureshwala aiming at? He wants us to keep
our eyes and ears shut, follow and support a
person with a blood-stained history, who represents an organisation whose ideology is
diametrically opposite to our cultural values of
tolerance and the principle of Sarva Dharma
Samabhava, a beautiful concept embodying
the equality of all religions and respect for our
constitutional laws.
Muslim organisations, irrespective of
their popularity among the community, are
law abiding. They do not play stunts for gaining popularity. Most of the persons attached
with these organisations lead a simple and
pious life. They do not need pomp and show.
They do not have their business interests with
the government and therefore they do not
agree to compromise with ideas of those who
are presiding over physical, cultural and political attacks on them and their faith and community in general, and on of Indian social fabric and the foundations of the country in particular.
Let Brother Sareshwala be aware that
people cannot be made fools with one or two
statements until words match actions. We are
not averse to a particular person or party, but
against the actions of persons and the organisation they represent. Mr. Sareshewala,
please do some ground work, go deep into
basic tenets and teachings which are so dear
to Muslim leadership. Also, go into the assurances and the actions of the past and present
rulers. We can assure you that the Muslims,
who have long faced so many traumas, are
ready to come forward. We are still alive to
concrete action and welcome Mr Sareshwala
to discuss in a decent manner all issues
which are of paramount importance for us
and are in the interest of a multicultural India.
The author is a senior Urdu jounalist






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grow and transform into commercial businesses

under guidance of industry experts/ mentors
- Conduct workshops for students to introduce
the idea of innovation and entrepreneurship and
how it helps in building a self-reliant society
- Recognise and award those who despite all
odds have made their mark. This will be a great
motivator for others
In line with the above a start has been made in
Delhi in the form of NIEDA (Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Society). It is an independent society that aims to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among Muslim youth. The societys
mission is to promote and support entrepreneurship at the grassroots level and create employers of tomorrow. The society invites bright
minds with new ideas, mentors who have been
through the rough roads and would now like to
coach and investors who are looking to invest in
You can register to be part of this society, drop a
mail at or fill
details here:
Saad Ashraf, a Delhi-based mechanical engineer,
studied at Jamia Millia Islamia and works for a multinational engineering consultancy firm.

Murdering democracy, bit by bit

What is more pitiable in the 21st century when a state
decides what an individual should eat, what religion
should one profess and whom should one marry? Love
jihad, ghar wapasi and demanding anti-conversion laws
in this age is indeed an insult to the sacred institution of
democracy. Belief system, marriage issues and food
habits in any civilised and democratic society are to be
decided by the individual alone, according to his / her
thinking, ideological compatibility and taste. It is indeed
disgraceful and outrageous when the state decides it for
an individual. It is violation of basic individual rights, a
must in any civilized society. It is certainly the murder of
Implementation of Maharashtra Animal Preservation
Act 1995 and banning beef, however, is not only an
encroachment on the belief system and food habits of
minorities and violation of Individual rights, but also an
economically unwise step.
We ought to know that despite Indias large and varied population of livestock, it lacks in productivity and
output due to poor quality of livestock. Indian animals
lack in stamina for both draught and milk yield. The production of meat is also least satisfactory. It is also pertinent to mention that India has the largest number of cattle in the world, though the income generated from meat
export in 2003-04 was only Rs 1,171.4 crore. Cattle and
buffalo constitute around 30 per cent of the total meat
production of the country every year. Nevertheless meat
industry generates employment and revenue for millions
of people across the country thereby adding to the State
Domestic Product and Gross Domestic Product.
Banning beef in Maharashtra henceforth would curtail the development of meat industry to a great extent
leaving thousands jobless and redundant. Moreover, the
absence of red meat, often called the poor mans meat,
would eventually lead to hike in the prices of mutton and
chicken, pressurising the non-vegetarian chunk of population to rely on much costlier meat.
We also ought to know that milch animals and
draught animals are never brought to the slaughter houses. Only unhealthy, infirm and weak animals are slaughtered for meat. In a state where there is already a shortage of fodder on a large scale, these unhealthy, infirm and
weak animals will have to feed on the fodder which is
meant for healthy animals. Which is again an attack on
the fodder of healthy, milch and draught animals. Another
question associated with it, which is obvious to arise, is
as to who will look after these animals? Will the state do
The writer is PhD scholar at Department of Geography, AMU

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The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015

Over 180 million Muslims in

India but they are not part of
global terror groups: Govt
The government might not have officially released the religious data of Census
2011, but in a presentation before an international delegation in the United States
it said that over 180 million Muslims were living in India, constituting 14.88 per
cent of the total population. It also asserted that despite a large Muslim population in India, there was hardly any case of the community members joining violent pan-Islamic groups. Representing India at the White House hosted Summit
to Counter Violent Extremism last week, Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) chief
RN Ravi told a delegation, where representatives from 60 countries were present,
that the usual alienation of minorities is not valid in the Indian context. Going by
the usual definition of minority, their population is over 260 million, i.e., over 21
per cent of Indias population. There are over 180 million Muslims in India.
Terrorism that India faces has their source often outside the country, he pointed out. Ravi also told the delegation: The recently held elections in Jammu and
Kashmir - a Muslim majority state of the Indian Union - in which over 65 per cent
electorate peacefully cast their votes is a testimony of its success story. He further said, Indias response to violent extremism is calibrated in a way that prevents disproportionate use of force by the State. ( 24 February, 2015)

Muzaffarnagar riot victims wait for justice

The UP government has once again extended the tenure of Sahai Commission
for another six months. The commission was constituted on September 9,
2013 to probe the Muzaffarnagar riots. This is the fifth extension given to the
probe panel. The commission was constituted under the retired judge of
Allahabad High Court, Justice Vishnu Sahai, to probe the reasons behind the
unprecedented riots which resulted in the death of over 50 people and left over
50,000 homeless. According to a notification issued by Principal Secretary
Debashish Panda, the term of the Sahai Commission has been extended till
August 8, 2015. However, a large number of the riot victims believe that they
have been reduced to mere political pawns. Asma Saifi, a 17-year-old girl living in Soran camp of Shamli said, Repeated extension given to the probe panel
is a clear indication that the state government doesnt want to reach any conclusion about the reasons behind the riots, let alone take a corrective measure.
There are two dozen girls in this camp living with their parents. All these girls
used to attend school before the riots. But now we are confined to this camp
where there is no amenity. Echoing her, Mohammad Yasin (74), another riot
victim living in Soran camp said, We are not able to understand what the government wants to do with us. Government officials had met us last time in
January 2012, just before the Assembly elections. They had handed over our
voter cards to us. These cards carried our present refugee camp address.
Interestingly, they also allege that we are living on unauthorised land and they
will bulldoze the camps. He added, The frequent extension given to Sahai
Commission is surprising. Nobody from the commission has come to us to
record our statements. I fail to understand what this panel is doing. Maybe, the
government wants to drag on the inquiry till 2017 Assembly elections. The
commission was initially constituted for two months. Later on, the government
kept extending its tenure. According to estimates, more than 7,000 people are
still living in tents in Muzaffarnagar and Shamli, although SP government
claims that the riot-affected victims have returned to their own houses and no
camps exist there.

Kerala Muslims to set up 100 schools in UP

The Kerala-based organisation Sunni Yuva-jana Sangam (SYS) on 3 March
announced plans to open nearly 100 primary schools in the state of Uttar
Pradesh. The drive, estimated to cost nearly Rs.100 crore, will be funded by
donations collected by the SYS. Though the outfit denies plans to directly enter
UP politics, its office-bearers admitted that it is not averse to forming a pressure group. If you unite and have good numbers, one can form a pressure
group. There is no plan for direct political intervention, but we will decide at the
time of elections, said Dr. AP Abdul Hakeem Azhari, member of the supreme
council of SYS, which claims to have nearly 10 lakh active members. The
organisation plans to set up one or two schools in each town. We will focus
on primary and secondary education. Higher education can be taken care of
later. We have done the homework at ground level and will soon start our programme, said Dr. Azhari, adding that they have planned to involve local
Muslims in setting up the schools. The community people should help themselves. We are open for helping other communities too. The plan will be executed in a few years. Ours is a charity organisation working on humanitarian
grounds, he added. The SYS has already started a technical institute for girls
in UPs Pilibhit district and a medical dispensary for poor in Shahjahnpur. The
organisation came into the news when it donated Rs. 8 lakh each to the kins of
two natives of UPs Deoria and Maharajganj districts who lost their lives during
a mishap in an oil company in Saudi Arabia. RP Hussain, national organiser of
the SYS students' wing, said: So far, we have opened 200 primary schools in
West Bengal, 20 in Jammu and Kashmir and five in Gujarat. AP Aboobacker
Musaliyar, who is also general secretary of All India Sunni Jamiat-ul Ulama, is
at the helm of SYS.

Rihai Manch demands high level

investigation of custodial death
The Lucknow-based civil rights organisation Rihai Manch on 1 March demanded
at Kandhla to set up a high-level enquiry committee to investigate the custodial
death of Nuni Ram of Bareilly and Afzal of Gonda. Shahnawaz Alam of Rihai
Manch said that Nuni Ram had been in jail since 2006. The statement of police
that he was mentally disturbed and he killed himself by chocking his throat with
a muffler, has raised several questions about police behaviour. Similarly, the
death of Afzal in Gonda jail raises questions in view of police claim that he killed
himself by hanging from a tree. The leaders of Rihai Manch expressed doubt on
the actions of police and demanded fair investigation in this regard.


Respond if you care about your community

White Paper on Terrorism

The issue of fake terrorism charges and the unjust arrests and defamation of our community, especially since 2001, is
the biggest challenge facing the community ever since. A grand conspiracy hatched by the powers that be, IB, Police
and media, has sullied and defamed our community. This campaign has affected our lives, peace of mind and has
thwarted our efforts to progress and educate our children to join the national mainstream.
Our efforts so far to present our case, to bring out our innocence and force the national and state governments to
listen to our grievances have mostly failed. All we have received are a few words of solace which have no real meaning
and have not changed the situation on the ground. Our children by their thousands are still languishing in jails on the
basis of fake confessions obtained through torture and blackmail.
As a long-term solution and a serious response to this problem thrust upon us, AIMMM decided last year to bring
out a white paper on the Muslim-related terrorism in the country. The work is going on with all seriousness and many
researchers, scholars and journalists are busy preparing writeups on various aspects of this issue, covering the history, genesis, communalism, vested interests in various related fields, analysis of various laws like TADA, POTA and UAPA,
fake encounters, narco tests, torture, acquittals, IB & Police role, media attitude, case studies, statewise surveys, SIMI,
Indian Mujahidin, Hindutva terror, individual tragedies of victims, Azamgarh, Bhatkal, Malegaon, Darbhanga modules,
some basic documents, etc., etc.
The target is to bring out this white paper during the next few months and to release it in a big convention at Delhi
as a combined effort of major Muslim and civil rights organisations, and thereafter present this huge document of over
600 large format pages to politicians, media, human rights organisations, especially outside the country, in order to
enlighten public opinion at home and abroad as well as to build pressure on our blind and deaf government.
The estimated cost of this white paper is Rs 35 lakh divided as follows: Rs 15 lakh cost of preparation and payments to contributors plus six months salaries to researchers and experts; Rs 15 lakh for designing and printing the
document in a world-class format; while the grand convention at Delhi will cost at least 5 lakh. Effort will be made to
release the White Paper in some state and world capitals also.
You can help this effort in four ways,
1. To buy copies of the White Paper on Terrorism in advance to help defray part of the huge cost of research, printing,
publication and distribution of at least one thousand complimentary copies. The estimated price of the white paper is
Rs 2000 per copy in India. You may place an advance order by paying Rs 1000 only per copy in India including postal
charges). Payments for the copies may be made to The Milli Gazette, D-84 Abul Fazal Enclave-I, Jamia Nagar, New
Delhi 110025. Email: Individuals and organisations ordering a minimum of 100 copies in
advance will be included as Sponsors of the White Paper.
2. Contribute to the cost of the grand convention to be held in Delhi. This should be payable to the All India Muslim Majlise Mushawarat, D-250, Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025. Tel.: 011-26946780 Fax: 011-26947346.
3. Donate your time: If you are a scholar, researcher, journalist: join our team for a few months working in our Delhi
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After Amit Shah, Kataria discharged from Sohrabuddin case

A special CBI court on 26 February discharged Gulab Chand
Kataria, former home minister of Rajasthan, and marble
trader Vimal Patni from the Sohrabuddin Sheikh and
Tulsiram Prajapati fake encounter killing cases. For its verdict, the court cited insufficient evidence.

There is no sufficient ground to proceed against the

accused, special CBI judge MB Gosavi said as he discharged the two from the case. Kataria is the second top
politician after BJP president Amit Shah who had been
charge-sheeted in the two cases but will not stand trial after
similar relief from the court.
According to the CBI chargesheet, Sohrabuddin
Sheikh wanted to spread his extortion racket in Rajasthan
and had demanded Rs 24 crore as protection money from
Patni who then approached Kataria for help. Kataria got in
touch with Amit Shah who later allegedly plotted the entire
operation with the help of Gujarat police, the chargesheet
said, claiming Rajasthans former minister was the link
between Patni and the present BJP chief. However, the
special judge, while discharging the duo, held that there
was no evidence to show any link between Patni and

Quote, Unquote
...our government, as usual, prefers to brush reality under the
carpet; ignore the message and shoot the messenger. The
home of the BBC co-producer in Delhi is ringed by police; the
order of an Indian court is sought to be imposed on the
freedoms of other societies; people worldwide are decrying
the thin-skinned intolerance of a supposedly democratic
government. And of course, far more people are rushing to
see the film than would have been the case if the Indian
Government hadnt reacted with such childish petulance...
But as has become obvious over the last nine months of
rhetoric divorced from results, the BJP government cares
much more for appearances than reality. Not only has it taken
no steps to promote the security of women in India, failing to
introduce even better street lighting or more frequent police
patrols in the national capital (which it controlled directly

Another convict in Naroda Patiya riot gets bail

The Gujarat High Court on 27 February granted bail to one
of the 31 convicts of Naroda Patiya riot case of 2002. As
many as 97 people were killed at Naroda Patiya during postGodhra riots. The division bench of Justices RR Tripathi and
RD Kothari granted bail to Kirpal Singh Chhabda who was
the personal assistant to former Gujarat minister Maya
Kodnani who was convicted in the same case. The bail has
been granted on the ground of parity. Chhabdas petition
said he should be released as Kodnani had already been
granted bail on 30 July, 2014. Further, none of the witnesses had alluded to his overt role in the riot, it said.

The Supreme Court-appointed special investigation

team had opposed his plea. Special prosecutor Prashant
Desai argued that Kodnani was granted bail only on the
ground of deteriorating health, which was not the case
here. Chhabda had been awarded life sentence by the trial
court. Kodnani was the MLA from Naroda at the time of
riots. She was later made minister of state for women and
child development in 2007 but had to resign after her arrest
in the case in March 2009.
under Presidents Rule), but its budgets have cynically
ignored womens needs, aside from slogans. In the latest BJP
budget delivered by Mr Jaitley, funding for the national rape
crisis centres announced last year has been slashed from Rs.
244.48 crore to a mere Rs. 18 crore
Data released by the office of the Registrar-General of
India on Monday shows us the far-reaching effects of the
prevalence of our attitudes towards women in our society.
Between the last two censuses, the growth in the number of
male children born in India was higher, at 5.44 per cent, than
the growth in the number of girls born, which was far lower at
4.69 per cent. The sex ratio at birth as a result was slightly
worse in 2011 than it was in 2001.We are heading
remorselessly towards an aurat-mukt BharatIt is we
Indians who need to see it and be provoked into changing our
own society. Let it make us ashamed. Let it make us angry.
Let it shame us into changing our societys misogynistic

SHASHI THAROOR, 7 March, 2015

The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015

Adityanath spews venom

BJP MP Yogi Adityanath recently claimed that the main problem of the
country was not hunger or poverty but jihadi politics. He was speaking
at a Maha Hindu Sammelan organised by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and
the Bajrang Dal at Rohtak on 23 February. During the speech Adityanath
claimed that Muslim-dominated areas remained sensitive for the countrys security. He also said, When India wins a cricket match, people
mourn it. The countrys problem is not hunger or poverty but this politics
of jihadi junoon. Adityanath said a similar situation existed in eastern
Uttar Pradesh till some years ago. We rectified it there, you do it here,
he said. VHPs ghar wapsi programme would continue unless conversions were banned, he declared. He alleged that anti-national activities
were planned in Muslim areas and secularists should answer his questions. In Hindu society, everyone felt safe, every mother and sister felt
safe. There was a guarantee of safety of each and every religious sect
there, he asserted. But why does a Muslim area feel insecure? Why do
anti-national activities begin from there? Why do they give space to jihadi fervour and anti-India slogans?, Adityanath asked rhetorically. He
demanded a uniform civil code and said a Ram temple would be built in

Over 2.6 lakh infants in Guj. malnourished

The Gujarat government has admitted to the state assembly that malnutrition levels among children across the urban and rural areas are
high. Over 2.66 lakh children were found malnourished according to
their weight-to-age ratio by officials of the Integrated Child
Development Scheme (ICDS), which covers children in the age group
of zero to six years. The Gujarat government claims that the state is
an economic engine of the country with progressive urban centres,
but malnutrition levels in urban areas are much higher than the rural.
In an internal document that was not disclosed in the assembly,
officials noted that malnutrition levels in urban areas were much higher than in the rural hinterlands, and that 50 per cent of urban areas
lacked basic infrastructure like water and sanitation.

Maharashtra govt scraps Muslim-quota in education

The BJP-led government in Maharashtra on 3 March scrapped an
ordinance issued by the previous government providing reservation
for Muslims, despite the Bombay High Court allowing quota for the
community in educational institutions. The Devendra Fadnavis-led
government, which had earlier said that it was against reservation on
religious grounds, did not indicate if it plans to introduce a law to
replace the ordinance, which lapsed in December last year. The ordinance dated December 23, 2014 could not be converted into an Act.
In view of this situation, we have decided to scrap this ordinance,
said a circular issued on 3 March by the General Administration
Department. The previous Congress-NCP government had issued an
ordinance on July 11, 2014 allowing 16 per cent reservation for
Marathas and five per cent for Muslims in government-run schools
and colleges as well as jobs. The government had decided to provide
a five per cent reservation to 50 Muslim communities by including
them under a newly formed category - Special Backward Category-A.
The decision was challenged in the Bombay High Court which, in a
judgment on 14 November last year, struck down the reservation for
Marathas while allowing five per cent quota for Muslims in educational institutions but not in jobs. Meanwhile, after coming to power in the
state, the BJP-led government challenged the overturning of the quota
for Marathas and appointed a committee to suggest potential solutions, but it did not make a similar move to examine the HC order on
Muslim reservation in jobs. The state government also allowed the
ordinance to lapse on December 23 and chose not to extend it, thus
depriving Muslims of reservations even in the education sector which

was allowed by the High Court.


Question of the hour

The lynching of an alleged rapist in Nagaland is a sign that the rest
of the country may soon emulate the example of Naga people if
the government and judiciary keep dithering over the dubious rape
laws and not punishing the perpetrators of rapes in keeping with
the magnitude of their crimes. Most of the rapists are at large
because the social stigma attached to rapes makes the victims
refrain from reporting and those whore arrested, enjoy their cosy
and comfortable stay in prisons at taxpayers hard-earned money.
Instead of despatching the remaining four killer-rapists to the gallows in the Nirbhaya rape case nearly three years ago, government, judiciary and media are cashing in on the opportunity as a
healthy debate as to whats moral and whats not! Why cant all
rapists be confined to the four walls of the prisons till they die?
Why do we still look at rapes with a tinge of titillating anticipation?
As a part of a civilised (?) society, we need to introspect and ask
ourselves, why rapes still give us a perversely voyeuristic thrill?
Mind you, this pervert kinkiness of the general public in rape
cases indirectly emboldens the criminals and would-be rapists.
Why cant we all demonise rapes in chorus is the question of the
hour that we all must ask ourselves.

Ban on cow-slaughter:
A sectarian dietary idiosyncrasy
Maharashtra governments blanket ban on cow-slaughter reeks of
Hindutvavad because its a general perception that Muslims and
also Christians eat beef. From a pure humanitarian point of view,


Gujarat riots: All 70 acquitted in Sesan Nava attack

On 13 February, a local court in
Gujarats Banaskantha district
acquitted all 70 accused in the
Sesan Nava attack after witnesses
turned hostile and retracted their
statements and the police failed to
produce material evidence against
the rioters. Around 4,000 to 5,000
rioters attacked the village on
2 March, 2002, killing 14 Muslims
and injuring 34 others, while two
Hindus died in firing by the police.
Havribibi, a riot-victim from
Sesan Nava village whose hands
were chopped by the mob during
the attacks, said, There must
have been around four to five thousand rioters, I couldnt count the
numbers. They came with swords
and rifles and pistols, and started
to set homes on fire. Women were
screaming, and men were running
around to find a place to hide their children.
She lost her hands before she could
run away. She remembers the hacking
blows, the blood, and the sight of the
hands falling to the ground. The arid village deep inside Deodar in Banaskantha
district was home to over 1,000 Muslims.
This area is now dominated entirely by
Hindu Darbars and Thakurs.
Among the Muslim families of the village, the anger at the acquittals was palpable. Despite simmering hostility
towards the attackers some of the
Balochs decided to compromise. There
was widespread frustration at the surrender.
Moharram Khan Baloch, who was the
sarpanch of the village during the 2002
riots, said, After the riots, a BJP leader
came to the Deodar darbar (an informal
court of the village), and suggested a
compromise with the Hindus. It was done
on condition that after that deal, not a single incident of violence from either side
would be allowed, and that any incident
would break the deal immediately.
We, however, didnt take back the
complaints. But a few among us, including the complainant in the case, sold
out, Moharram Khan added.
Another resident, Rustam Khan, who
was among those who had refused to
compromise, expressed frustration at the
outcome. I fought for the people of my
community, but they were lured by false
promises. The Hindus came to promise
peace after they had killed our people. It
was a fraud, just a ploy to escape the
consequences, he said.

A scene from Gujarat 2002

Khan added, I went to the High

Court with names of 35 people who were
not arrested by the police, but in vain.
Even those arrested got bail due to the
compromise. Some people like Haji (the
complainant) managed to influence people with money and scare them by saying
they would all be killed, and changed
statements. Haji cheated all of us.
Defence lawyer B K Joshi said, It is
true that a compromise was brokered
between the groups by the BJP leader
Gumansinhji Vaghela. This was done only
to bring peace to the two communities,
and the Muslims agreed. The village collected money as compensation, and gave
Rs 1.50 lakh to the family of every
deceased, and Rs 50,000 to the injured,
apart from the governments compensation.
Prosecution lawyer D V Thakur said
that 63 of the 190 witnesses in the case
were victims who initially testified against
the accused. As many as 59 of them,
however, subsequently retracted statements made to the police during investigations. More importantly, the Sesan
Nava case was not among those probed
by the Supreme Court-appointed SIT
which gave a clean chit to Modi.
However, senior advocate Raju
Ramachandran, appointed by the
Supreme Court to investigate allegations
of Narendra Modis complicity in the
Gujarat riots, said that there appeared to
be enough grounds for a case to be made
out against Modi. He had said, the
offences which can be made out against
Shri Modi, at this prima facie stage
include promoting enmity between dif-

killing any animal, not just a cow or bullock, is a tad moral issue.
But beef-eating has always been projected as a sectarian dietary
idiosyncrasy, confined to the Muslims only. The ancient Vedic history of India will bail me out that beef-eating was not just common, it was a Brahaminical culinary prerogative (read Dr Bhimrao
Ambedkars proscribed book The Riddles of Hinduism, p. 33).
Forget the old references, even modern elite Hindus love to gorge
on a succulent beef-steak or a roasted beef tenderloin. My very
dear Hindu friend, a DU undergraduate, relishes beef and was
upset to read that Maharashtra banned beef-eating. Shes a
Brahmin and loves non-veg. My point is: Why this ban has been
promulgated when BJP came into being? The CM of Maharashtra
is a paper-stamp who was an active RSS activist in his younger
days. If government is so concerned about cows or animals, ban
the slaughter of goats and the consumption of all types of meat.
What a pity, a poor cow is being made a political and vindictive
issue by this government, which has so far spread just hatred and
little else.

Jihadi-John: A victim of
Every mans a victim of circumstances. Only a few overcome
the adverse circumstances. Most of the human beings yield
to them and act as circumstances want them to (Leo Tolstoy
in War & Peace). Im quoting Tolstoy not as an apologist, taking up Muhammad Emwazi aka Jihadi Johns case of gradual
radicalisation, but as a dispassionate analyst taking no ones
side. Rediff. com (March 2) has carried a perceptive analysis
on Emwazi, reasoning how a shy and quiet boy turned a radical Muslim and a ruthless executioner. I too have been following British broadsheets and articles in English, Persian

ferent groups on grounds of religion and

acts prejudicial to the maintenance of
Similarly, Justice H Suresh, a retired
Bombay High Court judge, was part of a
peoples fact-finding committee which
travelled to Gujarat in May 2002, after
communal violence, claimed that Pandya
had told his panel that Modi had asked
policemen to give rioters a free hand. He
further said that he was surprised that
Raghavans team could have taken
Pandyas statement into account. Haren
Pandya was the Gujarat Home Minister in
February-March 2002 when the communal riots tore the state apart. Pandya later
was stripped of his ministers post by
Modi. He was also denied a ticket to contest the 2002 Assembly elections. In
March 2003, Haren Pandya was found
murdered after a morning walk.
In April 2011, Sanjiv Bhatt, who was
a senior police officer in 2002, said that at
a meeting Modi told him and other policemen to allow Hindus to take revenge for
the killing of 59 karsevaks on the
Sabarmati Express at Godhra railway station. But the SIT concluded that Sanjiv
Bhatts testimony was not reliable
because he was nursing a grudge against
the government as he was sidelined by
the Modi administration.
The courts decisions and SITs
report must be respected in each incident
of Gujarat riots, but the statements and
observations made by Justice H Suresh,
Haren Pandya and Sanjiv Bhatt too cannot
be ignored. These could have changed
the course of justice if taken seriously.


and Arabic which grudgingly admit that he was being hounded since 2009 by British intelligence and that turned his life
into a veritable hell. The Persian adage, Tang aamad, ba jang
aamad (pushed to the wall, one finally retaliates) flashes
through the mind in this regard. We often say in English that
even a worm will turn at last and a deer also hits back when
theres no option left to defend itself. This applies to Emwazi
and also to many innocent Muslim youth whove been languishing in Indian prisons without trials. If such youth get radicalised and resort to violence, whos actually responsible for
their negative transformation? I reiterate, Im not defending
Emwazi and categorically condemn him for his heinous
deeds. Im just stating the facts and circumstances that contribute to a persons changed behaviour and his/her radicalisation. People like Emwazi are full of grievances against the
system, that has never been very cordial to the immigrants
(read, Muslims). Emwazi was born in Kuwait and came to
England with his parents at the age of six. Those whove lived
in England for a considerable period will concur with me that
its very difficult for an immigrant to be a part of the British
social milieu. If s/he happens to be a Muslim, its all the more
difficult because England has been suffering from
Islamophobia for many decades. The jibes, that an outsider to
England (and also in the US or all white-dominated countries)
is constantly subjected to, may break the backbone of a lesser mortal. Despite having lived in the UK for nearly two
decades and studied at its finest varsities, I couldnt penetrate
the hymen of English social set-up and always felt socially
marginalised. Such recurrent insults can radicalise and provoke any individual. The time has come for the rest of the
world to get to the roots of the psycho-social realities that
lead a man to certain behavioural changes and patterns.



The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015

Communal forces on rampage all over the country

forced to live in unhygienic and crowded
shanties since they still wait for compensation to
live a decent life.
Ghaziabad: Tension gripped Shahadpur village in Muradnagar area of Ghaziabad on
February 22 when some miscreants damaged
an eidgah under Bhojpur police station. Police
rushed to the eidgah and got it repaired. Only
then the protesting people calmed down.
Villagers demanded that the miscreants who
tried to create tension in the village must be
brought to justice.
SP Ghaziabad, Jagdish Sharma, said that a
complaint was registered and police had been
trying to find out those who damaged the
Dhaka: The atmosphere got tense on 22
February in Dhaka, East Champaran of Bihar,
when the Hindu community planned to take out
a kalash yatra by a mosque after a new temple
was constructed there. Local Muslims objected
to the yatra through the mosque area as it had
never happened before. Then, under the supervision of police officials, the yatra was taken to the
newly-constructed temple without loud music.
The police successfully handled the situation.
Ballia: Tension gripped Rasra town of Ballia
district on 22 February when revenue personnel
tried to vacate the land of a graveyard
encroached by some shop-owners. Some days
back, the Muslim community had complained at
the office of SDM that some shop-owners had
encroached upon a part of the graveyard situated on Mau Road. When the revenue department
personnel started fencing the graveyard and
tried to vacate the encroached land, the illegal
occupants started stone-pelting and set a vehicle on fire. In the clash, police and revenue personnel were injured. The police have registered
complaint against 108 people and are looking
for the miscreants.
Deoband: Clashes took place in the village
of Imlia near Deoband when Hindus and
Muslims clashed on the issue of watering agricultural fields, injuring more than a dozen people. Police personnel controlled the situation
with heavy deployment of police forces. A small
fight soon led to a big clash when the field of one
Salim was flushed with water by one Battu Ram
destroying the former's wheat crops. Battu Ram
alleged that a group of people came to his house
with lathis and started to attack him and his family. The CO of the local police station, Sereshpal
Singh said that the fight started over flushing of
water into Salim's farm which destroyed his
crop. He added that an investigation will be

made on the basis of the complaints made by

both the parties.
Mangalore: A case was registered on 3
March against a facebook user who is accused
of having posted hate comments against
Christianity, after the community leaders lodged
a complaint against him for disrupting peace
and harmony. A delegation of Christian leaders
submitted a memorandum to the City Police
Commissioner S Murugan and Deputy
Commissioner A B Ibrahim, complaining that
hate comments had appeared on a newsportal's
facebook page and sought action against the
accused. Based on the complaint, a case was
registered in Pandeshwar police station. The
facebook user, identified as Shriram
Yadapaditthaya, praised Sadhvi Balika Saraswati
who supported "Ghar Wapsi" during her speech
at the Hindu Samaj Utsav here on 1 March. This
person also criticised the Christian community
in his comments on the facebook. The portal
later deleted the comments from the page.
However, Christian leaders in their complaint
said Shriram's derogatory comments amounted
to a direct attack on the Christian community.
"The person has done gross injustice to
Christianity, Indian values and to Hindu religion.
As that person is a threat to the peace and harmony of society and he should be taken into
custody immediately," the complainants said.
Balrampur: An incident of rape of a minor
Muslim girl occurred on 4 March in the area of
Bela police station of Balrampur in Uttar
Pradesh. In the night of 3 March around 9 pm
when the girl went to fetch water from the handpump outside her house, Puja Ram and Malik
Ram, both from Bela village, kidnapped the girl
and later raped her. When the girl was found in a
field in the morning, people reported this immediately to the nearest police station. The victim
had registered a complaint against two persons
who were arrested by the police and were
booked under different sections. In a separate
incident, an eight-year old girl was raped on 28
February in the village of Bishanpur Khirana in
Balrampur. Though police has arrested the culprit and slapped Section 376 and POSCO, local
leaders said that the culprit should have been
booked under stringent sections.
Sant Kabir Nagar: Atmosphere got tense
here on 4 March in the village of Musahra when
activists of the Hindu extremist group Hindu
Yuva Vahini threatened to demolish a newly-constructed minaret. Viewing the sensitivity of the
situation, a PAC force along with local police
personnel was deployed in the area to prevent

any untoward incident.

A Crisis In Governance

of holding of family silver of public sectors like

ONGC and even of State Bank of India and other
public sector corporations to, amongst others,
these very private companies. It has also
announced that its tax policies will be corporate
The Government has unashamedly
announced that it will not appeal against
Bombay High Court judgment or amend the law
retrospectively to nullify the effect of Vodafone
judgment by the Supreme Court (which many
eminent jurists say requires reconsideration
even ignoring Solicitor Generals advice to file
appeal) which shows such close link with corporate lobby. The loss from change of law will
continue to deprive Union government of tax
receipts from future transactions also, and will
be big drain on our economy.
Recently, in parliamentary recess the Union
government slyly issued ordinance, especially
land ordinance, to almost pulverise the provisions of new Land Acquisition Act. The Supreme
Court had said that in spite of the ordinance the
Acquisition would lapse if compensation has not
been paid within the stipulated time as, the ordinance does not have specific retrospective
effect. But as the government is committed to
bring in the amendments to help Big Business it
has no blushes to give assurance to Big
Business that it will change the law retrospectively, to help them rather than the farmers. This
apprehension of landholders arises from the
much publicised scheme of Modi government
expediting its scheme of Delhi - Mumbai corridor
which will result in displacement of thousands of
farmers and other residents. This is one of the
cruelest of ventures by the Corporate Sector
friendly Modi Government and is already being
opposed by N.B.A. and Socialist Party (India)
and other human right organisations.
Another urgent matter calling for attention is

the inhumanity against the poor in Delhi who

though on paper have the right to free treatment
in some of the Private hospitals which had been
allotted land at concessional rates, (as directed
by the courts in a Petition filed by Peoples Union
for Civil Liberties) the position is that 40 per cent
beds remain vacant.
Another scandal continuing from UPA government in 2005 is of Special Economic Zone 50 per cent of allotted land remains unused. A
Parliamentary Standing Committee in 2007 had
estimated a revenue loss of Rs. 1.75 lakh crores
from tax holiday granted between 2005 and
2010. The SEZs were touted to lead to export
boom and earn foreign exchange. The reality is
that less than 48 per cent of existing SEZs are
engaged in export activity - but only 3.8 per cent
of exports came from these Zones in 2013 - 14.
How deceitful can you get?
Any party which seeks to speak for the poor
in the country should be ashamed at the gross
deprivation and inequality persisting in our country. According to 59th round of NSSO survey
estimates the average net worth of the top 10
per cent of the population in India was 380 times
that of the bottom 10%. The net worth could
support consumption for 23 years for the top
bracket and less than three months for the bottom one. The report said that the total billionaire
wealth represented about 10% of Indias GDP in
Can this vulgar inequality be allowed to continue? If Modis economic pattern is allowed to
continue it will become worse. Only socialistoriented policies can checkmate it. Will the socalled secular, progressive parties make a joint
programme front along with trade unions and
farmers Unions to meet this challenge by the
combined onslaught of partnership of Global
and Indian corporate giants?

Muslim families flee UP village

Tension grew in Madhupur village near
Kushinagar of east UP after 150 Muslim families
fled their village. It is said that Muslims left the
village fearing attack by the cadres of Hindu
Yuva Vahini, led by the BJP leader Yogi
Adityanath, after a clash over the ownership of a
plot. Police personnel have been deployed in the
Additional district magistrate of Kushinagar,
Ram Kewal Tiwari said, Tension prevailed in the
area because of a conflict over a plot. There
were small fights, too. Feeling threatened by the
Hindu Yuva Vahini, these Muslim families left the
village. This Hindu outfit has been active in the
area and often organises meetings.
Hindu Yuva Vahini organised a public gathering on 23 February in support of Hindus. The
Vahini allegedly demanded Muslims to transfer
the ownership of the land, which is around one
and a half acre, to the Hindus of the village, or it
would call a maha panchayat on March 3. The
state president of Hindu Yuva Vahini, Sunil
Singh, claimed that one of its members,
Digvijay Kishore Shahi, was beaten by Muslims
when he protested against encroachment on the
land. The locals say that there has been a conflict over the land between Digvijay and one
Amin. A clash also took place between Hindus
and Muslims on 13 February.
Saharanpur: One more attempt was made in
Saharanpur to create communal tension on 22
February. A Muslim youth, Wais, who runs a
computer shop in the neighbourhood of Arbi
madarsah, went to Moreganj to purchase papers
for his shop. While returning from there, he was
stopped and his name was asked by some
youth who started beating him. Somehow Wais
escaped and reached home. The people of his
area got enraged over the issue and started
protesting against these communal elements
who had been trying to create communal tension. It is to be noted that on February 17 a
Muslim youth named Jahangir was beaten up by
a group of Hindu youth in Civil Lines area of
Saharanpur. The Muslim youth later succumbed
to his injuries.
On the other hand, the riot-victims of
Kairana have written a complaint letter to the
Saharanpur Commissioner and demanded compensation for the loss of lives and property they
incurred during the riot two years ago. Riots
took place on 8 September, 2013 in which the
houses of Muslims were burnt to ashes and
many were brutally killed. These victims are

The urgency and danger of open onslaught by Big Business on the sanctum
of Indian State has exploded in our face by the recent widespread Corporate
Sector spying including the highest, in the inner most offices of Union of India,
in Oil, Coal, Power Ministries and in security related nuclear arsenals. Secret
Papers of the yet to be announced Budget have also been leaked.

A deep somnolence, lack of direction and
absence of commitment to the constitutionally
directed philosophy of social justice seems to be
enveloping the major existing political parties
enhancing the danger of BJP policy of divisiveness and pro capitalist policies spreading in the
country. This is shown by lack of any response
and consistent policy and programme from the
leftist and secular parties. That may explain the
gushing congratulation they have showered on
Aam Admi Party (AAP).
No doubt AAP is entitled to all praise over its
massive win in Delhi. But for any political parties
and individuals to so believe and act that AAP
can be an instrument of change in political and
social life of the country is like wanting to see a
rainbow in the sky during afternoon blazing sun.
I say this because AAP believes in private economy being the solution to the countrys ills and
poverty. It so specifically said in its Manifesto
that; Government should not be in the business
of running business. AAP is not against capitalism as such but only crony capitalism - this
is a wrong thinking. By just emphasising crony
capitalism the evil and the unsuitability of capitalism for the development of our country is
deliberately papered over - evil of the capitalism
itself is the real danger.

The urgency and danger of open onslaught

by Big Business on the sanctum of Indian State
has exploded in our face by the recent widespread Corporate Sector spying including the
highest, in the inner most offices of Union of
India, in Oil, Coal, Power Ministries and in security related nuclear arsenals. Secret Papers of
the yet to be announced Budget have also been
This action is more awesome than mere
spying. Modi government is all praise for
Corporate Sector. It publicly professes that the
country can only progress through the instrumentality of private sector. If with all the favours
from Modi government, the highest in the corporate sector are on a path to destroy the inner
sanctity of the corridors of policy making state,
BJP needs to scrutinise more closely its open
alliance with Corporate Sector.
It is still more worrisome when it is known
that another complaint against the same corporate company has been pending enquiry
notwithstanding the complaint by Enforcement
Directorate (ED) made in 2013 to Reserve Bank
of India, about the legality of a loan of over Rs.
6000 crore given to the dummy of this very corporate giant. And still ironically the Union
Minister of Finance has announced that it plans
to do disinvestment to the extent of Rs. 45,000
crore in Financial Year 2015-16 by selling a part

VHP rejects fresh proposal to

resolve Ayodhya dispute
In a fresh effort to resolve the Babri Masjid-Ram
Janambhoomi dispute, the main litigant, Hashim
Ansari, on 23 February met Akhara Parishad
Mahant Gyan Das to formulate a new proposal
to be put before the Supreme Court. The proposal, based on out-of-court settlement, suggests
that the 70 acres of disputed premises would
accommodate both mosque and temple with a
partition wall a 100 feet high.
Ansari met Gyan Das, who is also the head
priest of Ayodhyas famous Hanuman Garhi
temple, on several occasions to find a solution
to the complex issue that has remained unresolved for decades. The idea behind the plan is
to find a middle path keeping in mind the sensibilities of both Hindus and Muslims.
We are putting in the final points of a negotiation draft, which will be presented before the
Supreme Court soon after the hearing starts. We
will be meeting the Prime Minister too to seek
his cooperation, Das said after the meeting.
However, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on
24 February rejected the proposal. The VHP
Joint Secretary Surendra Kumar Jain said, This
is not the first time that such a proposal has
been floated. This type of conspiracy can never
happen. To think that a temple and a mosque
should be constructed together is evidence of
mental bankruptcy. Jain asserted that the proposal was an insult to judiciary. These people
are not aware of law. We cannot accept this.
Strongly defending the ghar wapsi programme of Hindu organisations, he described
the initiative as a kind of vaccination to kill the
virus of hatred. At the same time, he supported
enactment of a law against religious conversion.
Communal tension in Gorakhpur on Holi day
Gorakhpur: Communal tension erupted in
Rasoolpur here due to playing Holi. The dispute
started when colours were hurled at people
going to mosque for Friday prayers. It soon converted into a clash during which the miscreants
hurled stones at Muslim localities and a number
of stabbing cases were also reported in which 3
youth were injured. A police force rushed to the
area where the situation is tense but under control. Meetings are being held between sane people of both communities to bring the situation to


The writer is a former chief justice of Delhi high court

The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


Asian countries, particularly in India, we

see that with the social and economic
changes accompanying the introduction of
better transport, communication, industries
and modern education during colonial period,
there was a rise of new classes in the form of
businessmen, industrialists, skilled workers and
educated classes. They formed secular organisations, with secular democratic Indian nationalism
as the goal, like Hindustan Socialist Republican
Army (Bhagat Singh), Independent Labour Party,
Scheduled Castes Federation (B.R.Ambedkar)
and the overarching Indian National Congress
(Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Mahatma

Religion, Politics and Violence

Massacre of hundreds of children in Peshawar by Pakistani
Taliban; murders, kidnappings
by Boko Haram, an Islamist
group, and the attack on Paris
cartoon magazine Charlie
Hebdo, leading to the death of
16, have occurred in a short span of a few weeks.
The popular perception of relationship between
violence and Islam got a further boost. The term
Islamic Terrorism, which was created by US
media in the aftermath of 9/11, got more airing.
The acts of terror kill the innocent. The Quran
(chapter V verse 32) says that killing an innocent
person is like killing the whole humanity and saving a single person is like saving the whole
humanity. Still the impression continues that currently most of the dreaded acts of terror are committed by Muslims. Not too long ago we did witness acts of terror from the like of Andres Behring
Brevik (Norway) and the Buddhist Ashin Wirathu
(Myanmar). Swami Aseemanand is in jail and has
confessed to the acts of terror. The teachings of
the Quran notwithstanding, there are some
Muslims who take to senseless killings. The question is, are such acts due to Islam or Muslims as
such? How does one understand the association
of religion with acts of violence?
At the cost of broad generalisations one can
say that most of the prophets of religions focused
on some issue of injustice in the society and
called for peace and non-violence in their own
historical context. Society was either based on
pastoral or agricultural mode of production and
tribal group and chiefdoms were the main pattern
of organisation of society. Religions, which began
as moral edicts had added social and communitarian functions as well. Clergy became the leading component of religions. The spread of the
message of prophets also led to the institutionalisation of religions, which added one more dimension to the broad umbrella provided by religion as
a social phenomenon. These institutions built

around religions became a significant part. Those

controlling levers of power gradually allied with
the religious institutions; and these institutions
came to be patronised by the rulers. In turn, the
institutionalised religions legitimised the power of
the king and landlord. The king was presented as
the shadow of God on the earth.
The alliance of king and clergy was best seen
in the alliance of the king and Pope. In other religions contexts it became Nawab-Shahi Imam,

In the religious nationalist organisations initially only kings and

landlords were there. Later, some educated and upper-caste elite,
and still later sections of middle class, also joined in. Here the
communitarian identity of religion was exploited by the declining
classes to protect their social and political interests.
Raja-Rajguru, for example. Currently, in Pakistan
and Myanmar mostly the institutions of religions
and the dominating army are hand in glove with
each other. This is the Atilla the Hun and Witch
Doctor equation as propounded by Ayn Rand. In
Maharashtra, a popular Marathi phrase sums it up
very well: Shetji-Bhatji (landlord-priest). With religions being institutionalised, the collaboration
between kings and clergy became the foundation
of social system where the agricultural producers-craftsmen and other working classes submitted to the system created by the military might
of the king and the ideology of the clergy. The
words of prophets went ultimately into the background. The organisation of clergy was varying,
from the most organised in Christianity to a
decentralised one in Hinduism, to a diffuse one in
Islam where there is no theological justification or
formal institution of clergy.
Here comes the entry of power in the realm
of religion. Kingdoms many a times took the cover
of religion for their goals of power. The kings
expanded or wanted to expand their kingdoms
and put this expansion project to annex other territories in the garb of Crusade, Jihad or
Dharmyudh depending on the religion of the king.
The real use of religions identity, label, can
be seen during colonial period. In most South

Surya namaskar: a
walkover to superstition
First in Madhya Pradesh, and then in Rajasthan, surya namaskar
has been made obligatory in schools. While in MP this peculiar
form of yoga has been prescribed only for government schools,
in Rajasthan private schools have also been asked to observe it.
Accordingly, millions of children of 48,000 schools in Rajasthan,
including 20,000 in private schools and a large number of institutions in MP, are officially instructed to observe sun salutation at
the beginning of school activity every day.
It is strange that all brands of secular sections-socialists,
communists, atheists and religious minorities, except Muslims
and Christians-are reticent on the promulgation of a superstitious
order in the age of science and enlightenment. From among
Hindus, only Arya Samajists have opposed the move. The resistance is confused and half-hearted. It seems that the vast majority of the country is either waiting for emergence of a critical situation or has given an uncritical acceptance to a controversial government move.
The Rajasthan education minister has said that surya
namaskar, yoga and meditation have been made mandatory in all
secondary and senior secondary schools and informed the media
that no one has opposed it in the state. Suwalal, director of
Secondary Education in Rajasthan, said, The order is aimed at
improving the educational environment along with strengthening
mental and physical fitness. However, facts are contrary to the
claim. Some expert comments may be considered here.
According to the American Yoga Association, Yoga exercises are not recommended for children under 16 because their bodies nervous and glandular systems are still growing, and the
effect of Yoga exercises on these systems may interfere with natural growth. Most students of secondary and senior secondary
students fall in that age range. An alternative medicine site warns
that meditation instruction in tender age can cause physiological
or psychological harm such as mania, psychosis, hallucination,
depression and suicidal tendency, nervous breakdown, sudden
surge of heart rates, chronic pain, and split personality.
Dr. James G. Garrick, an orthopedic surgeon and director of
the Center for Sports Medicine at St. Francis Hospital in San
Francisco, said that his clinic saw 39 patients with yoga injuries
in 2002, up from 11 in 2001. Most of the injuries patients suffered
were to the knee, followed by lower back and shoulder. The
injuries resulted from people trying to stretch their bodies into difficult poses that are beyond their physical limitations. Experts are
of the opinion that inverted asanas including padahastasana
should be avoided in glaucoma, inflammatory diseases in the
head region and severe hypertension.
The common guess is that the governments of MP and
Rajasthan have not conducted any medical check-up of the stu-

In contrast to these rising classes the declining classes of landlords and kings pledged their
loyalty to the British and went on to form Muslim
League and Hindu Mahasabha and, later, RSS,
with the agenda of a Hindu nation in course, of
In the religious nationalist organisations initially only kings and landlords were there. Later,
some educated and upper-caste elite, and still
later sections of middle class, also joined in. Here
the communitarian identity of religion was exploited by the declining classes to protect their social
and political interests. When they said my religion in danger they meant my political interests
in danger. They also indulged in Hate the other
propaganda, leading to communal violence and
subsequent partition of the country. Here we see
religion being used as a cover, the religious
nationalism to hide their feudal values of caste
and gender hierarchy. Similarly, the cover of
Buddhism has been used by political tendencies
in Srilanka and Myanmar.
With the coming in of imperialism, the US as
a superpower dominated the global scene. Two
superpowers, the USSR and the USA, were in the
game of Cold War. The US later planned and used
Islam to counter the Socialist bloc. It meticulous-

dents for giving them clearance for yogic exercises, nor have they
followed age-specific advice of experts. It is not clear whether
policymakers have made provisions for compensation if any harm
comes to a student during the falsely celebrated exercise. It can
be imagined that the departments concerned would not have
developed monitoring mechanism to watch health complications
apprehended to occur as a consequence of wrong decision to
practice yoga, human error and system failure. It is the responsibility of the government to fix compensation in case of such ravages, which are sure to occur.
It should be noted that the tradition of surya namaskar is
embedded in age old superstitions around sun worship. There
was a time when mankind was not aware about stars larger than
the sun. It was not known at that time that the sun is not a divinity but a large ball of hydrogen gas which burns, changes to helium and thus illuminates the world. Ancient people were unaware
that many kinds of sun rays are harmful for life on the earth. They
were ignorant about the existence of UVA and UVB rays which
originate from the sun and penetrate the atmosphere and play an
important role in conditions such as premature skin aging, eye
damage (including cataracts), and skin cancers and that they also
suppress the immune system, reducing ones ability to fight off
these and other maladies. They did not know that it is the ozone
layer which saves all kinds of life from harmful radiation of the sun
in the absence of which life would not have been possible on the
earth. So the ignorant man started worshipping the sun as a central power in the perceived universe. In fact, ozone layer deserves
more of human reverence than the sun so long as protection of
life on earth is concerned.
Science has made it possible to grapple with truth more
intensely. Yet, there are people who prefer pseudo-science to science, fiction to fact and mythology to history. That too is happening now in the name of education.
The country saw a few years back an orchestrated and widespread drama of milk-drinking Ganesha by using the science of
siphon. Thank God, the scientific community came forward to
blow up the miracle before the event could get scientific legitimacy. The same forces are active in other guises, but the present
silence of the scientific community is astonishing.
Conservative sections of the country have started imposing superstitious beliefs on others after attaining power at the
Centre. Gujarats BJP government made it mandatory to
observe Saraswati Pujan on the day of Basant Panchami and
other state governments run by the party are playing with the
educational system through other gimmicks at the cost of
It is on record that Raja Bhavan Rao Srinivas of Aundh
preached surya namaskar for the first time in the schools of his
small state in the Maratha region through his 1928 composition
The Ten Point Way of Health. The earliest direct reference to sun
salutation has been traced in A Short History of Aryan Medical
Science published in 1896 by Simhaji, a lesser-known writer.
These two instances make it evident that surya namaskar has
nothing to do with mainstream Hinduism or some ancient Hindu

ly used a version of Islam for indoctrination of the

youth. These youth were used to fight against
Soviet Russia and later the same indoctrinated
youth are tormenting parts of the world. This
phase of religion as a cover of political goals
begins with the formation of Israel in the aftermath of World War II, the eviction of 14 lakh
Palestinians from their home and hearth. In due
course, to protect its oil interests the US-Britain
nexus overthrew the democratically elected
Mossadegh government in Iran in the mid-50s.
This chain of events did lead to coming to power
of Ayatollah Rohullah Khomeini in 1979. At this
point the US media coined Islam, the new
threat. Socialism as the threat was in decline and
Islam was coming up as the new threat to the
Free World. In its design to use all methods to
crush the socialist bloc, the US encouraged the
madrasas in Pakistan, where the Wahabbi version
of Islam was introduced as a part of the training
module designed in Washington. This version of
Islam had already been the ally of the king Saud
family in Saudi Arabia. The Saud family came to
use this version of Islam, Wahabbism, to control
the oil wealth. The US, allied with the Saud
dynasty, also promoted the Wahabbi version in
the madrasas on Pakistan-Afghan borders. This
version of Islam saw in every person disagreeing
with their interpretation of Islam, as kafir against
whom Jihad was called for.
This brainwashing did lead to Mujahedeen
being transformed to Taliban and Al Qaeda and
later giving rise to ISIS, the most potent of them
all. Groups like Boko Haram draw their inspiration
and support from similar understanding of Islam.
Time and again a large section of Muslim leaders
has issued statements that terrorism is against
the tenets of Islam, but what sticks in social
awareness is the picture of Taliban, ISIS, al-Qaeda
and Boko Haram as another face of Islam. No
wonder, one of the greatest philosophers of all
times, Karl Marx, remarked that Ruling ideas are
the ideas of the ruling class. That, in todays context, can be understood as the power of media at
the service of the US and at the service of
Islamophobia is a defining feature of our times
and in some form or the other the religion which
came to give the message of peace is perceived
as the ultimate in violence.

tradition, but its comparatively recent inventors definitely have sun

worship in mind as its objective. Simhaji wrote, Some of the
Hindus set aside a portion of their daily worship for making salutations to the Sun by prostrations. The Art of Living suggests 12
mantras for each of a dozen exercises during surya namaskar,
with the beginning of Oam and the ending of Namaha while
the middle part comprising any synonym of the deity Sun.
Namaha is equivalent of the Persian word Namaz.
Surya namaskar is neither a wholesome exercise, at least for
children, nor it is prescribed in Hinduism as something essential
even for Hindus. Sun worship is its prime objective and it requires
incantation of mantras from Hindu sacred books during performance. Thus, it encroaches upon religious liberty of non-Hindus
and monotheists and appears to be a backdoor project for ghar
wapsi. This practice is as ridiculous as nude sun bath prevalent
among many people who also proffer absurd justifications for
their superstitious belief.
We are not living in the age of Raja Srinivas, nor are we subjects of any modern regency. We are living in the age of science
and are citizens of a country where freedom reigns supreme.
Imposition of an obsolete sectarian practice on all people of a
state is nothing but a disrespect to and denial of that freedom.
Instead of inculcating superstitious worship in the educational systems of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, the BJP governments should promote quality education there. Both these states
have been traditionally placed among BIMRU states of the country, which are spotted for their rampant backwardness. MP stands
28th and Rajasthan 33rd among 35 states and union territories of
the country in terms of literacy. Rajasthan now stands the lowest
in female literacy according to 2011 census, showing a decline
from 30th position in 2001 census to the abyss. The state is not
progressing educationally; rather it is in decline. It is advisable for
Vasundhara Raje as a woman chief minister of educationally the
most backward part of India to better work for elevating female literacy in the state to some respectable heights rather than playing
obscurantist hoaxes.
In a recent statement, the former central minister and an expresident of BJP, Professor Murli Manohar Joshi appreciated the
Muslim form of prayer (namaz) as good yoga. There is a provision of Ashtang Yoga in ancient Hindu tradition which has some
of the physical attributes of namaz. Therefore, the governments
inclined to introduce surya namaskar for cross-sections of students should allow namaz in schools for Muslim students and
Ashtanga Yoga for Hindu students, as both are better than surya
namaskar invented by a Raja for his subjects. However, Ashtang
Yoga can be physically injurious to people below 17 years.
The people who are agitating and resisting the superstitious
move of the retrogressive governments of BJP need to plead their
case in the name of science and rationality apart from the angle
of religious liberty. Moreover, the matter should be undertaken
from a human rights viewpoint in the wake of potential harms of
yogic practices in tender age and, sometimes, beyond.
The author is a Delhi-based activist and writer on contemporary issues.
His latest book is Islam in 21st Century: The Dynamics of Change and


The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015

Rapist Mukesh Is Not Alone In Denigrating Women

The memories of 16 December, 2012 rape of a
young girl, her brutalization with her male friend
and her subsequent death continue to haunt us.
It is true that rapes are not uncommon in India.
Generally, victims are Dalit or poor women.
According to RK Raghavan, former chief of the
CBI, data available on rapes in India is a gross
underestimation. A majority of rapes occurring in villages are suppressed by local bigwigs who run their parallel criminal justice
systemOur caste system and the role of money in the rural setting are principal contributors to this state of affairs. But this rape
in a busy area of the national capital with clear visuals of terrible
brutalization of the victims shook the conscience of Indians, especially the middle classes of the capital. The anger of the people
was assuaged by the fact that the culprits were tried by a fast track
court and sentenced to death.
But these terrible memories have been resurrected with the
appearance of a documentary film by the British filmmaker, Leslee
Udwin titled Indias Daughter which was to appear on BBC and
NDTV on March 8 -- International Womens Day. This film is based
on interviews of convicts, their families and victims parents. The
director of the film, who herself was victim of sexual assault when
she was 18 years old, claims that the object of the film is to
expose the de-humanized attitude towards women and through
this film she has confronted her own monsters. But the most controversial part is the interview of one of the rapists, Mukesh Singh
(sentenced to death). In this interview, Mukesh blames the dead
victim for the attack by arguing that girls are far more responsible for rape. He criticises the rape victim for resisting her attackers, saying that when being raped, she shouldnt have fought
back. She should just have been quiet and allow the rape. Then
they would have dropped her off after doing her and only hit the
Mukesh Singh claims that the rape victim would not have died
if she hadnt fought her attackers. In this interview Mukesh
describes the rape as an accident and declares that a decent girl
wont roam around at nine oclock at night. He also declares that
boys and girls are not equal and the work assigned for girls is
housework and housekeeping, not roaming in discos and bars
at night doing wrong things, wearing wrong clothes.
Two lawyers who defended the rapists in court also appear in
the film and defend the treatment meted out to the victim by the
rapists. One of them is A P Singh who had previously declared that
if his sister or daughter disgraced herself by being seen with a
man, he would put petrol on her and set her alight. Another
defence lawyer in the case, ML Sharma, said: In our society, we
never allow our girls to come out from the house after 6.30 or
7.30 or 8.30 in the evening with an unknown personYou are
talking about man and woman as friends. Sorry, that doesnt have
any place in our society. We have the best culture. In our culture,
there is no place for a woman.
Government of India banned this film and Delhi Police registered a first information report against unknown persons in connection with the controversial interview in the film despite the fact
that director of the film was present in Delhi. The FIR stated that
the contents of the documentary were intended to insult the modesty of women and fell under the category of criminal defamation.

It is debatable whether
statements is the
solution but the fact is
that rapist Mukesh is
not alone in holding
male chauvinistic views
India is flooded with
literature denigrating
Gorakhpurbased Geeta Press is
the largest supplier of
this kind of literature. It
espousing the Hindu
way of life for women
on a very large scale.
Minister of state for information and broadcasting, Rajyavardhan
Singh Rathore, said the documentary seems to incite violence
against women and it also creates a sense of fear in the women
in our society. The Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh, was furious with the film and assured the nation that all necessary steps
would be taken to stop this film from screening. In an identical
statement to both houses of Parliament, he said: Our government
condemns the incident of December 16, 2012 in the strongest
possible terms and will not allow any attempt by any individual,
group or organisation to leverage such unfortunate incidents for
commercial benefits.
It is true that Mukesh made reprehensible statements about
women in general and the rape victim in particular. It is debatable
whether banning a film containing such statements is the solution
but the fact is that rapist Mukesh is not alone in holding male
chauvinistic views denigrating women. India is flooded with popular religious literature denigrating women. Gorakhpur-based
Geeta Press is the largest supplier of this kind of literature. It publishes literature espousing the Hindu way of life for women on a
very large scale. The low-priced publications are available
throughout the country, especially the Hindi belt, and are even sold
through Government-allotted stalls at railway stations and government roadways stands.
Geeta Press has published more than a dozen titles on the
subject, the most prominent of which are: Nari Shiksha (Education
of Women) by Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Grahsth Mein Kaise
Rahen by Swami Ramsukhdas, Striyon ke Liye Kartawya Shiksha
(Education of Duties for Women) and Nari Dharm (Religion of
Woman) by Jai Dayal Goindka and a special issue of the magazine
Kalyan on women.
The authors extensively quote from ancient texts like Shiva
Purana and Manusmriti. They borrow heavily from these and other
holy texts and uphold a subservient wife as the ideal Hindu
woman. For instance, in the book titled How to Lead a Household
Life which is in a question-answer format, when a question is

Bangalore Blast: Police quiz

two Patna bombing accused

The Bangalore Police on February 27 received the custody of two alleged SIMI operatives-Haider Ali
(28) and Umed Siddiqui (37) in connection with last years blast of 28 December at Bangalore
Church Street in which a woman was killed. It is claimed that they are the prime accused in bomb
blasts that took place on October 27, 2013 at a Narendra Modi rally in Patna. The Bangalore police
sought the custody of the duo for information since investigations revealed similarities between the
improvised explosive device used for the Church Street blast and the same used by SIMI modules
to carry out blasts at Modis Patna rally. The accused were brought on a transit warrant from Patna
and were produced in a special terrorism court on February 27 by the Bangalore police. The police
said in the court that Ali and Siddiqui were allegedly the leaders of SIMIs Raipur unit. The police
claimed that investigations in the Church Street case had so far found similarities between the pipe
used to make the elbow bomb for the Bangalore explosion and the elbow pipes used for the Patna
attack. Forensic reports on chemical residues have also revealed the use of a similar mix of explosives in the blasts at Patna and Bangalore. A report from the Central Forensic Science Laboratory
(CFSL), Kolkata, on the Patna blast pointed at the presence of post-explosion residues of ammonium nitrate, aluminium, potassium chlorate, the same as the post-explosion residues in the
Church Street blast. NIA investigators claimed that the pipes used for the bombs were brought by
Haider Ali. It was claimed that during preliminary questioning, Ali told the Bangalore Police that he
was the only one using the GI elbow pipes (2.5 inches in diameter and a 5mm thickness) to make
bombs. The police will question Ali and Siddiqui regarding the number of pipes they brought ahead
of the Patna blasts, who else had access to these pipes and their missing associates who may be
behind the Church Street attack, according to sources.

Tension due to throwing dead pig at the gate of mosque

Jalgaon: Tension gripped Parola town, situated at a distance of 65 kms from Jalgaon, when a dead
body of a pig was found at the gate of a mosque. According to reports, the dead body of a pig was
found in the early morning at the gate of the Jama Masjid situated in Rath Chowk area. Muslims
informed the police which rushed to the area and registered an FIR. According to Dr Amin of Parola,
DSP Jalandhar Sopekar visited the area on 6 March and assured the people that strict action will be
taken against the miscreants. This area has remained peaceful but communal elements have started their activity here too. Earlier, on 3 March miscreants misbehaved near the exam centre of Balaji

posed, What should the wife do if her husband beats her up and
troubles her? Swami Ramsukhdas offers the following sagely
advice to the battered wife and her parents: The wife should think
that she is paying her debt of her previous life and thus her sins
are being destroyed and she is becoming pure. When her parents
come to know this, they can take her to their own house because
they have not given their daughter to face this sort of bad behaviour.
And if her parents do not take her to their house, learned
Swamijis pious advice is: Under such circumstances what can
the helpless wife do? She should reap the fruit of her past actions.
She should bear the beatings of her husband with patience. By
bearing them she will be free from her sins and it is possible that
her husband may start loving her.
And there is another piece of holy advice for a rape victim and
her husband: As far as possible, it is better for woman (rape victim) to keep mum. If her husband also comes to know of it, he too
should keep mum. It is profitable for both of them to keep quiet.
Is it proper for woman to demand equal rights? The sagely
answer is very unambiguous: No, it is not proper. In fact, a
woman has not the right of equality with manin fact it is ignorance or folly which impels a woman to have desire for the right
of equality with man. A wise person is he/she who is satisfied with
less rights and more duties.
This literature about Hindu women openly preaches and glorifies the ghastly practice of Sati. To the question-Is Sati Pratha
(viz., the tradition of the wife being cremated with the dead body
of the husband on the funeral pyre) proper or improper?-the
answer is: A wifes cremation with the dead body of her husband
on the funeral pyre is not a tradition. She, in whose mind truth and
enthusiasm come, burns even without fire and she does not suffer any pain while she burns. This is not a tradition that she should
do so, but this is her truth, righteousness and faith in scriptural
decorumIt means that it is not a tradition. It is her own religious
enthusiasm. On this topic Prabhudatta Brahmachariji has written a
book whose title is Cremation of a Wife with her Husbands Dead
Body is the Backbone of Hindu Religion, it should be studied.
Apart from glorifying Sati, the Gita Press publications like Nari
Dharm produces dozens of shlokas from holy scriptures to establish that women are not capable of enjoying independence. This
book begins with the chapter swatantarta ke liye striyon ki ayogyata (incapability of women for independence). Ironical as it may
seem, the above publications of Geeta Press can be bought from
government-allotted rent-free stalls at more than 70 railway stations and book vendors or mobile vans that often sell their ware
even in the premises of the Central Secretariat in New Delhi from
where the Democratic India is governed.
The ideas of rapist Mukesh Singh and his lawyers are not
aberrations or isolated ideas. They are drops from the ocean of
de-humanized anti-women literature freely available in India. They
are the creation of an anti-women philosophical system which is
allowed a free run. The Indian Penal Code and the Criminal
Procedure Code which have been invoked to ban Leslee Udwins
film are reduced as mere spectators in face of the onslaught by
such literature on women.
If characters like Mukesh Singh are to be controlled and contained, we will have to check the sources from where such evil
ideas originate.
The author is a retired professor of Delhi University

Help ood affected

people of Kashmir

The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


From Religious Harmony to Communalism to Terrorism to Genocide

Azamgarh: Under the aegis of AWMELA
(Association for Welfare. Medical Educational and
Legal Assistance) a conference was organised
here on February 22 2015 to make people aware
of the legal developments that have so far taken
place with regard to the arrest of innocent Muslim
boys of Azamgarh following the Batla House
encounter. A secondary purpose was to remove
misgivings in the minds of Hindus. Dr. Javed
Akhtar, on behalf of AWMELA, welcomed Gulzar
Ahmad Azmi (General Secretary, Jamiatul Ulama-e
Hind) and the assembled people.
Dr. Javed Akhtar gave several examples of
pain, torture and atrocities suffered by prophets
Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Moosa, Hazrat Yusuf, Hazrat
Yunus, and the Prophets (pbuh) companions
Hazrat Ammar and Hazrat Bilal in their effort to
make people follow the commandments of Allah.
But nothing could deter them from their mission.
He emphasised that one should not yield before
brute force. Rather, one should pray to God and
seek His help in overcoming the difficulties that one
is faced with. The distress, sufferings and tribulations that come in the way are often God-sent in
order to test the patience and integrity of a person.
It should be faced with a strong will and determination, for surrender to the ills which defy the injunctions of Allah means committing kufr, unbelief.
Those who remain steadfast shall enter paradise
with all its bounties. For the tyrant, the wrath of God
is bound to come. Innocence speaks for itself, and
truth ultimately prevails. After every dark night
there is a beautiful dawn.
Dr. Akhtar asserted that it was AWMELA alone
that was providing legal assistance to most of the
imprisoned boys of Azamgarh falsely accused in
bomb blasts. Time and again it demanded a judicial enquiry into the cases. He mentioned the
names of several lawyers whose help had been
taken. He informed that Jamiatul Ulama-i Hind was
also providing legal assistance to a number of boys
such as Sadique Shaikh, Mufti Bashar, and Arif
Badruddin. He assured the people that he, along
with other members of AWMELA, would fight for
the cause of the imprisoned boys to the last breath
of his life.
Dr. Javed Ali Khan appealed to Hindu brethren
not to be suspicious of Muslims and not to blame
them for all the ills of the country. He said that the
Turks unified the country politically from the frontiers of Samarkand and Bukhara to almost as far as
Kanyakumari. Such an achievement would not
have been possible if the Mughals were intolerant
and did not enjoy local support. Hindus were given
key positions in the administration and enjoyed liberty to observe their socio-religious beliefs. Under
them the country attained greater splendour and
grandeur unheard of earlier. They decorated it and
enriched it with a charming language which gave

Book release - from left: Adv. Shoeb, Shahid Badr,

Gulzar Azmi (white beard), Dr. Javed Akhtar.
birth to a distinct composite culture. Muslims were
the masters of Delhi for at least seven hundred
years, yet they remained in a minority. But they
never appealed to their fellowmen to produce five
or ten children. They had perfect faith in their Hindu
brethren. As late as the nineteenth century, almost
invariably Muslim rulers would appoint Hindu
diwans and Hindus would have Muslim diwans. At
a time when political unity was scuttled by the
British, emergence of Urdu held the cultural unity of
the country. Writing as late as in the 1850s Shiva
Prashad (Sitara-i-Hind), a writer and historian
remarked, Urdu is now becoming our mother
tongue and is spoken more or less, and well or
badly, by all in the North Western Provinces.
Hindus and Muslims lived in peace and harmony in every nook and corner of the country, in
the lanes and by-lanes, mountains and valleys.
Muslims purchased freely from Hindu shopkeepers. In most Indian cities even now, Hindus, particularly the business community, can be seen settled
on the roadside and behind them live Muslims. If
Muslims were intolerant and tyrannical how could
such a co-mingling exist? About Hindus at large
the celebrated historian Ishwari Prasad states that
there was nothing derogatory to their self-respect if
the emperor was a Muslim. The Mughul court celebrated major Hindu festivals with as much splendour and gaiety as those of Muslims. Independent
Muslim nawabs and chiefs freely observed Hindu
practices as a part of court ceremonies. Hindu and
Muslim rulers are known to have made corresponding liberal grants and endowments to priests and
places of worship. An Englishman, Dr. Taylor writes
that in the early part of the nineteenth century religious quarrels between Hindus and
Muhammadans were of rare occurrence. They
lived in perfect peace and concord and a majority
of the individuals even smoked from the same
huqqah. Hindu authors freely used characteristic
Muslim expressions in the doxological portion of
their books. It was this bond of unity between the
two communities and mutual understanding, along

with other factors, which inspired both Hindus and

Muslims to reaffirm their loyalty to Bahadur Shah,
the last nominal Mughal emperor, resulting in the
War of Independence of 1857.
Resistance to British hegemony had never
stopped. In the preceding periods, among the
Muslims, it had taken the form of Wahhabi and
Faraizi movements in which hundreds of Muslims
sacrificed their lives. Muslims boycotted British
courts, English schools, and endeavoured to
check the onslaught of Western culture. These features were later taken up by the Congress Party as
a part of Non-cooperation movement against the
British, but without acknowledging the role of
Muslims as originators of such means of struggle.
Modern text book historians do not like that the
modern generation should know about it. They
write in such a way as if Muslims have contributed
nothing to the security and development of the
Little do they know that Akbar and Aurangzeb
stationed themselves for about a decade in Kabul
to keep a watch over the militant Afghan groups, a
position which is somewhat similar today in the
North West Frontier region. The sacrifice of Sayyid
Ahmad Shaheed has not been given due attention.
In 1857, in Delhi alone 25,000 Muslims were killed.
In the surroundings of Azamgarh, Iradat Khan and
Fasahat Jahan were among the earliest to taste the
bliss of martyrdom, much before Kuer Singh came
to Azamgarh. The sacrifice of Rajab Ali is well
known. Bhoondu Singh, who triggered the revolt,
was a popular figure and as khalifa would lead the
Muharram procession in Azamgarh. Such was the
spirit of Hindu-Muslim amity.
By this time the myth of medieval Muslim
tyranny that had been cooked up by the British
gained strength much to their delight. The British
had succeeded in winning over a section of
Hindus. Historians and writers did not dare to write
about the betrayal of the Sikhs and Bengali Babus
during the war of 1857. Such was the change of
heart that Shiva Prashad, who, until a couple of

Sanskrit is dead, killed by Brahmins with great effort

Sanskrit is a dead language, killed by Brahmins with great effort
over hundreds of years. It cannot be revived now. In the name of
Sanskrit only the silly Brahmins forced others to touch their feet
for centuries; but when all others i.e. non-Brahmins rejected it
they (Brahmins) started crying with pains because now they are
not able to hide their slyness merely by (behind) a language. The
time has now gone when Brahmins used to pour molten lead into
the ears of Dalits for the mere crime of hearing Vedas. The times
when Brahmins who used to put teeka on their foreheads and lead
poojas etc also has gone. They should now stop crying on their
ignorance. Imposing it (Sanskrit) on children by force is such a
crime for which they the (children) will never pardon them, when
they grow up and become sensible when they realise its futility.
Smriti Irani is wasting the hard earned money of people merely to
please the pundits. One feels pity for Uma Bharti, Smriti Irani and
others of their ilk when they shed tears on Sanskrits fate. They
should first read, learn and know something about linguistics.
Whatever fate of the language of a particular fraternity should
have been, has happened. What is the sense in crying and wailing over it? If Sanskrti is really such a great, liberal, dynamic and
scientific language, why society did not accept it as its language.
It is not the language of even a selected very few, so much so that
even Brahmins themselves who indulge in and lead pooja paath
etc ceremonies are not seen talking to each other in Sanskrit. Even
in Sanskrit universities the contact or conversational language
may be Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam or any other but Sanskrit.
Sanskrit universities are large groups of Brahmins where the
entry of dalits, shudras and other backward sections is prohibited
without any such law. If one does not put teeka, does not have
chotis, does not wear janeou (a 3 or 4 ply holy thread from neck
to abdomen normally tied loosely by Brahmins), this group will
pounce on him. Sanskrit has been kept alive till date by wasting
peoples hard earned money, otherwise it would have died long

ago. The truth is that Sanskrit has been a more foreign language
for non-Brahmin India than any foreign language. While entering
the classes of other foreign languages at least there is no feeling
of backwardness of communities or fraternities. Brahmins know
very well that if Sanskrit is not taught compulsorily, no body will
even see or pay any attention to it. The decline of the high caste
has always been concealed in the name of Vedas and Puranas in
the cloak of Sanskrit because governance in India has been conducted by gotras. One must understand that politics has now
changed. Governance through gotras will no longer work.
Who has not seen children standing in ques for admission in
English medium schools or sly parents vying to get their children
admitted in English medium schools in spite of preaching hatred
against English and other foreign languages? Can any body tell of
what worth is Sanskrit literature after Abhiggyaan Shakuntalam,
and what is the value or place of rotten and foul smelling Sanskrit
literature in todays modern literature for which (rotten literature)
awards are given? My Brahmin friends may please pardon me but
the truth is that only you chaps (Brahmins) are guilty and responsible for limiting and confining Sanskrit to Satya Narain Katha.
This is true. I have presented the reasons for the demise of
Sanskrit in a direct and clear way. I have also raised some fundamental questions which are uncomfortable no doubt but are quite
relevant and true. If you answer any of these questions, it would
be fine. Firstly, Sanskrit is not a colloquial language like Hindi
because it has never been a common language of conversation
nor ever of employment. It has made no contribution to modern
literature. I dont know if any or how many moral novels, how
many poems or stories have been written in the last 10 or 20
years in this language. Where and who are the poets, fiction writers, critics etc who have written these, where do they live and
what and since when they are writing? So far Sanskrit is entangled or lost in searching bhakti period. Have you ever thought why
Sanskrit newspapers have not been published or are not being
published? Why Sanskrit magazines on non-religious news or
thoughts have not been or are not being brought out? Have you

decades earlier had spoken eloquently in praise of

Urdu, now became a frontline leader of an antiUrdu movement. He repeatedly prayed for the
glory and perpetuity of British rule, and called
Indians gobarganesh and ullu (statues of cowdung
and owl). Despite spread of hatred it was in Urdu
that the Arya Samajists wrote their early literature
and the freedom movement gained pace with writings in Urdu and slogans like Inquilab Zindabad.
That the country was dearest to them found
expression in Iqbals poem Saare jahan se achcha
Hindustan hamaara, which in thought and effect is
unique and poses a challenge to writers to write a
similar poem of patriotism.
The failure of the War of Independence of
1857 had important ramifications. Muslims were
held solely responsible for the revolt, and the newspapers of Calcutta blamed them for inciting the
Hindus. In Bengal a Bengali Hindu was both a
Bengali as well as Hindu. But a Bengali Muslim
was considered simply a Muslim. In certain parts
of Bengal Muslims had to pay a tax for keeping a
beard, and as punishment were pushed in pits
soaked with cow dung. Bankim Chandras
Anandmath advocated attacks on Muslims. Urdu
was termed as a foreign language, and men like
Lala Lajpat Rai scorned at the Hindus for not being
able to assimilate Muslims in their fold.
The Congress Party rode on the crest of Hindu
communal sentiment. The partition of the country,
followed by the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi,
marked the dawn of independence with blood. In
the days to follow in the history textbooks the contributions of Muslims to the Freedom Movement
were systematically erased and communal passions accommodated. Few people know about the
strength and role of Muslims in the Indian National
Army. By the 1990s state-sponsored terrorism and
genocide went hand in hand in many parts of the
country. Peace-loving Hindus and secular Indians
were pushed aside. Fanatical people started roaming free. The Babri Masjid was demolished and
vandalism unleashed. Innocent Muslims were
arrested on false charges. State-sponsored terrorism grew like a monster which started devouring
its own children. New modes of torture were tried
on Muslims. The details will raise hair and bring
shame to humanity, India and mankind. Even
before court verdict is pronounced, agonising torture is inflicted on innocent Muslims.
Gulzar Azmi informed the audience that of the
430 cases accusing Muslims of being terrorists,
the Jamiat Ulama-e Hind is pleading for 58
accused. In Maharashtra, it is providing legal assistance to the accused in 83 of the of the 91 cases.
On this occasion Dr. Shahid Badars Fukku-lAani (Set the Prisoner Free) was released. The
book provides a glimpse into the horrifying conditions of arrested Muslims.
The author teaches in the Department of History, Shibli
National College, Azamgarh

ever thought that Sanskrit dictionaries are very old, so old that no
amendments or additions have been made in it. Then on what
ground you are insisting on it being a modern language or trying
to protect and impose it on school children. When Sanskrit was
there even on a very limited scale, at that time too it was the language of karam kaand. Brahmins did not allow it to spread or go
beyond its limited circle because of their obstinacy and to maintain their monopoly. They were afraid that if it is allowed to spread
or go beyond its limited circle, their importance and unique position will come to an end. People will give up bowing before them
and touching their feet. Sanskrit has borne the consequences of
this (attitude of Brahmins).
There was a time when people used to say about Pali that it
can never come to an end because it is a very good and liberal
(open to acceptance of common words of other languages) language and its roots were much deeper in society than Sanskrit but
this language too died. There are departments of Pali in Bihar universities no doubt but only one or two students opt for it and that
too on much insistence and moral pressure of Pali teachers /
professors on some students. And secondly, if repeatedly students are reminded of the glorious history of Sanskrit, to me it
appears a sort of pressure or compulsion to admit that it
(Sanskrit) is a great language. If crores of people like me have no
desire at all to learn Sanskrit, instead of the supporters of Sanskrit
cursing us, they should themselves do a bit of soul searching. You
just tell me why even the readers or supporters of Sanskrit do not
talk in Sanskrit among themselves? Difference between Sanskrit
and Hindi is like that of Valmikis Ramayen (in Sanksrit) and Ram
Charit Manas (of Tulsi Das). One is free to go on discussing till the
last moment (about the importance of Sanskrit) but truly speaking, now there is no utility or importance left in Sanskrit except
pooja paath, havans, mantras etc. on some very special religious
occasions or marriage etc which too will come to an end soon.
Whenever any language gets entangled in its claim of being pure,
it comes to an end. Insistence or obstinacy by fundamentalists,
anti social and fascist forces not to replace it by any other language is the declaration of its imminent end. After Pali we are see
ing the death of Sanskrit in our period.


The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015

Rape-accused Muslim, dragged

from jail, paraded naked, lynched


Syed Farid Khan, a rape-accused, was dragged

out of Dimapur Central Jail in Nagaland, paraded naked, beaten to death and finally dragged to
the clock tower, seven kms away, where his
body was hung on 5 March. All this happened
in full view of public and police presence in the
heart of Dimapur. Police personnel opened the
jail gate and then played silent spectators of the
brutal mob killing-lynching. Even before Syed
could be proved guilty by a court of law and the
case of the alleged crime was not substantiated by any medical report, Nagas came out on
streets and they were given free hand by the
administration which relaxed curfew and
allowed them to organise protests with crowds
exceeding 10 thousand.
The protests and consequent lynching of
the accused by the mob, basically carried out
by Naga Students Union and the locals, was
not only the projection of resentment against
the alleged rape by an outsider but it also
showed prejudice and resentment against
alleged illegal Bangladeshis and Muslims.
Some journalists are of the view that if Syed
Farid was not from Assam or rather a Bengalispeaking Muslim, there would have not been
such a hue and cry over the rape issue.
The reported on 7 March:
The Nagas who killed Khan were not merely
protesting against rape in general, but rape by
an outsider. This is as patriarchal as you can
get, where the issue is not really the crime, but
about those guys doing it to our girls.
But Farid Khan was not an illegal
Bangladeshi. Farid hailed from Bosla village of
Karimganj in the neighbouring Assam. He had
settled in Dimapur eight years ago where he
started a business in used cars. He got married with a local Naga girl and the alleged rape
victim was his wifes cousin.
According to a report by the Kolkata
Telegraph on 6 March, Farids brother
Suberuddin Khan said, Accompanied by a
few people, the woman (alleged rape victim)
took my brother (Syed Farid Khan) to a hotel
on 23 February and forced him to drink. Later,
she demanded Rs. 2 lakh. When my brother
refused, a false rape case was registered the
next day.
Farid Khan was one of nine children and
three of his brothers have served in the Indian
Army. One of his brothers died while in service, while two others are still serving in the
Indian Army. Sources said that Khans family
was part of the Bengali-speaking Muslims
who live in Karimganj which was part of
greater Bengal before it was ceded by the
British to Assam a century ago. His father
retired from the Military Engineering Services
after a service of 20 years.
Farid was arrested on 24 February by
police in an alleged rape case and police was
investigating the case. Details coming out of
Dimapur show that it was a case of blackmailing by the girl. But, before it could be decided
by a court of law, Naga Students Union and
local Naga groups politicised the whole matter. Earlier, the students union had thronged
the roads of the city for a couple of days
demanding the police and district administration to hand over the accused. The protesting
mob had burnt down shops and attacked nonlocals based in the city.
After lynching of the accused, Assam was
put on alert when protests broke out in

A man was first framed for rape, dragged, humiliated and

lynched in the most horrific, beastly and utterly barbaric
manner and then was named as IBI (illegal Bangladeshi
immigrant) by Nagas in a northeastern state of India. The
man was taken out from the central jail, dragged for up to
7 kms, completely naked, died in the process, kept hanging for hours over clock tower as a symbol of jungle raj,
selfies taken with the head downed-dead and then set on
fire with claps and uproar with full Nagaism on display.
And all these, reportedly, for an extortion bid for Rs. Two
The victim was holy? No we do not claim that as the
case appears to be an extra-marital consensual sex
issue. The girl and the man were in relationship for years.
Both families and friends knew them well. But that unfortunate man Syed Farid Khan had an address in Basla village of Karimganj, Assam, which is within India, his
father had served in the Indian Air Force for 20 years, one
of his five brothers was killed during the Kargil war fighting against Pakistan in 1999, two of his brothers are
presently serving in the Indian Army.
The girl had filed the alleged rape FIR against two
people - one Naga and one Muslim. The alleged victim is
clearly seen in the Orient Hotels CCTV footage entering
the hotel alone and coming out of it with two men by her
own without force or hurry. SP of Dimapur claims it was
a case of blackmailing. Medical report too does not confirm rape and most importantly the girls own version on
camera does not fit a rape story even to the naked eye.
Yet our breaking and exclusive channels and some
fanatic women rights activists, even sane people in black
and white suits are shouting, supporting the disgusting
mob act in Dimapur on 5 March and not apologising for
the gross violation of the human rights of the victim and
his family and friends with terms such as IBI and
rapist before it is proved. Where are we heading to? Are
we really living in a democratic civilised society? When
will Nagas come out of jungle mentality and learn to live
in a civil society?
MB QASMI, Editor, Eastern Crescent, Mumbai
The barbaric Nagaland lynching incident has shocked the
nation. The youth, who was claimed to be an illegal
Bangladeshi migrant, was accused of raping a girl. The
mob broke into the jail and lynched the rape accused the
35-year-old Syed Fareed Khan who had allegedly raped a
Naga woman on 23-24 Feb. for which he was arrested
following a complaint by the alleged victim. A few days
later, he was dragged out of the jail by an irate mob which
paraded him naked while thrashing him to death. Given
the rise in number of rape cases, popular anger was justified but what followed was totally unacceptable and illegal.
This barbarous incident is receiving condemnation
from all and sundry. Its most unfortunate. No one is
allowed to take law into their hands. Every accused must
have access to the legal process. I strongly condemn the
lynching by the mob,said social activist Shabnam
Hashmi. The person who was dragged and lynched was
only an accused and not a culprit. What happened to him
was a grave violation of human rights. Even if the person
was later found guilty by a court of law, the mob had no
right to act as it did.
The defenders of human rights are nowhere to be
seen. Was the accused not a human being? Even if we
accept that he was a Bangladeshi, that doesnt give anybody the licence to kill him. During the 16 Dec. Delhi
gang-rape protests, strict care was taken that the mob
should not take the law into its hand. In Dimapur, the
authorities behaviour has taken a life.
It is wisely said, A mob has many heads but no
brains. Or was the high reaction due to the fact that the
accused was a Muslim? Whatever be the case, this
selective sensitivity should be curbed to avoid future inciFARHEEN SULTANA
dents like this.


Nagas enjoying the moment...

The whole town was there...

Victims body being dragged

Karimganj and other minority pockets of the
state. All Assam Minority Students Union
burnt an effigy representing the Nagaland government in Nagaon, alleging a conspiracy
against minorities living in that state and
demanding a CBI probe into the incident.
Deputy Commissioner Wezope Kenye, SP
Meren Jamir and B Chuba Phom, senior
superintendent of Central Jail, were suspended for their failure to control the situation and
the Nagaland government on 7 March ordered
a one-man judicial inquiry commission to be
headed by Veprassa Nyekha, District and
Sessions Judge (retd.), to probe the whole
Its highly condemnable incident. How
can an accused be treated like this when he
was in police custody? This is a failure of
Nagaland government and police, said
Nitumoni Saikia, Editor-in-Chief of News Time

Though the Central home ministry has
sought a report from the Nagaland government on this issue and 18 people have been
arrested in this connection, yet a question
looms large: does rule of law exist in this
country? Increasingly, mobs are dispensing
justice in our country while law and order
machinery looks the other way.
Dimapur is more a case of xenophobia
rather than anger against a rape incident.
Attacks against Bengali-speaking Muslims
have been a regular phenomena in Assam,
Manipur and Nagaland. Even a police official
in Dimapur dubbed Farid Khan an illegal
Bangladeshi which was parroted by the
media. Farid was dubbed an illegal
Bangladeshi only because of his Bengali language. But, then, is it legal in India to lynch


How to Talk With Children About Difficult Topics

Talking with children about difficult topics can be challenging for

adults. It can be even harder for some children to understand and
communicate their thoughts and feelings about certain subjects. It is
important to be patient and understanding, and to keep the lines of
communication open at all times.
1. Have the conversation in a comfortable and known environment
if possible, such as the home. This will help keep both the adult and
child a little more relaxed. Keep it private as well, so interruptions will
be minimal and both of you can feel assured that your conversation

is just between the two of you, and not anyone else.

2. Begin the conversation as soon as the situation calls for it. Dont
delay, or it will be harder for you to discuss. Whether it is a conversation about sex, death and dying, or other difficult topics, the more
you wait, the larger the disservice you are doing to your children.
3. Encourage your child to express his feelings and to ask questions.
Be sure and listen carefully to them and be open regarding what they
may say. Any negative responses may discourage the child from
continuing to talk and ask questions. Let them talk as much as you
do, or more so, if needed. This way it will be a two-way conversation instead of a lecture.

4. Educate the child as best as you can.

Give him facts and figures if needed. You
may consider educating yourself beforehand so that you are more prepared. If your difficult topic is death,
again, be honest in your discussion. If you dont know the answer to
a question, assure them you will find that answer, if possible.
5. Plan a followup discussion. Talking with a child about difficult topics is not likely to be done in one sitting. Breaking it up is best. You
may think of other things to say after the fact, and your child may
later come with more questions or concerns. Let them know they are
always welcome to come to you to talk anytime they want, but perhaps setting up a time to get together in the future and talk will help
encourage them to think of things before that time. (Source: ehow)


The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015

PDP-BJP saga starts in J&K

At last the political stalemate in Jammu and Kashmir ended on
27 February with the formation of a government by Peoples
Democratic Party (PDP) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), early
this month. The latter has been part of the state government for the
first time. Mufti sealed the coalition deal with BJP at a meeting with
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi during a meeting in New Delhi. Both
the parties had started negotiations over government formation
soon after the Assembly election results threw up a hung verdict
on December 23. PDP had bagged 28 seats whereas BJP had
secured 25 seats.
Several rounds of talks were held among the negotiators from
both parties to iron out differences on controversial issues including Article 370, AFSPA and dialogue with Pakistan and separatists
on the Kashmir issue.
A veteran politician, Mufti, 79, was sworn-in as the eleventh
Chief Minister of the state along with 17 cabinet ministers (11 from
PDP and six from BJP including Peoples Conference chairman
Sajjad Gani Lone who got a berth in the Cabinet from BJP quota),
and eight ministers of state (three from PDP and five from BJP) at
Jammu on March 1. Mufti has been elected as Chief Minister of the
state for the second time. Earlier, he was elected to this post from
2002-2005 (PDP-Congress coalition government). Apart from
Prime Minister many other senior BJP leaders including Amit Shah
and L K Advani were present during the swearing-in ceremony in
Jammu on March 1.
A 16-page document Agenda of Alliance was released by the
Chief Minister together with his deputy, Dr. Nirmal Singh, March 1.
According to the document, both parties have decided to maintain
status-quo on the issue of Article 370 that gives special status to
Jammu and Kashmir. With reference to settlement of West Pakistan
Refugees, the document states that the state government will take
measures for livelihood and sustenance of such refugees who
have been living in the state since 1947. On revocation of AFSPA,
the document states that the state government will review the
security situation with a view to examine the need for de-notifying
disturbed areas, which would enable the Union government to take
a final view on the continuation of the Act in these areas.
The Agenda further says that PDP-BJP have entered into governance alliance based on an agreement which is an effort
towards seeking national reconciliation and confidence building
within and across the Line of Control (LoC). The Agenda also
promises one-time settlement of refugees from Pakistan administered Kashmir of 1947, 1965 and 1971.
As PDP and BJP reached an alliance, former chief minister and
National Conference working president Omar Abdullah, February
27, said that it was a tie-up between North and South poles. Omar
claimed with the sealing of an alliance the capital of the state has
been shifted to Nagpur.
Addressing his maiden press conference in Jammu after taking oath as the Chief Minister, Mufti March 1 gave credit to
Pakistan, Hurriyat and militants for the smooth process of
Assembly polls in the state. He said huge voter turnout in the state
especially in Srinagar, was an achievement and this wasnt possible without favourable atmosphere created by Pakistan, Hurriyat

and militants. People from across the border allowed the prevalence of conducive atmosphere during elections. My humble submission is peaceful elections were not possible, if they had done
something. You know how small action was needed to disturb the
election process. They allowed this democratic process to go
ahead. This gives us hope.
In response the Prime Minister in Rajya Sabha, March 3, said,
If somebody makes such a statement, we can never support it.
He however, added that the government will run only on the basis
of Common Minimum Programme. Earlier, the Prime Minister in his
message on micro-blogging site, Twitter, March 1, wrote PDP-BJP
government is a historic opportunity to fulfill the aspirations of people of Jammu and Kashmir and take the state to new heights of
Terming Muftis remarks unrealistic, ridiculous and shocking
Hurriyat (G) led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani, March 2 said, Mufti has
actually tried to create confusion and misunderstanding about the
pro-freedom people. Earlier, its chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani,
March 1, said that there wont be any result-oriented dialogue till
New Delhi accepts Kashmir as a dispute. Hurriyat (M) chairman
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, addressing Friday congregation at historic
Jamia Masjid here February 27 asserted that government formation can never be a substitute to the Kashmir resolution.
Soon after coming to power, PDP, March 2, sought the return
of mortal remains of Mohammad Afzal Guru who was hanged in
New Delhis Tihar Jail on February 9, 2013.To this, former chief
minister, March 2, tweeted if PDP was serious about the return of
mortal remains of Guru, why it didnt mention it in their Common
Minimum Programme. Independent legislator from Langate in
border district Kupwara, March 3, asked the Chief Minister to write
to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs to seek the return of the mortal remains of Guru. The legislator, however, termed PDP-BJP government as a cruel joke saying the two parties were poles apart
despite the claims of the new chief minister.
Pertinently, Lone reportedly refused to take charge of the ministry allocated to him citing low key portfolio (March 3). Later
BJP said he would soon join the office as the party is looking into
the issue (March 5). Lone has been allotted the portfolio of Animal
Husbandry and Science and Technlogy.

Shutdown in the Valley

A day-long shutown was observed by various business establishments here on March 4 against the failure of the state and central
government to rehabilitate flood-hit business community. The shutdown call was given by Kashmir Traders and Manufacturers
Federation. A protest demonstration was held by the affected
traders here at city-centre, Lal Chowk to press for their demands.
Mohammad Yaseen Khan, president of the Federation said the government hasnt been able to compensate traders for the losses,
adding, if government doesnt come up with a financial package for
traders within a week, they would be compelled to take extreme
steps to lodge their protest.
The devastating floods in September last year caused massive
losses, with government putting the estimate of losses at Rs 1 lakh
crore. The housing sector suffered losses of over Rs 30,000 crore

Valley sharply reacts against PDP-BJP alliance

New Delhi: The advent of the Peoples Democratic
Party (PDP) government in alliance with Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) was cold-shouldered by the
people of the Valley. The Muslim majority region of
Kashmir had voted in favour of PDP to keep the
BJP at bay, but its alliance with the Hindutva party
has evoked sharp criticism. The astonishing move
by the PDP was disapproved by the local people
who had voted for PDP. Kashmiris expressed deep
anguish on social media calling the alliance as
sell-out, opportunism, back-stabbing.
While commenting on the Modi-Mufti hug,
the picture which rocked social networking cites
like facebook, Sujju Sajjad, an angry netizen of
Kashmir while calling Mufti Sayeed a thug, said
on his facebook page, People voted in large
numbers to keep the communal forces at bay...
and this hug explains it all he writes. Mufti
Sayeed is known for his political sagacity and his
first press conference nailed it at the right place.
He knows it well how to play a game of paradigm
shift in the political discourse. Hum machchar
chaante rahe aur Mufti whisky sammo ke uunt
nigal gaya..., another facebook user Mehraj Din
wrote on his status wall.
People have shown their consternation over
the issue in spite of the fact it was for the first time


in two decades people voted in large numbers

with a single agenda: to keep the BJP out. The
people of Kashmir have become indifferent. They
do not know what to make of this alliance, Zahirud-Din, a senior journalist based in Srinagar told
The Milli Gazette. In the Valley, the buzz was that
voters want to keep the BJP out. Now, voters do
not know whether to rejoice or mourn, he added.
The fact is that PDP used the Save Kashmir
and Self Rule slogans as poll planks to draw
votes from Kashmir. Last year, before elections,
the PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti had overtly rejected the possibility of any alliance with BJP. While
speaking to Indian Express on 6 September last
year, she said on the question of forming government with BJP in J&K, Theres no question of
forming a government with BJP. Thus the recent
U-turn by the PDP came as a shocker to the people who wanted BJP out for its anti-Kashmir agenda. The entry of BJP into Kashmir has caused
apprehensions among the Valley Muslims who,
by and large, see PDP-BJP coalition as a decoy of
RSS rule.
Said the president of the Lawyers Club
Kashmir, Advocate Babar Qadri, Mufti-Modi deal
has agreed on the parity of budget distribution
between the Valley and Jammu and not on the
basis of proportionate population. The most dangerous thing is that Mufti has succumbed to the

while the business sector incurred over Rs 70,000 crore losses,

say the preliminary estimates. The previous government had submitted Rs 44,000 crore proposal to the central government for a
relief package. Meanwhile, state government, March 4, constituted
a cabinet sub-committee, comprising six ministers, to assess
immediate and long-pending needs of the flood affected populace
in the state.

J&K HC rejects Army plea on Kunan

The Jammu and Kashmir High Court February 23 disapproved the
Armys approach to concede before a single bench that the division bench was seized of a Public Interest Litigation on KunanPoshpora mass rape case of 1991. In its plea, the Army has sought
quashment of re-investigation proceedings before the trial court
against soldiers who allegedly raped more than 40 women in the
twin villages of border district Kupwara.
First virtue of humanity is justice. Justice cannot be defeated
by adopting such tactics. Try to do justice, a division bench of
Justice Muzaffar Hussain Attar and Justice Ali Mohammad Magrey
observed while questioning the Army had asked if it had, in its plea
before the single judge, stated that the division bench was seized
of the matter.
Parvez Imroz, counsel representing rape victims, had moved
an application before the division bench seeking to club the plea
(6/2015) by the army seeking quashment of trial court proceedings under 561-A no 6/2015) with the petition (OWP no
1534/2013) pending before the division bench. Observing that the
applicants were at liberty to move the Chief Justice, the bench
said, The application cannot be allowed as it is the prerogative of
the Chief Justice to direct the listing of the case before any bench
including that of division bench.
Army pesonnel (4-Rajputana Rifles of 68 Brigade) had allegedly raped over 40 women in Kunan and Poshpora villages in
Kupwara during the intervening night of February 23-24, 1991.
Following massive public outcry, police lodged an FIR vide no
10/1991 against the Army at police station Trehgam.
Meanwhile, human rights watchdog Amnesty International has
noted that perpetrators of extrajudicial executions in Jammu and
Kashmir continue to evade justice. In its latest report, Amnesty
International Report 2104-15 - The State of The Worlds Human
Rights February 25, Amnesty has highlighted the number of highprofile human right cases including fake encounter of three civilians
allegedly by army personnel in Machil area of Baramulla district in
2010, killing of five civilians allegedly in a staged gunbattle in 2000
in Pathribal in Anantnag district and others.
The report further mentions, Perpetrators of past violations in
Jammu and Kashmir, Nagaland Manipur, Punjab and Assam continue to evade justice. Amnesty has also taken note of governments reluctance to revoke AFSPA from Jammu and Kashmir
despite some signs of progress in the state.
In yet another case, the High Court, February 25, granted eight
more weeks to the Crime Branch of Police to complete investigation into the killing of Tufail Matoo, a 12th class student who died
after a teargas shell hit him at Rajouri Kadal in the old city here during 2010 summer unrest. The Court had, in November last year,
granted 12 weeks to the Crime Branch to complete the investigation after the investigating agency sought more time to carry forward the probe. Tufail was the only son of his parents. The Court
had on July 16 last year asked the investigating agency to ensure
the culprits are brought to justice within reasonable time.

demand of delimitation of electoral seats, so now

there will be 50% seats each in both Jammu and
the Valley of Kashmir which is against the population proportion in the two regions. At present,
Jammu has only 37 seats while Kashmir has 46
seats as per the population ratio. They will definitely try to change the demography of Kashmir.
Sensing the resentment of the Kashmiri people due to this unholy alliance, after taking oath
as CM, Muftis assertions that Pakistan and separatists allowed the peaceful conduct of polls in
Jammu & Kashmir was a deliberate political gimmick to calm the Valley people where the PDPBJP alliance is being viewed as a sell-out by his
party for the sake of power. Muftis deliberate
statement was an act to rationalise his post-poll
coalition with the BJP.
The statement of Mufti is a tactical move
aimed at diluting the negative impact of his
alliance with BJP. The more it invokes angry reactions in India the more it creates an opportunity for
the CM to market himself in Kashmir, said Dr
Sheikh Showkat Hussain, associate professor of
the Central University of Kashmir while speaking
to The Milli Gazette. People of Kashmir voted to
keep BJP out of power in J&K but their vote
became a tool to help the same party to gain
power, he added.
Separatist organisations have also lambasted
the Mufti over his remarks in which he thanked the
Kashmiri separatists, militants and Pakistan for

helping his party to win the elections in Kashmir.

Calling Mufti a stooge of RSS, the Jammu and
Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman Yasin Malik,
while speaking to The Milli Gazette said, How can
he talk about AFSPA, Article 370 and human
rights issues. When people boycotted elections
and this boycott gained momentum due to the
atrocities inflicted by the National Conference and
STF (Special Task Force), and it became a matter
of concern for the Centre, it forged another party
called PDP in 2002 to defeat this boycott phenomenon.
PDP used soft separatism for hoodwinking
people and talking about human rights. Though it
fooled people about disbanding STF but it bolstered this force instead of disbanding it. It turned
every police station into an STF camp. It was the
PDP that killed many commanders in custody and
today when it talks about dignity, azadi and human
rights. We are amazed. How can this man, Mufti
Sayeed, talk about these things, Yasin Malik
Accusing that the PDP leader Mufti Sayeed
was a part of the cabinet along with the then chief
minister of Kashmir, Ghulam Mohammad Sadiq,
which eroded Article 370 and implemented the
draconian law like AFSPA in Kashmir, he added.
It was Mufti, the then home minister of India in
1990, who implemented AFSPA in Kashmir. Isnt
he actually responsible for the killing of thousands
of Kashmiris?

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First English Newspaper of Indian Muslims. Telling the Muslim side of the story fortnight after fortnight since January 2000

Speaking Out

The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


Muslims Constitutional
With reference to a comment made recently by
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his government having only one religion, that is, India
first, one is compelled to deliberate on its
credibility. He made this comment in Parliament
amid concerns voiced over minorities being targeted by Hindu extremists. He stated, My government has only
this ideology - India and the Constitution above all else.
Certainly, politically, legally and socially, Modi and his government are expected to ensure that dictates of Indian Constitution
are practised by them and citizens of the country, in letter and
spirit. But are Modi and those in his government really taking
any steps to ensure that their religion, the Indian Constitution,
is not abused? Are legal steps being taken against those who
seem to be showing little respect for the Indian Constitution?
Article 14 of the Indian Constitution accords each citizen,
equality before law. The article states, The State shall not
deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India. Article 15 states,
The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on
grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any
of them. Article 21states, No person shall be deprived of his
life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.
Constitutionally, thus, Indian citizens are not expected to be
discriminated against on ground of their religious belief. Any
practice of discrimination against them, with specific reference
to their religious identity, amounts to an abuse of Articles 14
and 15. It indeed is a tragic irony that of late while substantial
media as well as political attention has been given to antiMuslim remarks made by several right-wing extremists, little of the six freedoms guaranteed by

article 19 is freedom of speech and
expression. These freedoms are subject to
reasonable restrictions, which include
public order, decency and morality,
incitement to offences and defamation. So
each time that an anti-Muslim communal
comment has been made and/or communal
action has been initiated, it has amounted
to disturbing public order and defamation,
which article 19 does not encourage.
importance has been given to the same amounting to showing
disrespect to dictates of Indian Constitution. Not much importance has also been given to legal action that needs to be initiated against those showing little respect for principles of the
Indian Constitution.
Since Prime Minister Modi has emphatically stated that his
and his governments primary ideology, above all else are
India and its Constitution, isnt it time that some action was initiated against those indulging in communal speech and action,
targeting minorities? Modi is responsible for ensuring this constitutionally as the prime minister of this country. Politically and
socially, his responsibility has increased further as communal
comments and action have been initiated by members linked
with his political party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its
saffron affiliates.
True, Modi cannot be held responsible for each and every
communal comment and action taking place in the country. But
politically and constitutionally, it is his primary duty to ensure
that his own political associates and others do not indulge in
speech or action that amounts to a blatant display of discrimination against Muslims. What else is suggested by a comment
calling on people to stop watching movies linked with Khans?

Yes, there is a view that rather than give much importance to

these discriminatory comments, it would be best to ignore
them. They may have been made to attract some media attention. At the same time, ignoring these comments is equivalent
to encouraging extremist elements to continue similar practices.
Definitely, one of the six freedoms guaranteed by article 19
is freedom of speech and expression. These freedoms are subject to reasonable restrictions, which include public order,
decency and morality, incitement to offences and defamation.
So each time that an anti-Muslim communal comment has
been made and/or communal action has been initiated, it has
amounted to disturbing public order and defamation, which
article 19 does not encourage.
If from the beginning legal action was taken against those
indulging in anti-Muslim action, perhaps the situation would not
have aggravated to a horrendous stage in Dimapur, Nagaland.
Yes, this refers to an alleged rapist, a Muslim being dragged
out of prison by protestors and being lynched by a mob. What
is shocking is justification of this behaviour by a BJP legislator
(MLA from Madhya Pradesh). She said, Such criminals should
be hanged in public view. Constitutionally, since Indian law is
the same for all alleged rapists, irrespective of their religion, it
is surprising that similar comments have not been made for
those who targeted Muslim women during riots including the
Gujarat pogroms.
In Dimapur, aggressive people decided to punish an alleged
rapist even before he had been proven guilty. The frenzied manner in which several communal extremists have made antiMuslim comments in recent months and have escaped legal
action may have indirectly encouraged people in Dimapur to
target the alleged rapist, even though he was behind bars. It is
time serious attention is paid to a degree that dictates of
Constitution are abused each and every time Muslims are targeted, simply on account of their religious faith. The Indian
Constitution does not permit this. But those professing to
uphold it as their primary religion have yet to wake up to this

hard reality!

Conversions and Reconversions

The Hindutva agenda being pursued by the BJP government is
opposed by Hindu religious leaders. Prominent leaders and
seers from Ayodhya have on several occasions demanded a
ban on the VHP for misusing religious issues for political gains
and for encouraging lawlessness and terrorism in the country.
Swami Agnivesh, President of the World Council of the Arya
Samaj writes Hindutva is Hinduisms internal enemy. In its
origin and spirit, Hindutva is an atheistic ideology. It derives
its inspiration not from Ram, Shiva or Krishna but from Hitler
and Mussolini. Hindutva is pseudo Hinduism.
In a rather belated reaction to the
ghar wapsi programme and
demolition of churches in New
Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi stated recently that his
government would not tolerate
violence against any religion. The Vishwa Hindu
Parishad was quick to retort that the Prime
Ministers speech was in no way an assurance
to the minorities and that ghar wapsi would continue.
An advertisement issued by the Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting on the Republic
Day quoted the Preamble of the Constitution and
deleted from it the words socialist and secular. The advertisement was not by accident.
Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad made it
known that the government wanted to delete
secularism from the Preamble of the
Constitution. The Supreme Court, however, has
held in several cases that secularism is a part
of the basic structure of the Constitution and the
Preamble is a part of the provisions of the
Constitution The power to amend the
Constitution does not enable Parliament to
amend the basic structure of the Constitution
and secularism being part of the basic structure
is non-amendable.
Since the BJP government came to power,
communal violence and inflammatory pronouncements about different religious groups
moved to centre stage of Indian politics. It is a
strategy to divide the nation on religious lines for
political gains.
The Hindutva agenda being pursued by the
BJP government is opposed by Hindu religious
leaders. Prominent leaders and seers from
Ayodhya have on several occasions demanded a
ban on the VHP for misusing religious issues for
political gains and for encouraging lawlessness

and terrorism in the country. Swami Agnivesh,

President of the World Council of the Arya Samaj
writes Hindutva is Hinduisms internal enemy.
In its origin and spirit, Hindutva is an atheistic
ideology. It derives its inspiration not from Ram,
Shiva or Krishna but from Hitler and Mussolini.
Hindutva is pseudo Hinduism. It can triumph
only by hijacking and degrading our religion
Hindutva is essentially religious terrorism. Its
language and strategies belong to the world of
terrorism, not religion or spirituality. Bullying
helpless people, murdering innocent women and
children, intimidating dissent, committing rape,
arson and loot are what we expect from terrorists and not from religious people saving a
religious tradition from the corrupting stranglehold of communalism is a greater and more
urgent need than defending a religion from its
alleged external enemies. Hinduism stayed safe
and steady despite every imaginable threat from
outsiders but this is the first time it is facing an
organized and determined attack from within.
When enemies put up the mask of saviours there
is need to wake up and resist them.
Whilst freedom of religion is a basic human
right, proselytism receives universal condemnation. Proselytism is defined as the use of
unscrupulous methods of persuasion such as
material inducements, psychological pressure or
spiritual threats to compel a person to change
his or her religion. Proselytism is opposed on
several grounds. It attacks other religious beliefs
and practices and proclaims that its own religion
is the only way to salvation. It is often supported by financial resources and marketing techniques that make local religions seem second
rate and inferior.
Mainline Christian theologians disapprove of
organised conversions, favour religious dialogue
and express the need to study other religions
such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and even
tribal faiths so that Christianity may learn from
their many valuable insights. Indian missionaries
of all denominations interested in conversions


and reconversions should be motivated to settle

in the United States and in Europe. In those
nations, the number of Christian priests as well
as of other religions is decreasing and there is a
sharp decline in religiosity. Several neo-Hindu
religious movements such as ISKCON,
International Association of Shri Satya Sai Baba,
Brahma Kumaris and Shri Ramakrishna Mission
have a significant following in those countries.
India should outsource religious services to the
West. Islamic and Hindu fundamentalisms are
sometimes understood as a reaction, although
an extreme reaction, against unchecked westernisation of cultural patterns and behaviour.
Many fundamentalists perceive their struggle in
terms of preserving their religious and traditional identity, in terms of recovering their self
respect and the dignity of their lifestyles.
At the Asian Synod, Asian Bishops called for
divesting the Western image of the Church in
the liturgy and style of life. The Catholic
Bishops Conference of India at its general meeting in Kolkata in 1974 declared: The Church in
India must realize her genuine Indian identity and
rid herself of the slur of being foreign which
clings to her because of leaning too heavily on
foreign support and the style adopted by some
of the Christian communities. The Church will
realize her Indian identity by adapting herself to
the conditions prevailing in the country and
developing an indigenous theology. Such statements are repeated but implementation is rather
slow in some dioceses.
Freedom of religion enjoins the responsibility to respect faiths other than our own and never
to denigrate, vilify or disrespect other religions.
People of India must work diligently towards
interfaith unity and a nation founded on secularism and religious inclusion. It is a fundamental
duty of every citizen to promote harmony and
the spirit of common brotherhood among all the
people of India, transcending religious, linguistic
and regional or sectional diversities.
The writer is a former Union minister

National IPR Policy:

Minorities Missing
The first draft of National IPR (Intellectual
Property Rights) policy was disclosed on
December 19, 2014 by the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP). The draft
of the policy assures of a new era that will create new IPR assets in India while linking the policy with other government initiatives like Make
in India and Digital India. The work of National
IPR draft is to be appreciated on several counts
but it has ignored a common reality by ignoring
minorities in draft policy. The mission of the policy clearly states: Enhance socio-cultural development, but none of the objectives among the
seven mentioned in the draft addresses this mission statement. Objective five, which focuses on
commercialisation of IP clearly mentions: In
case of IP generated by informal or economically disadvantaged sectors, importance of commercialisation cannot be over emphasised.
From all these statements, the point to be
argued is whether minorities (especially
Muslims) are an important component for sociocultural development or not. Even for achieving
economic growth they are an integral part of the
economy, and specifically so for the proposed
IPR regime. It is clear that the minorities have a
huge population of artisans, craftsmen, and
small entrepreneurs who are supposed to be the
target population of the National IPR policy. Still
the draft does not mention them.
Thus, at an academic level the mission and
objectives of the National IPR policy are not in
line and they do not represent a coherent IPR
policy. Apart from academic viewpoint, as per
the socio-cultural setup of India and the economic subjugation of minorities, there is a clear
need to motivate and promote entrepreneurs
from minorities for taking benefit of IPR policy
and contribute to accelerated growth of the
nation. But the first draft disappoints on that
count. The underlying reasons for this oversight
is that the people behind the IPR may not appreciate the view that minorities need special assistance though contrary to this they accept that
economically weaker sections must be provided
with assistance.
Minorities, thus, should have been included
under the first draft of National IPR policy. IPR is
a concept that may not affect the minorities in
the short run but will surely affect them in the
long term. Their innovations would be hijacked
by big business houses and the mission of the
first draft would automatically fail. The committee of the National IPR policy has invited suggestions from all stakeholders.


Dept of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University


The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015



AMIR SUBHANI, Principal secretary in Bihars
Department of General Administration has been
appointed Principal Secretary of the states
home affairs ministry. He has also been given
the additional charge of Principal Secretary of
the department of general administration.
SIJARUDDIN AJMAL of UDF Party in Assam has been appointed
a member of Haj Committee of India in place of BJP member Syed
Shah Nawaz Husain who had lost last Lok Sabha election in 2014.
Okhla area has been appointed chairman of
Delhi Haj Committee.
After the toy metro model by ABDUS
SAMAD, now a toy monorail has been prepared by one Muhammad Hanif of Shamli
(UP), a carpenter after about one months
hard labour. For running this train above the
ground, he has installed wooden pillars on
the roof top of his house and in place of rails he has used thin
iron sheets in circular form on which the train runs fast with battery current. A fan operated by battery has also been fitted in this
TABASSUM KHALID are the four girls of Aligarh who have been
selected and for the first time are taking part in Gautam Budh

DR ANWAR AMIR was awarded
"Best Practitioner" award by
West Bengal Medical University
VC Dr Bhabatosh Biswas.
Prof (Dr)
Department of Zoology has
been honoured with Young
Scientist Award-2015 in
the field of Biological
Sciences by Lucknows Indian Society of
Chemists & Biologists. He has already been
honoured with 8 awards of national level by
prestigious organisations like CSIR (Council of
Scientific & Industrial Research, GOI), DST.
Author of 3 books in the field of Toxicology &
Natural Plants Products, his many research articles have been published in national and foreign
journals. He has also been honoured with UGC
Faculty Research Award-2014 for his research
on Parkinsons disease.
AASIM ABID SHIEKH, Operations Manager of
Reality Tours and Travel of Mumbai has been
invited by Germanys Institute for Tourism &
Development in Berlin for being honoured with
its Award on 4 Mach for promotion of tourism in
Mumbai. It may be stated that Reality Tours &

University (Noida)s National Horse Riding competition which

started on 6 March. Labiha and Hera are Intermediate students,
Soofia is Engineering and Tabassum is Management student. The
last two are sisters. All these four girls are under training in in
Royal Club, Aligarh. Labiha is the youngest in this team. Hera
says that if, by the example set by us, some more girls come in
this field, we shall feel that we hae won the championship.
professor in AMUs Department of
Commerce has been honoured with
National Emeritus Fellowship 2014-15
by University Grants Commisison. Prof
Sibghatullah had been President and
thereafter Dean of the Faculty of
Commerce, Provost of many hostels
and Aministrator of Ahmadi School for
Visually Challenged persons. He is also
a specialist in the field of International Business.
NAAZ have been appointed Heads of Departments in AMU.
Whereas Prof Fazal Azeem has been appointed President / Head
of the Engineering Department of Z. H. College of Engineering for
3 years, Dr Aamna Naaz has been appointed Head of the
Department of Women and Child diseases for 3 years in AMUs

Faculty of Unani Medicines.

Travels, based in Mumbais Dharavi area, probably the biggest slum area of Asia, collects
funds through tours and travels for helping the
poor people of this slum so as to enable them
lead a better and respectable life. Aasim Sheikh
is already in Berlin (Germany) to accept this
Dr. AFTAB HUSAIN, Resident doctor in
Anaesthesiology Department of AMUs J. N.
Medical College has been honoured with Best
Research Paper Award by the Indian Society for
the Study of Pain on the occasion of 30th Annual
National Pain Congress held in Chennai on
19/02/15. His research paper was on
Camparative Evolution of Survical Median
Branch and Tender Point Injection in Patients of
Chronic Neck Pain. In this Conference about 50
doctors had presented their research papers of
which Dr Aftab Husains research paper was
adjudged the best. As Award he was given a
cash prise in addition to a certificate.
Sangam Foundation, a literary organisation of
Lucknow honoured a number of national and
foreign litterateurs with its Awadh Ratn Award
at a function held on 2 March. Among those
honoured with Awadh Ratn Award were: Dr.
IKRAMUDDIN, Director of NCPUL, Delhi; SYED
MAHMOODUL HASN RIZVI, noted litterateur;
novelist, AMAAN ABBAS, Editor of Urdu daily

Ms SNEHA THAKUR, Hindi litterateur from

Canada. She was honoured with Malik
Muhammad Jaaisi Award for Hindi literature.
was awarded by MJP
Roohailkhand University,
Barelli for his valuable
services in popularising
polio vaccination and
drops for eradication of
polio in the country. Dr.
Javed held different posts but side by side he
has been working since 1995 and cooperating in
the eradication of polio.
biggest publication house of India, based in
Delhis Abul Fazal Enclave in Okhla area which
brings out Islamic literature in Hindi for Hindi
knowing population of India has been honoured
with an Award by Himalaya & Hindustan
Foundation in recognition of its services for
preaching true message of Islam and removing
all kinds of wrong information and misunderstandings about Islam in non-Muslims. Its publications like Islam aur Nari, Islam aur
Aatankawaad, Jeevani Hazrat Muhammad, Islam
sub ke liye etc have to a great extent removed
baseless and false propaganda about Islam.
DEEPAK SHARMA, a senior journalist and special correspondent of Hindi daily Amar Ujala
has been jointly honoured by Millat Bedari
Movement Committee and The Aligarh


Veteran Sunni scholar, president of Samastha Kerala
Jamiyathul Ulama, "Noorul Ulama" M A Abdul Qadir Musliyar,
credited for fine-tuning madrassa education for modern times
in the state, died at Thrikkarippur in Kasargod district on on
17 February. He was 91. He is survived by his wife Khadeeja,
sons Kunjahammed and Abdul Wahab and daughters Nafees,
Fathima and Juvariya.
"An authority on Islamic knowledge, one of the founders of
the madrassa movement, a sharp social reformer and author
of many works, his demise is definitely an irreparable loss to
the Muslim community in the state," said a condolence message, issued by the Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama general secretary Kanthapuram A P Aboobacker Musliyar.
The Muslim community in Kerala owes much to the scholar, who fine-tuned madrassa education for the changing times.
He commanded the respect of all sections of believers and
earned a good name from the whole society for the diligent
spiritual guidance he offered and the vision he extended for the
educational renaissance of the Muslim community, it said.
He was a scholar with an unorthodox articulation of political and social thought which triggered many reforms in
Keralas Muslim community. The Sufi scholar guided a generation of Sunnis to reach the upper standards of the society by
providing them modern education. The scholar discharged his
duties from Jamia Sadiyya, one of the leading Islamic institutions in the state.
He was born on July 1, 1924 and was brought up at
Thrikkarippur in Kasargod district. After pursuing primary education, he was elevated to a Dars (the traditional Islamic education system, carried in mosques) in Beecheri near his village. There, he was moulded as a scholar with ardent knowledge in Islamic jurisprudence and theology in addition to
Arabic and Urdu languages.
His swearing as the member of Islam Matha Vidhyabhyasa

Senior National Conference leader,

SHEIKH NAZIR AHMAD, breathed his
last in a hospital in Jammu, February
24. He was 78. The veteran leader
remained the partys General Secretary
till last year. It is said about him that he
never applied for passport. He was son
of Sheikh Mohammad Maqbool, the
elder brother of the founder father of
Mohammad Abdullah. Born in September 1937, Ahmad completed his schooling from Nowshera in Srinagar, did his graduation
from Amar Singh College Srinagar and later went to Aligarh
Muslim University to pursue LLB. He became partys General
Secretary in 1982. (Afsana Rashid)
MAULANA ZULFIQUR AHMAD, noted religious leader, preacher
and Sajjada Nashin of Khanqah Rashidia Chitra suddenly died on
3 March in Jamshedpur at the age of 74 years. It is believed that
the number of his mureeds runs into 2 to 3 lakhs. A patient of
diabetes he had been ill for some some time. He had been closely related to Moongers Khanqah Rahmani of Maulana Syed Wali
Rahmani. He spent large part of his life in Tabligh in addition to
teaching and other religious activities. He was highly educated in
modern sciences also in addition to religious sciences and exe
gesis of the Quran.
Movement with Award consisting of a memento
and bouquet for exposing the bias and hyporicy
of Sangh and its outfits in criticising Mother
Teressas enviable humanitarian work and services out of sheer bias and hatred. Deepak
Sharma after conducting a survey has exposed
the bias and hypocricy of these outfits how they
criticise and malign Mother Teressa and
Christian missionaries work but all important
leaders of these outfits send their children in
missionary schools for discipline and quality
education. His article exposing the hypocricy of
RSS and its outfits leaders was prominently
published in all editions of this Hindi daily.
KALEEM TYAGI, Urdu litterateur, chief editor of
Al Haaris Times (Urdu) and district president of
Urdu Development Organisation, Muzaffarnagar
was honoured with Mohsin-e Urdu Award
2014-15 in recognition of his all round services
to Urdu. This Award consisted of a commendation certificate and Rs 5000 in cash. The Award
was presented to him by famous Urdu, Hindi
author, Islamic scholar and president of Pasha
Urdu Library, Qazi Farid Pasha Azad.
Prof. NAJM KHALEEQ, President of Department
of Community Medicines of AMUs J. N. Medical
College has been honoured with the prestigious
Fellowship by UP governor Ram Nayek in recognition of his useful and valuable work in the field
of Preventive and Social Medicine. He has also
held many important and responsible posts in


Jubilee Award, Kodambuzha Gazzali Award and Makhdoom

Award, instituted by the Sunni Students Federation state committee.
He was buried at Jamia Sadiyya in Kasargod district in the
presence of prominent citizens political leaders. (Adapted from

Journalist, educationist and social

activist Irfan Qadri is no more

Board (Islam Religious Education Board), marked the eminent

scholars debut in the domain of mainstream Muslim leadership. Later, by discharging his duty as the president of the
board, he lent selfless service to the community.
He built an organised structure by building up an organisation called Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama, which later
helped in starting several madrasas and improving the religious educational status of Kerala Muslims. The scholar also
did his bit for various organisations such as Sunni Yuvajana
Sangham (SYS). He continued to officiate as the state president of Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama till his death.
Qadir Musliyar wrote over 40 books in Malayalam, Arabic
and Urdu.
He was conferred with Musthafa Award, SYS Golden

On the morning of 15 February, Irfan Qadri suffered a massive

heart attack while sleeping. Irfan was instrumental in setting up
Web and TV media channel Khabrein Aaj Tak. Young Irfan, about
in his 40s was very active and recently he was also instrumental
in organising Gujarat Muslim writers academy's 7th Annual convention at Rajkot, Gujarat.
Irfan was young dynamic and dashing personality who faced
all odds against Muslim media.
All members gathered here on 15th February for above convention and paid homage and tributes to his services, work and
challenges which he accepted.
He was associated with educational
institutions in home town at Mangrol, in
Junagadh district in Gujarat. (Husain Ali


The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


Traditional and Modern Materials and Techniques

of Faade Adornment in Islamic Structure

Aligarh: The Heritage Cell of Aligarh Muslim

University, in collaboration with the Centre for
Excellence in Islamic Architecture of AMUs
Department of Architecture, organised a oneweek training programme on Traditional and
Modern Materials and Techniques of Faade
Adornment in Islamic Structure.
Mr. Mohammad Farhan Fazli, Convener of the
Heritage Cell, said, It is a need of the hour to
preserve our architectural heritage and con-

serve it for our

generations. If we lose
even a part of this
heritage, we will
lose the unique
character of our
university which
adds to our own
Mr. Fazli said that
during the programme, hands
on training was
provided to the
participants on
mortar with traditional materials
Islamic calligraphy
with different materials in lime and stone,
preparation of stone Jali, cleaning of internal
wall of Jama Masjid, sketching, painting and
photography of heritage buildings of AMU.
Artisans from Taj Mahal, Agra and Jaipur and
conservation consultants from New Delhi and
Gwalior provided hands-on training to the participants. Participants work and skill was
also displayed at the venue.

Images of India
Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University Vice Chancellor, Zameer Uddin Shah on 28 February inaugurated
Images of India - a Fascinating Journey through Time at the universitys Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery,
in collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi (IGNCA).
The week-long exhibition displayed landscape, portraits, monuments and festivals of the 19th and 20th
centuries India.
The art works showed a fascinating journey through time showcasing illustrated sketches, drawings,
lithographs, etchings and
wood-cut of 18th-19th
century rare books from
the IGNCA archives which
throw light on the art,
architecture and various
aspects of Indian culture
and architecture.
The exhibition gives
glimpses of old landscapes of the important
cities; architecture of temples, mosques, tombs
and living quarters; social
life during the period and
details of musical instruments, costumes, transportation and other
objects of interest, said
Dr Badar Jahan, convener
AMU Vice Chancellor Zameer Uddin Shah at the Art Exhibition
of the programme.

Rare Islamic manuscripts, Persian Mahabharata at Jamia Nizamia

Hyderabad: Tucked away in the dingy lanes of the old city of
Hyderabad is a hoary institute of Islamic learning whose prized
possessions include a Persian translation of the Mahabharata and
rare Islamic manuscripts.
Located at Shibli Gunj, some three kilometres west of the historic Charminar, the 144-year-old Islamic university still stands
tall. Equated with Al-Azhar University of Cairo for its standard of
education, Jamia Nizamia has about 3,000 manuscripts including
the over 400-year-old translation of the Mahabharata and books
written by renowned Indian and Arabic Islamic scholars.
Translated by Abul-Fazl, one of the navratnas (nine jewels) of
Mughal emperor Akbars royal court, the Mahabharta runs into
5,012 pages. It was in the personal collection of Moulana
Mohammad Anwarullah Farooqui, the founder of Jamia, the
biggest seminary in southern India. He felt a library should have
all types of books and students should study other religions,
Shaikul Jamia or head of the university Mufti Khalil Ahmed told
IANS. The Mahabharata is one of the two major Hindu epics.
Scholars and students of comparative religion from different
parts of India and various countries visit Jamia Nizamis library to
study the Persian translation of the Mahabharata and other rare
manuscripts and books in Persian, Arabic and Urdu.
As Jamia has digitised several manuscripts, some scholars
take CD versions, said Fasihuddin Nizami, the librarian. The library
also has a recent piece of Islamic calligraphy by a city-based
artist, Anil Kumar Chauhan. He has written Yaseen, one of the
chapters of the Holy Quran, and this work adorns a hall in the
The library is the heart of Jamia and these manuscripts are
the heart of the library, said Fasihuddin, pointing towards the
manuscripts including a 400-year-old copy of the Holy Quran,
whose first two pages are gold-plated.
The oldest manuscript here is a copy of Kitab-ul-Tabsira Fil
Qiraatil Ashara authored by renowned Islamic scholar Abu
Mohammed Makki ibn Talib. This 750-year-old book is about
reciting the Holy Quran with the art of tajweed.

There are only two copies of

this masterpiece in the world. The
other is preserved at the Ottoman
Library in Turkey, said the librarian.
The Jamia library has more than
100,000 printed books written by
renowned Islamic scholars covering
various subjects related to the Quran
and Ahadith (sayings of Prophet
Muhammad). Moulana Anwarullah
Farooqui, who was minister for religious affairs in Nizams government, used to spend part of his
salary to collect manuscripts and
books from around the world.
Jamia is celebrating the 100th
death anniversary of its founder this
week by organising a series of programmes to highlight his contributions in developing Hyderabad as a
global centre for Islamic studies.
His collection at Jamia Nizamia
also includes Kanzul-Ummal compiled by the Indian Islamic scholar
Sheikh Ali Muttaqi Burhanpuri. The
founder of Jamia brought it in manuscript form from Madina in Arabia.
He edited and published the book in
Hyderabad. A collection of 47,000
Ahadith in 22 volumes, it is widely
quoted by Arabic scholars. Kitab alRuh by the Arab scholar Ibn alQayyim is another rare manuscript in the collection. The
book deals with Quranic verses
and Ahadith about ruh or
spirit. It was first printed in

Sorry, on
the basis of
religion, the
cant help

1900 by Dairatul Maarif, another

institution co-founded by Moulana
This unique institute was set
up in 1888 for research and printing Arabic books written before
800 AD, said Mufti Khaleel.
It was formed when the Arab
world had no such institute.
Hyderabad is still known in the
Arab world for the research work
done by the institute on manuscripts and the rare Arabic books
printed by it, he said.
Jamia Nizamia has 30,000
students at its 254 branches in
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka and Maharashtra. With
an annual budget of about Rs. 4
crore, it provides free education
with boarding and lodging facilities
at some branches.
Since its inception, the institute never took any help from the
Muslims support Jamia in the
form of zakat and donations. We
also get about Rs. 1 crore from our
leased properties in the city,
added Mufti Khaleel. (Mohammed
Shafeeq, IANS,

Religion no bar for this soul

This is very unusual and unique, said the

Muslim parents gathered at the Quran recitation
competitions recently held in Vijayawada, when
they witnessed an 11-year-old Hindu girl fluently
recite the holy suras.
K. Swarna Lahari, Class VI student from a
government minority school, was the centre of
attention that day. Participating along with 200
Muslim children, she cleared the preliminary test
to make it to the final round with 20 other shortlisted contestants. She took everyone by surprise
with her perfect recitations of Quranic verses.
It was two years ago that Swarnas teachers
at school noticed her interest in reading the
Quran. Ever since, they have encouraged and
helped her. She was given a special prize for her
extraordinary talent at the competition. Swarnas
parents K. Durga Prasad and Sujatha were filled
with pride when they saw how their young
daughter had impressed all the Muslim parents
Young Swarna, who regularly visits the temple, said, I will continue reading the Quran and
try to understand the essence of its meaning as I
grow up. The credit goes to my teachers, who
have helped me a lot. (B. Tharun Kumar,
Deccan Chronicle)


The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015

Students of madrasas in Assam join

institutions imparting modern education
Guwahati: A large number of Madrasa students in Assam are acquiring higher education through Indira Gandhi National Open University
(IGNOU). Many students from Jorhat Hifzia Madrasa and Melanaati
Madrasa are doing Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP) course
after which they will become eligible for admission in IGNOUs
Bachelor Degree Programme. According to IGNOUs Regional
Director, Anil Bora, this is for the first time that a large number of
Madrasa students have taken admission in this programme. Most of
these students belong to poor families but he says that this is a good
beginning and hopes that more and more students from madrasas
will join these courses. He said that the number of teachers has been
increased to teach these students so that they may become proficient in English because they will have to do other courses in English
medium. He said that this University is thinking of opening training
centres in other districts of the state also like Sivsagar, Dibrugarh,
Lakheempur. Jorhat Central Club is carrying on a movement to create importance of education and its awareness among people in rural
areas. Clubs President Zakir Husain says that since education is the
key to progress and also to remove social ills we have decided to
expand our activities to generate importance of educational awareness and are getting in touch with Madrasa administration as well as
students and we have achieved considerable success in this campaign, concrete result of which is that 21 Madrasa students have
taken admission in BPP.
Telengana govts no to minority status to 42 edu. institutions
New Delhi: National Commission on Minorities Educational
Institutions (NCMEI) had granted minority status to 42 educational institutions of Telangagna which were being run under minority
organisations and certificates to this effect were given to them but
Telangana government is not prepared to accept their minority
character or status because of which Muslims of the state are not
happy and a feeling of resentment is prevailing in them.
Commenting on the state governments refusal to accept the
minority status of these institutions, former Chairman of NCMEI,
Justice Suhail Aejaz Siddiqi said the state government will have to
accept the minority status of all those educational institutions
which were issued minority status or character certificates before
17 December 2014 because the government is constitutionally
bound to accept them.
He said that this Commission is a constitutional or statutory body
which came into existence by an Act of Parliament and its status is
like that of a judicial tribunal. He said that the Supreme Court also has
stated in one of its judgements that the Commission has a right to
grant minority status to any educational institution. Referring to the
said Act of the Parliament Justice Siddiqi said that the term of his
chairmanship (of NCMEI) had come to an end on 17 December 2014.
It has been stated in Art. 3 of this Act that the government will appoint
or constitute the Commission and it has been clarified in clause 2 of
this Article that this Commission will comprise a Chairman and three
members. This clearly means that if there is no Chairman, the status
of the Commission will be zero. Therefore, if the Telangana government has refused to accept minority status certificate issued to any
educational institution after 17 December (2014), this can be declared
illegal but if it is not so (i.e. if the minority certificate is issued before
17 Dec. 2014) and the state government refuses to accept it, the
affected educational institutions can challenge the government in that
states High Court.
IGNOU conducts job-oriented courses for poor students
New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)s Regional
Director Sanjiv Pande while talking to Urdu media said that IGNOU not
only opens its doors for higher education for poor and deprived students but also makes arrangements for their employment and bright
future. He said that this University with which more than 30 lakh students in about 40 countries are associated through distance education has started many such courses for poor students at small fees
which are and will be helpful in getting employment. In particular, out
of more than 200 courses being conducted by this University, those
of School of Agriculture such as food management, water harvesting,
processing of fruits and vegetables and dozens of others, are courses which guarantee employment. He said that if poor students seek
admission to these courses, they are given concessions upto 50 percent in fees but the condition is that such students should be from
rural areas. In addition, IGNOU has started its own special BPP i.e.
Bachelor Preparatory Programme or courses of six months for
Madrasa students and dropout students who are more than 18 years
of age and who want to do diploma course in higher education to get
employment. After doing these courses, IGNOU gives direct admission in BSc, BCA, B.Com, BA (Tourism), Hotel Managemnt, etc. One
thing to be noted is that this University in no way compromises with
its standard. That is why only capable and efficient students are successful and for those students who are successful, avenues and
prospects for their respective careers are always open.
Al Ameen Information Centre and Play School in Okhla area
New Delhi: An Information & Guidance Centre and Play School sponsored by Al Ameens Dr Mumtaz Ahmad Khan Trust was inaugurated
in Jamia Nagar Okhlas Abul Fazal Enclave on 17 February. Speaking
on this occasion local AAP leader and MLA Amanatullah Khan said
that the new AAP government of Delhi will take all possible steps for
the promotion of education. Chairman of the Trust, Kaleem Al Hafeez
said while speaking on this occasion that this Trust has been set up
for providing assistance and guidance to start educational campaign
on the pattern of South India and to set up educational institutions. He
said that a starting in this connection has been made with this Play
School because imparting education and training to small children is
very important for future progress.
Syed Mansoor Agha, a journalist and Vice President of All India


Uniform Code against AMU culture: VC

New Delhi: A delegation of AMUs old students and its well wishers met the President of India Pranab Mukherji on 13 February.
This delegation, led by Salman Khurshid, former minister for
external affairs and consisting of AMUs Vice Chancellor Lt Gen
(Retd) Zamiruddin Shah, Siddiqur Rahman Qidwai, President of
Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu-e Hind (ATU) Prof Talat Ahmad, VC of
Jamia Millia Islamia, Syed Faisal Ali, Group Editor of Rashtriya
Sahara (Urdu) and TV Channel, Dr Athar Farooqi, general secretary of ATU and other prominent alumni of AMU. Though the main
objective of the delegation members meeting with the President
was to present to him the Directory published on the occasion of
completion of 125th anniversary of Duty Society, they also
utilised this meeting to bring to his attention their difficulties and
problems despite the fact that meetings with the President are
generally of a formal nature. AMU-VC Zamiruddin Shah drew the
attention of the President on three important issues. He informed
the President about the concern that is being felt by the students
and teaching staff of the university and also in secular sections of
the country regarding the appointment of some MPs to this
University's Court who have been openly demonstrating their
communal mentality. He particularly named Som Dutt, MP, an
accomplice in Muzaffarnagar communal riots of 2013
(September) and informed the Visitor about the discontent found
among University students and staff which will have negative
effects on the Universitys administration and functioning. He
also, in his capacity as Vice Chancellor of AMU, expressed his
views in detail on the central governments Single Act for all the
Central Universities to which all such universities should comply,
which Jamia Millias VC Talat Ahmad also supported.
After attentively hearing Zamiruddin Shahs views, the
President said that he has not talked to HRD minister on this but
he himself is of the view that the application of this code should
be upto administrative affairs. He clearly said that Banaras Hindi
University, Vishwabharti University. Aligarh Muslim University,
Jamia Millia Islamia University and Jawaharlal Nehru University
should be kept outside the purview of this Act because these
Educational Movement, who recently toured educational institutions
of South India said that in South India, minority communitys educational institutions are thriving and prospering very well because the
standard of education and training of those schools is very high.
Therefore, students from far off and distant places come there for
admission. Local people there understand the importance of education and because of this, they send their children to schools even with
high fees. Moreover, those schools take full advantage of government
funds given to minority institutions. Therefore, this Centre will provide
proper assistance and guidance to schools of these areas. Dr.
Muzaffar Husain Ghazali of this Trust made an appeal to people to
cooperate with the Trust in its mission and come forward for opening
new schools after which the Trust will render its full assistance in all
possible ways to run such schools successfully. On Amanatullah
Khans suggestion, he promised to make all necessary arrangements
for childrens education in Madanpur Khadars J. J. Colony. Ms
Subohi Iftekhar (of Saharnpur) who has been carrying on a campaign
for providing education to deprived children also expressed her views
on this occasion.
Opportunity for non-Urdu knowing people to learn Urdu
Patna: Anjuman Taraqqi-e Urdu, (ATU) Bihars secretary Abdul
Qaiyyum Ansari said in a press conference that NCPUL, Delhi has
authorised ATU (Bihar) to conduct one-year Diploma Course in Urdu
language, under which the process of admission in this course is currently going on for the financial year 2014-15. The course will be
started from 1 April. In this course there is opportunity for non-Urdu
knowing people to learn Urdu in an easy manner. In this course students will be provided course books and assignment work books. On
completion of the course examination will be conducted at the end of
the year and those who are declared successful will be given the
degree of Diploma. Students and people who do not know Urdu but
want to know and learn this language can take admission in distance
education course. Interested students can contact on Tel No.
9431076798 or personally visit ATU Bihars office at Urdu Bhavan
(2nd Floor), Ashok Raj Path, Patna-800004.
UP government to constitute Minorities Education Commission
Deoband: UPs Samajwadi Party government has decided to constitute a State Minorities Education Commission which will work to
improve and develop social, educational and economic condition
of minorities, particularly Muslims in view of their all round backwardness, the most important single reason of which is their educational backwardness. Though the state government has already
introduced many schemes for improvement of their overall condition, it has now decided to bring them into the national stream by
empowering them educationally and economically. The government has yet to decide how many members should be included in
this Commission in addition to the chairman. The proposed
Minorities Educational Commission, in addition to improving their
educational standard will also supervise proper and efficient
implementation of different welfare schemes of the state government for them. A team will first study the overall condition of
Muslims particularly five different aspects i.e. their present educational standard, steps to improve their educational standard, speed
with which welfare schemes for them are implemented, their share
or representation in government service and controlling and stopping drop-out of students.
Many Muslim intellectuals and leaders particularly at Deoband
like Darul Ulooms Rector Maulana Abul Qasim Nomani, Darul Uloom
(Waqf)s Rector Maulana Sufian Qasmi, All India Economic Councils

institutions of higher education were set up with particular ideological objectives and to a great extent their administrative structure is different from that of 742 other universities which were set
up only for the purpose of providing higher education. In the context of special administrative structure he shed light in detail on
the administration of Vishwabharti University (Shanti-Niketan).
Group Editor of Rashtriya Sahara Publications Syed Faisal Ali
requested the President to advise the central government that on
the pattern of Patnas Khuda Bakhsh Library, financial assistance
may be provided to Darul Musannifeen, Azamgarh also on a permanent basis otherwise in the face of the acute financial crunch
that it is facing, this institution will not only not be able to preserve
its cultural legacy but thousands of valuable and rare books and
manuscripts in its library cannot be preserved for long. He told
the President in detail that Darul Musannifeen, Azamgarh along
with preserving and promoting Urdu, it has also been playing a
very important role in the researches in historical field. Hence all
institutions which are playing important roles in preserving and
promoting Urdu should be brought within the ambit of governments financial assistance.
Prof Siddiqur Rahman Qidwai, Presidnet of ATU (Hind) while
inviting Presidents attention to the financial difficulties of Urdus
oldest and most important institution which is headed by him
said now that governments are patronising Urdu academies, it is
becoming difficult for voluntary agencies and institutions like
Anjuman (Taraqqi Urdu) to maintain their very existence in the
absence of finance and also its activities and progress have
become very limited. Hence the central government may provide
financial assistance to it on a permanent basis without any condition so that it could continue its mission of promoting Urdu as
an autonomous institution because of which Urdu is alive today,
at least to some extent.
The President, after hearing every bodys problems and suggestions, promised all kinds of possible assistance. He also asked Prof
Qidwai to write in detail about the problems of the Anjuman and send
it to him so as to enable him take suitable action. (N. A. Ansari)
Chairman Maulana Haseeb Siddiqi, Springdale Public Schools
Director Saad Siddiqi and others have welcomed this plan of the state
government and described this an important step in removing the
educational backwardness of Muslims. They have at the same time
demanded that educational scholarships by the government to boy
and girl students belonging to minority community should be stopped
and instead, facilitate easy acquisition of higher and quality education
to Muslim boy and girl students so that after acquisition of quality education they could themselves be able to solve all their problems and
play a proper role in nation building.
Jamia Millia Islamia to start six new courses in 2015-16
New Delhi: Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia University, Prof
Talat Ahmad said here that from the new academic session of
2015-16, five or six new courses will be started in this University
through its research centres. He said that in Jamia University all
departments run different courses and in addition to these departments there are about 15 research centres also in this University
where only research work is done but from the new academic session, other courses also will be managed through these research
centres. He further said that two or three research centres will be
combined together and new courses will be run jointly. New
courses such as Masters course in peace and conflict, Women
Gender Sensitivity, Diplomacy and Foreign Services and some
other courses (to be decided later) will be started from the new
session. He said that more than one lakh applications are received
every year for admission in Jamia but only about 7000 students
can get admission. We want that more courses should be introduced in this University so that more students can get admissions
here. He also said that from the new session choice-based credit system is being introduced, for which work has already started.
He said that after NAAC (National Assessament and Accreditation
Committee)s approval, which will assess and inspect Jamias educational and administrative etc structure, governmental fundings of different types will be made available to this University, with the help of
which there will be facilities for other works also. It may be stated in
this connection that JNU (Delhi) has already got NAACs approval and
Delhi University is in the waiting list of NAACs approval.
Reduction of scholarships of minority students for
higher education
Deoband: According to new rules and regulations which are in the
process of being framed, boy and girl students belonging to
minority communities will not be given more than Rs 50 thousand
towards scholarships and institution fees which was previously,
and is even now, upto Rs one lakh for medical, technical and professional courses. Government and concerned departments are
now going to frame new rules and regulations in order to prevent
private higher education institutions from exacting high legal wilful
fees and also to revise scholarships and other facilities to such
students. Now that educational scholarships to minority students
upto 8th class have ben stopped, government has also reduced
educational scholarships for higher education upto almost 50 percent. In addition to this, fees charged by private institutions was
much more than charged by government institutions for same
courses. Now according to new rules, private educational institutions also will have to charge same fees as government educational institutions. District Minorities Officer Ms Anjana Sarohi said
that government has now finalised framing of new rules and regulations regarding scholarships and institutional fees and these

will be implemented from the next academic session.

Imams not being paid full salary even
after Supreme Courts order
New Delhi: Masjid Imams met newly elected AAP-MLA Imran
Husain on 20 February regarding increase in their salaries. Two
days ago they had also met Delhis chief minister Arvind Kejriwal
in the same connection. Their demand is that Delhi government
should pay their salaries in accordance with the Supreme Courts
order, but the difficulty is that their salaries are paid by Delhi Waqf
Board whose income is so limited that it is difficult for it to give
their salaries according to government pay scale. Since all the 317
properties of Waqf are occupied by the government and its other
agencies, if the govt. vacates these properties and hands them
over to Waqf Board, salaries of Imams can be increased but it is
extremely difficult to get these properties vacated by the government and its agencies. It may be stated that about 22 years ago
i.e. in 1993 Supreme Court had ordered that salaries to Imams
should be given according to governments pay scale but its order
could not be implemented till date. Only 72 Imams were paid
salaries and arrears in accordance with Supreme Courts order,
though there are 197 Imams and 28 Muazzins under the Waqf
Board. From that time onwards Imams met Delhis former chief
minister Shiela Dikshit, Waqf Borads former Chairman Chaudhari
Mateen Ahmad and sat on dharna in protest but in vain. However,
after many years Delhi government increased their salaries but not
in accordance with Supreme Courts order. Finally they met the
present chief minister and the newly elected MLA Imran Husain.
One of the Imams Maulana Sajid suggested that since all Waqf
properties are occupied by the central government, Delhi government, DDA and other government departments, either all these
should be vacated and given back to Waqf Board or their rents
should be given to Waqf Board at the present market rates and till
the time those properties are not returned to Waqf Board, Delhi
government should continue giving grant to Delhi Waqf Board so
that enhanced salaries could be given to Imams. He also said that
Masjid Imams have not been paid salaries for 2-3 months. Imran
Husain told the Imams that the chief minister is fully aware of the
problems and difficulties of Imams and the promise that he has
made is in the process of being implemented. He assured them
that he will try his best to get their difficulties solved soon.
More than 27,000 admissions fake in Mewats govt schools
Mewat: It was found after an enquiry that in about 200 schools of
Mewat (Haryana)s education department, admissions of as
many as 27,600 students were fake. This fact came to light after
an inquiry was ordered by District Basic Education Officer into
cases of corruption in primary and middle schools. It was found
that corruption was going on for the past about 8-10 months
because of which the authorities of different schools were pocketing the amounts given by the government for students mid-day
meals, stationery items and uniforms of children, thereby cheating the government every month. The DEEO has sent this report
of corruption to the department and Principal secretary T. C. Gupta
for action. After this revelation it became clear what kind of education was being provided by teachers and officers in Mewat. The
question therefore arises as to why the DEEO authorities and
inspectors who make surprise visits and conduct checks frequently did not detect these practices of cheating earlier. In this
district 2,01068 students attend classes upto middle class. When
the DEEO Wazir Chand Majoka took over charge of this post, he
gave the responsibility of checking such cases to heads of some
schools. It was found that the maximum cases of corruption were
found in Panhana Blcok where names of about 11000, in Noh
6,165, in Nagina 4928, in Firozpur Jharka 3615 and in Taoda 1905
students were found to be fake. Among these, some are students
who have admission in both private as well as government
schools but most of the students were found missing for several
months and they can be included in the category of fake students.
It is also expected that if checks are made thoroughly, the number
of such students will exceed 40,000. An idea of corruption and
amounts that can be pocketed can be had from the following: Midday meals: Upto 5th class, Rs 3.59 per student per day. From 6th
8th class, Rs 5.38 per student per day. Uniforms: Rs 400 per student per year. For starionery: Rs 100 per student. For school bag,
Rs 120 per student upto class 5 and 150 per student upto 8th
class per year. At this rate the total amount on account of mid-day
meals, uniforms, items of stationery etc for at least 27600 students will run into several crores of rupees. Though this amount
is in the account of SMC, in practice it is managed by the principals or heads of schools.
Removal of Literary Research Instt from Jamia Hamdard
New Delhi: A meeting of All India Unani Tibbi Congress (Youth
Wing) was held here recently in which it was stated that the order
for separation and abolition of CCRUM (Central Council for
Research in Unani Medicines)s Literary Research Institute is a big
plot. Dr Sabahatullah Amrohvi, who chaired this meeting said in
his presidential speech that the (late) Hakeem Abdul Hameed had
entered into an agreement for setting up CCRUMs Literary
Research Centre in Jamia Hamdard so that it could play an important role in the field of research in Unani medicines and in fact,
whatever progress has been made in Unani medicine is mainly
because of this Research Centre. Dr. Sabahatullah said that Jamia
Hamdard (or Hamdard University)s present Vice Chancellor G. N.
Qazi had started the process of removing Unani Tibb from Jamia
Hamdard years ago, adding that Qazi wants to keep only those
departments in Jamias campus which may bring in a huge
income but since the Research Cenre is engaged in research work
and does not generate any income, be wants to keep it out of
Jamia (Hamdards) campus. He also said that Prof Syed Shakir
Jameel has been serving as Direcotr General of CCRUM and now

The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


Mother Tongue Day

New Delhi: Union HRD ministry has decided to observe or celebrate this day, 21 February as Mother Tongue (or Language)
Day. Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities, Govt of India, Prof
Akhtarul Wasey said here while speaking at a function sponsored
by NCPUL on the occasion of Mother tongue Day on 21
February that mans real language is his mother tongue which
plays a avery important role in the promotion of his dreams,
thoughts and personality. He said that man is always indebted to
his mother for her milk which sustains him in early life and also
for his mother tongue. Hence we should love our mother tongue
in the same way as we love our mother. He said this while delivering key-note address at this function. He said that China and
Japan acquired education in their respective mother tongues and
achieved success in establishing their power and prestige in the
world economy which the whole world acknowledges. He said
that in Indias Consitution also protection of ones mother tongue
has been guaranteed (it is a different thing that in its violation
efforts are being made at governmental level to suppress the
mother tongues of many communities) and under the 3-language
formula it has been promised to impart education in ones mother tongue along with Hindi and other languages. Speaking about
the services of madrasas towards protection and survival of Urdu
he said that it is the madrasas which have made the children of

poor and needy people literate. He said that in big cities and
offices English is the language of mutual contacts but in towns
and small cities Urdu serves as the contact and link language. He
said that for keeping any language alive it is very necessary to
keep its script also alive.
Maulana Azad National Urdu Universitys chancellor Zafar
Sareshwala said while speaking at this programme that there is a
deep relationship between a mans mother tongue and his culture,
civilization and identity, hence we should try our best to protect,
promote our mother tongue and work for its survival. He said that
after the Independence of India, effort has been made and is
being made to gradually eliminate Urdu by describing it as the language of a particular section of people. Now this language has
been confined to some particular institutions and to madrasas.
Hence we should do our best and take serious and practical steps
for its promotion and survival.
Director of NCPUL Prof Khwaja Ikramuddin said that HRD ministry
has decided to celebrate this day (21 February) as Mother Tongue Day,
adding that Central government has for the first time issued instructions
to celebrate Mother Tongue / Langugage Day and under this instruction
NCPUL is arranging to celebrate this all over India. NCPULs Vice
Chairman Muzaffar Husain and Ghalib Institutions Director Syed Haidar
Raza also expressed their views at this function. (N. A. Ansari)

after completion of his term he is going back to Jamia Hamdard

this month (January) and now this decision has been taken immediately after his departure from CCRUM. In the same meeting, Dr
Saghir Ahmad Siddiqi, general secretary of CCRUM Officers
Welfare Association while regretting the decision to abolish the
Research Centre from Jamia Hamdard Campus said that in his
capacity as Incharge of this Literary Research Centre and general
secretary of this Association he would like to inform the people
that the VC, G. N. Qazi wants to gradually remove Tibb Unani from
Hamdard University Campus and last year also in July 2014 he
had suddenly removed CCRUMs DSRU Unit which has not so far
got any proper place. Similarly, he also got a notice asking to
vacate Literary Research Centre / Institue before 14 December
2014. Hence, as per the requirements of the Associations aims
and objectives I had given written information about this to the
Central government and Ayush department. He also said that
Jamia Hamdard is an important institution of the Millat and its protection and safety is the responsibility of all of us. My request to
the well wishers of the Millat, therefore, is to convince G. N. Qazi
that Jamia Hamdard and Tibb Unani are inseparable from each
other and hence not to take any such step which may harm Tibb

National Conference in favour of autonomy for J&K regions

Srinagar: National Conference of Jammu & Kashmir is in favour of
giving autonomy to the three regions of J&K, i.e., Kashmir Valley,
Jammu and Ladakh which is the best way to remove the complaints of each region of discriminatory treatment. The NC is of the
viw that by giving regional autonomy to the three regions, the
unholy plan of the communalists of dividing the state into three
parts will be foiled. The NC wants that power and authority should
be given to the autonomous regional units and selected
autonomous district councils. State president of National
Conference, Devinder Singh Rana, referring to the BJP said that
the concept of regional autonomy is nothing new because the
party has been demanding this since 1952. He said that in 1996,
Dr. Farooq Abdullah had constituted a committee headed by Balraj
Puri to empowr the people of J&K and to consider regional autonomy. Subsequently, Mohiuddin Shah was made head of this committee.

Jamia Millia organized M. A. Ansari Memorial Lecture

on An Overview of Ottoman Archival
Sources and their Relevance for Medieval
Indian History on 25 February. The lecture was delivered by Prof. N. R. Farooqi,
the acting Vice-Chancellor of the
University of Allahabad. Prof. Farooqi
expressed his concern over the neglect
of the archival material on Ottoman history, which though not present in India, is
available in unbelievable volume in the
Turkish National Archives, called the Archives of the Prime
Ministry which has about 150 million documents in it today. Prof.
Farooqi said that without Ottoman history, there can be no
European history. The Ottomans were involved with the
Europeans for almost 400 years and a large number of European
and American historians are using these archival materials but no
Indian historian or Indian university seems to have shown interest
in this potential research area. In the course of his lecture, Prof.
Farooqi provided several interesting examples like the letters that
were written by Aurangzeb to the Ottoman rulers or the inventories
of the gifts sent by Muhammad Shah to the Turkish sultans and
how all this lies assiduously preserved in the Turkish Archives. He
recounted details of how an all-women Haj contingent, probably
coordinated by a woman leader, had been sent to Mecca and
Medina during Akbars time and that they had come back to India
in 4 years.
Work on the terms of legal literature in Urdu
Saharnpur: A special meeting of the Institute of Muslim Law
was held here in which former secretary of Central Waqf
Board, New Delhi, Dr Qaisar Shameem, who is working on
compilation Urdu legal terms, said that the work done by Urduknowing people on legal terms in Urdu is much less than
English terms. He said that much more is needed to be done
on the terms of other sciences including legal terms / sciences. He said that Urdu-knowing people have forgotten many
terms which were in use earlier. He said that in English language, the total number of terms is about 250,000 while in
Urdu about 65000 terms have been collected so far. He said
that terms are needed in every field of science such as in
translation, Urdu newspapers and many other things hence it is
necessary to know special words or terms. He further said that
the terms on which researches have been made are available
on net. Meanwhile, anwering questions from the audience or
participants, Shameem said that imparting education in the
mother tongue has special significance. He said that in Roorki
Engineering College, which has now become a university, education in engineering was imparted in Urdu also in addition to
English. Same was being done in Agra College also, he said.

Maulana Azad Institute inaugurated in UP

Lucknow: Chief minister of UP, Akhilesh Yadav inaugurated
Maulana Azad Institute of Humanities and Science and
Technology in Mahmoodabad town in Sitapur district on 25
February. At a function held in the campus of this Institute he
distributed Pass Books to 500 beneficiaries of Samajwadi
Pension Scheme and also lap tops to 180 promising boy and
girl students. In addition to these he laid foundation stones of
89 different projects total cost of which amounted to Rs 110
crores and also dedicated 31 other projects valued at Rs 75
cores to the nation / people. In this way he laid the foundation
stones of, and dedicated, a total of 120 projects valued at
about Rs 185 crores. In addition to all these he also distributed
cheques worth Rs 4.40 crores to members of a total of 88
families at the rate of Rs 5 lakh to each family under Farmers
Accident Insurance Scheme. Addressing the people assembled
on this occasion and paying tributes to Maulana Azad he said
that he played an important role in promoting Hindu-Muslim
unity. He also said that by inviting different religious Ulama on
one platform, the organisers of this function have done a laudable job. Regarding the demand of linking Mahmoodabad
Tahsil to Lucknow he said that after judging the feasibility of
this demand action will be taken on this project. Minister of
state for social welfare Narendar Singh Varma also made a
demand that Mahmoodabad should either be made a district or
it should be linked to Lucnow. On this occasion many persons
including Mrs Parveen Talha, Mrs Roona Bannerjee,
Dr. Mansoor Hasan, Choodamani Gopal, Sirajuddin Qureshi etc
were honoured by the chief minister with awards such as
shawls, memento etc.
Electronic inventions by young children
Saharsa: Two friends in their early teens and sons of peasants in
a village of Saharsa, by using worn out electronic devices have
made helicopters, remote controlled toys, small ships and many
more things on seeing which people were greatly surprised at their
creative skill. They claim that if they are given some financial help
and a bit of training they can even make missiles. These children
are Muhammad Abu Bashar, son of a poor farmer Muhammad
Naziruddin and Abu Hamza, son of Abdul Ghaffar and both are 7th
class students in Urdu Middle School of the village. They have
also made self-propelled boats, lift, RC phone, remote controlled
car, ship, sail boats etc. A unique thing of their inventions is that
they use small parts of rejected electronic gadgets and goods.
They say that if they get some essential materials they can build
missiles also. Abu Hamzas father Abdul Ghaffar says that he
doesnt have much money to fulfill the dreams of his son but even
then he tries to meet at least some of his demands with his meagre resources. District (Saharsa) Education Officer, Abdul Khaliq
says that these things have not come to his notice but if such
intelligent and promising children are in the school, it is a matter
of great pride for the school and he will write to authorities in
Patna, but for the time being I am writing to BRP to inspect their
innovations and help these children in whatever way his depart
ment can.


The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015

The United States of Israel

It ought to be disturbing, and alarming, even from the point of view of America's own national
interest, that the leader of a nominal ally would be prepared to do this, and would receive support in
doing so. It ought to provide pause for thought as to why this has happened and what its potential
ramifications are, and whether this relationship is entirely healthy...
United States, which props up Israel's military machine. Yet in
March 07, 2015 "ICH" - There is no polite way to say this, but
Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the most repellent and dangerous
politicians in the world today. He is a man who trades on fear and
war, a cynical and amoral manipulator without a trace of honesty
in his entire body, who lies as easily as he breathes. In 2012 he
warned the United Nations that Iran was a year away from
manufacturing a bomb, even though his own security services
had told him something entirely different,
Last year he deliberately used the murders of three Israeli
teenagers to manipulate Israeli public opinion into supporting the
ferocious and strategically meaningless slaughter in Gaza.
He also manipulates his most powerful ally. In public
Netanyahu never ceases to express his love and gratitude to the

Israeli FM calls for beheading of

Arab citizens disloyal to Israel
The Israeli foreign minister and head of the right-wing Yisrael
Beiteinu party Avigdor Lieberman suggested during a campaign
event that Arab citizens of Israel, who are disloyal to the state,
deserve to be decapitated. "Whoever is with us should get everything," Lieberman said in a speech at the Interdisciplinary Center
in the western city of Herzliya on Sunday. "Whoever is against us,
there's nothing else to do. We have to lift up an axe and remove
his head, otherwise we won't survive here."
During the rally, the nationalist leader declared those who
raise the black flag on Nakba Day, the day Israeli Arabs and
Palestinians commemorate the creation of Israel as a tragedy, do
not belong in the state of Israel.
"Those who raise the black flag on 'Nakba Day' in mourning
over the establishment of Israel do not belong here, as far as I am
concerned," he said. "I am quite willing to donate them to PA
chief Mahmoud Abbas. It would be my pleasure."
When an Israeli-Arab student expressed unease and asked
what the minister proposes to do with her under this plan,
Lieberman responded that he expects all people regardless of
religion to respect Israel and to serve in Israel's military.
"I have no problem with your being a citizen," he told her. "I
expect all Arabs, Christians and Jews to be loyal to the state,
regardless of religious affiliation, and to serve in the IDF."
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators hold boards during a rally
marking Nakba Day, outside Tel Aviv University (Reuters/Nir
Lieberman also reiterated his party's platform to integrate
parts of Israel populated by Arabs into the Palestinian state, in
exchange for areas of Judea and Samaria.
"There is no reason for Umm el-Fahm [a large Arab-populated city in the north of the country] to be a part of Israel,"
Lieberman said. Israel took control of Umm el-Fahm in 1949
after an armistice agreement between Israel and Jordan.
Lieberman made these remarks ahead of Israel's March 17
general election.
Several officials have spoken out against Lieberman's comments. Former ambassador to South Africa and Foreign Minister
Director-General Alon Liel, as well as former ambassador to
France Daniel Shek, pointed out the hypocrisy of Lieberman's
words, the Jerusalem Post reports.
"Israel's number-one diplomat is waving an axe over the
heads of citizens of the country that he represents, and in the
same breath, he preaches to the whole world about fighting antiSemitism," they said.
David Harel, an Israeli peace activist, told RT that though
Lieberman's statements were disturbing, they did not come as a
"Before elections people make slightly more extreme statements than they would have otherwise in order to possibly pull in
undecided voters,"he said.
"Can you imagine John Kerry making a similar statement
about the Mexicans, or the Hispanics, or the Blacks in the United
States. Imagine John Kerry saying publically that you have to
have their heads chopped off with an axe," Harel added. (
-- 9 March, 2015)

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private he's not always so respectful. Back in 2001 he told a

group of settlers in the West Bank 'I know what America is.
America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right
Netanyahu cannot be ignored entirely, not as long as Israelis
are crazy enough to keep voting for him. But no country with any
respect for truth or even its own national interest would actually
invite a man like this to speak to its own elected representatives if
it didn't have to, let alone invite him in order to undermine the
policy of its elected president. But this exactly what happened
yesterday when Netanyahu went to Washington, following an
'invitation' arranged between Republican speaker of the House
John Boehner and the Israeli ambassador to the United States Ron
This demarche was deliberately intended to torpedo the
ongoing negotiations over Iran's nuclear program, and pave the
way for a new bill imposing harsher sanctions on Iran. His
audience knew what he was going to say, because everyone
always knows what Netanyahu is going to say when it comes to
Iran. Yesterday all the usual buttons were pushed; references to
the Holocaust and condemnations of the 'genocidal' Iranian
regime; Hezbollah and Iran's 'march of terror'; five-minutes-tomidnight warnings of nuclear war; and ominous references to
'Munich', because Israel's enemies are always Hitler in
Netanyahu's eyes.
And not only to him. To the moronic Republican party, whose
collective brain is now so rotted by the paranoia, war and
militarism and Zionist propaganda that it has been injecting into its
veins for years that it no longer even knows how to think,
Netanyahu's was deep, deep stuff, a real clarion call.
Never mind that on Sunday 200 former Mossad veterans took

the unprecedented step of staging a public press conference to
condemn their own prime minister's visit as a danger to Israel's
security and argue against imposing new sanctions. None of this
had any impact on the glassy-eyed zombie-politicians who sat
there in their silk ties and suits and their world-historical facial
expressions, sucking up Netanyahu's fearmongering,
warmongering poison like alien seed pods in Invasion of the
Because make no mistake about it, politicians who allow the
leader of another country to insult and undercut their own elected
government have had their minds well and truly snatched, or
maybe they never had any to begin with.
When it was over the congressmen and senators got to their
feet like one man, because they are in fact one man, and delivered
no less than 26 standing ovations of the type that Stalin used to
get when he announced a new five-year-plan. Of course with
Stalin it was Russians praising a Russian and the penalty might
have been death if you didn't stand up.
For the bozos who paid homage to the Great Liar yesterday,
the worst that could happen was that their career trajectories
might be altered. But such is the hold that Israel now exercises
over the Republican Party that even showing up wasn't enough,
you had to physically express your joy and rapture. So Kentucky
senator Rand Paul was criticized afterwards for looking 'less than
enthused' and 'clapping halfheartedly.'
Oh give me an absolute break already. Whether they actually
believed Netanyahu or were merely concerned about their careers
and the cash that comes with them, these congressmen and
senators effectively colluded with the leader of a foreign state in
order to promote its foreign policy objectives and undermine
those of their own.
It ought to be disturbing, and alarming, even from the point of
view of America's own national interest, that the leader of a
nominal ally would be prepared to do this, and would receive
support in doing so. It ought to provide pause for thought as to
why this has happened and what its potential ramifications are,
and whether this relationship is entirely healthy. But none of this
is likely to come from those who participated in the weird
spectacle that took place yesterday, who showed no evidence that
they were capable of thinking anything at all, beyond what the
Great Liar wanted them to think.
Matt Carr blogs at

When America behaved like ISIS: Jesse Washington and

the Bible Belt's dark history of public lynchings
They burned him alive in an
carnival of death. One of
iron cage, and as he
them sent a picture postcard
screamed and writhed in the
home: "This is the barbeque
agony of hell they made a
we had last night. My picture
sport of his death. After lisis to the left with a cross over
tening to one newscast after
it. Your son, Joe."
another rightly condemn the
The victim's name was
barbaric killing of that
Jesse Washington. The year
Jordanian air force pilot at the
was 1916. America would
bloody hands of ISIS, I couldsoon go to war in Europe "to
n't sleep. My mind kept roammake the world safe for
ing the past trying to retrieve a
democracy." My father was
vaguely remembered phototwelve, my mother eight. I
graph that I had seen long ago
was born 18 years later, at a
in the archives of a college
time, I would come to learn,
library in Texas. Suddenly,
when local white folks still
around two in the morning,
talked about Washington's
the image materialized in my
execution as if it were only
head. I made my way down Large crowd looking at the burned body of Jesse Washington, 18 yesterday. This was not
the hall to my computer and year-old African-American, lynched in Waco, Texas, May 15, 1916 medieval Europe. Not the
(Photo Credit: Library of Congress).
typed in: "Waco, Texas.
Inquisition. Not a heretic
burned at the stake by some ecclesiastical authority in the Old
Sure enough, there it was: the charred corpse of a young World. This was Texas, and the white people in that photograph
black man, tied to a blistered tree in the heart of the Texas Bible were farmers, laborers, shopkeepers, some of them respectable
Belt. Next to the burned body, young white men can be seen smil- congregants from local churches in and around the growing town
ing and grinning, seemingly jubilant at their front-row seats in a of Waco. (Bill Moyers, Salon)

In US Congress the
tail wags the dog
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had started expediting
his planned attack on Iran much before his controversial speech
in US Congress. But, after his address in the US Congress despite
opposition from the US president, US-Israel relations have been
strained. All this came out as Benjamin Netanyahu, who has
repeatedly attacked the emerging Iran deal targeting US and other
nations for their lenient policies on Iran's nuclear reactors Iran
and US.
It was a speech delivered by chief of a government in another country against the will of the head of that particular country
and its people. The chief of a particular state criticised the head of
the host country for his international policies. This is some real
cheek, a perfect example of the tail wagging the dog. Isn't it a new
and unique example in world politics?
According to AFP news quoted by Man News Agency and
many news channels, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini
warned Israel and their Zionist supporters against "spreading
fears" about a Iranian nuclear deal being negotiated by US and
other nations with Iran over its nuclear activities and uranium
enrichment just as Israel's prime minister went to address the US
Congress about this issue.
Federica Mogherini told the press in Geneva: "Spreading
fears is not helpful at this stage," as "We are getting closer" to a

Her comments came as Benjamin Netanyahu began attacking
Iran and instigating Zionists against Arab and European nations,
US president Barak Obama and White House administration,
including Secretary of State John Kerry, who refused to meet
Netanyahu in America during his visit for the said speech.
White House also rejected Netanyahu's 39-minute speech,
terming it as an old song with old tune; Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu warned the United States his controversial
speech that it was promoting a "bad deal" with Iran that could
bring a "nuclear nightmare" in the Middle East and pose threat to
Israel's existence. Dozens of Obama's fellow Democrats apparently boycotted the Netanyahu address as did some others. March 3,
Boehner, the Republican speaker of the Congress said the "Stunt
Backfires" as NBC, CBS and ABC did not televise Netanyahu's
speech To the Congress. Obama responded to Netayahu in the
Oval Office, declaring his criticism of America's Iran diplomacy as
"nothing new". Obama said speaking from the Oval Office
Natanyahu "did not offer any viable alternative".
Meanwhile Martin Indyk, former US special envoy for IsraeliPalestinian relations called a move conspired by Netanyahu and
Speaker of the Congress Boehner to insult the US President,
which is not acceptable to Americans except the Zionists.
According to Indyk, Netanyahu's fiery address to Congress
was an "affront to the President," (BBC: 4 March ,2015). Now the
time has come for US and other world powers to realise that Iran,
or Organisations like Hezbollah and Hamas were never a threat for
the region but it is Israel who has appeared in the Middle East as
the real danger for Palestine and the security of whole region with
its dangerous policies.
Dr Islahi teaches in Lucknow University


The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


PA is arresting Palestinians to please Israel

Occupied East Jerusalem
Once again, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is ganging up on its own
citizens in order to receive a certificate of good conduct from the
likes of Binyamin Netanyahu, Avigdor Lieberman and Naftali Bennet.
According to the latest news from the West Bank, PA security
agencies, including the Preventive Security and General Intelligence
(Mukhabarat) have been raiding homes and businesses of
supporters of the Islamic liberation group, Hamas.
Reliable sources in the West Bank reported that as many as a
hundred activists have been rounded up in the still-ongoing sweep,
including college students, university professors, and former
detainees just released from Israeli jails.
No specific charges have been leveled against the detainees,
widely believed to be innocent of any wrongdoings.
The PA didn't spell out the exact motives behind the latest
campaign, which targeted families said was carried out with
"vengeance and vindictiveness."
A PA spokesman in Ramallah said Monday the arrests were a
reprisal for the arrest by Hamas' security apparatus in Gaza of a local
Fatah leader, reportedly accused of "indulgence in improper
However, the large scope of the arrest campaign in the West
Bank seems to suggest that the PA is hell-bent on persecuting its
own people on Israel's behalf.
A few days ago, the PLO Central Council, decided to terminate
all security coordination with Israel. However, a huge question mark
is drawn over the willingness of the PA leadership, e.g. Chairman
Mahmoud Abbas, to halt security collaboration with Israel.
Abbas has been quoted repeatedly as saying that security
collaboration with Israel is "a sacred commitment", and an "ultimate
red line." Hence, most Palestinians and observers are skeptical
about Abbas's willingness to carry out the decision.

From the Israeli view point, the PA would lose its very raison
d'tre should it halt full security collaboration with the Jewish state.
Hence, stopping the one-sided security collaboration between
the PA and Israel could possibly spell the end of the very existence
of the PA.
However, the elimination of the PA goes against the wishes of
the US, Israel's guardian ally, EU, as well as regional states such as
Jordan and Sissi's Egypt.
Israel, too, views the continued survival of the PA regime as a
paramount Israel interest. Israel views the PA very much as a subcontractor for managing the occupation, on Israel's behalf. The
disappearance of the PA would create a huge security and financial
burden for Israel as the Jewish state would be forced to cater for the
livelihood and welfare of more than four million Palestinians in the
West Bank and Gaza. Israel would also be forced to redeploy tens of
thousands of its troops throughout Palestinian towns.
Needless to say, the PA has been doing the job rather faithfully
on behalf of Israel ever since the conclusion of the hapless Oslo
Agreement in 1993. And this was done with minimal Israeli
obligations toward the Palestinians.
More to the point, under the umbrella of this ignominious
arrangement, which was supposed to expire by 2000, Israel
continued to confiscate Palestinian land, build and expand Jewish
settlements and use every conceivable method to persecute,
repress and torment Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza
Real irony: The continuing arrest of dozens of innocent Palestinian
activists comes at a time when the PA is being thoroughly humiliated
and blackmailed by the occupying power, Israel. The Zionist entity
has been withholding hundreds of millions of dollars of Palestinian
tax and customs revenue, levied by Israel on behalf the PA pursuant
to the Paris protocol of 1994.
The freezing of these funds has caused a virtual financial
collapse of the PA, which has not been
able to pay the salaries of its estimated
140,000 civil servants and security
personnel in full.

Iraq: 30,000 Sunnis flee as Shiite

Militias, Army approach Tikrit
The Iraqi military and allied Shiite militias are
mounting a campaign to take the largely
Sunni town of Tikrit (original pop. 300,000),
which is alleged to have been planned and is
being directed by the Jerusalem (Quds)
Brigade, the foreign special ops arm of the
Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).
Quds Brigade commander Qasim Solaimani
has been photographed on site.
Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi appears
to have ordered this campaign despite the
fears of the US that the Iraqi army was not
ready for it and that insufficient effort had
been expended to raise Sunni tribal levies.
As it is, perhaps two thirds of the attacking
forces are Shiite militiamen trained and
equipped by Iran. The US is not giving it
close air support,allegedly as part of a deal
Washington made with PM al-Abadi that Iran
could take part in the Tikrit campaign but the
US as a result would not. The US does not
want Iran involved in the coming Mosul campaign because the largely Sunni city of some
one million would not accept Iranian special
forces. Tikrit is from all accounts a ghost
town. Much of its population fled last summer when Daesh took it over. In the past
week, another 30,000- ten percent of its pre-

war population- has fled. Sunni townspeople

hitting the road have torn up sheets to wave
as white flags of surrender if they encounter
Shiite militiamen, of whom they are terrified,
saying that the militiamen are often seeking
revenge. Iraqi government sources say that
this fear is overblown, and that 4000 Sunni
fighters have joined in against Daesh.
The Iranian press in Arabic, al-`Alam,
reports that the Iraqi Army and Shiite militias
had surrounded Tikrit and cut off resupply
routes for Daesh. [The Iraqi press contradicts this allegation, saying that the Daesh
position in Tikrit is receiving reinforcements
from the north.] They also chased Daesh
(ISIS or ISIL) from villages southeast of Tikrit
and were now at the threshold of al-Dur district. It claimed that the Baghdad forces had
inflicted a terrible toll on the Daesh fighters,
and had managed to defuse two truck
bombs in the district. The Iraqi army has, it
says, liberated a housing complex in al-Dur,
killing dozens of Daesh fighters. There were
33 casualties among the Shiite militias and
the Iraqi army. Daesh sources deny that the
army and the Shiite militias have in fact
made much progress toward the city.(Juan
Cole, Mar. 6, 2015 )



The PA has appealed to western countries, especially the US,

to pressure Israel to release the funds. However, it is unlikely that
Israel will unfreeze the funds anytime soon, especially before the
Israeli elections, slated to take place on 17 March.
The Israeli government is worried that unfreezing the Palestinian
funds now would be a sign of weakness to the Israeli Jewish public,
which has a clear propensity to support right-wing and extreme-right
wing parties, such as Netanyahu's Likud.
In addition to withholding Palestinian funds, Israel has been
waging a murderous campaign against ordinary Palestinians.
On 7 March, the Israeli occupation army murdered a Palestinian
fisherman. Tawfik Abu Rayala, 34, was killed when an Israeli navy
patrol strafed Palestinian fishermen in northern Gaza with
machinegun bullets, killing the young fisherman and injuring a
number of other fishermen.
Several other Palestinians have also been killed in various parts
of the West Bank as the Israeli occupation army adopted a shoot-tokill policy in dealing with Palestinian protesters.
A few months ago, Israeli troops near Ramallah, murdered Ziyad
Abu Ein, prompting widespread indignation.
Israel, whose navy routinely opens fire on impoverished Gaza
fishermen, had murdered more than 2000 Palestinians, mostly
innocent civilians during its last summer blitz against Gaza. The
victims include some 300 children.
In fact, the Israeli killing machine never stopped murdering and
maiming Palestinians as the Zionist entity continued to narrow
Palestinian horizons politically and economically.
Awarding Israel for its crimes: In light of all this, many ordinary
Palestinians are openly accusing the PA of being at Israel's beck and
call and even awarding Israel for murdering and persecuting
Ahmed Suleiman, a Palestinian professor at Hebron University,
described the PA behavior of arresting pro-Hamas activists in the
West Bank as "a treasonous act par excellence."
"We all know that Israel considers Hamas its archenemy. So by
cracking down on Hamas in the West Bank, the PA is effectively
telling Israel that ' your enemy is also our enemy.'"

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The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


If Islam is not the target, what is?

President Obama, speaking at the recent 'summit' of
religious leaders from around the world in
Washington, articulated with his usual eloquence
that US wasn't at war against Islam.
Obama was delivering his key-note address at
the conference organised under his aegis to come
up with a blue-print on how to tackle the menace of
religious radicalism which has prompted the western powers, led
by US, to combat the challenge with the use of massive force. The
on-going 'long war' of US against terrorism is just one manifestation of it.
The word 'terrorism' was conspicuous by its absence in the
caption of the conference. On his part, President Obama waxed
eloquent in insisting that the target of the, so far, endless war wasn't Islam but those practitioners of it who have twisted and warped
its message and its pristine peace.
This wasn't the first time Mr. Obama clarified his position that
the western war effort didn't have Islam as its enemy or target. He
has said it many a times before, most famously at his famous
2009 Cairo address when he made the half-hearted attempt to win
over the Islamic world with a similar assurance. But his message
turned out to be a damp squib because his actions-in Iraq and
Afghanistan, among other trouble-spots-conveyed just the opposite message.
On cue from Obama, other western leaders-especially those
who have been enthusiastically pursuing an agenda of targeting
Muslims in any disguise or mode of convenience-have been parroting the theme of not being at war with Islam. They have, likewise, been defensive in arguing that their quarries and the target
of their incessant use of force against 'terrorism' wasn't Islam but
Muslim terrorists or-a phraseology so dear to Islamophobes'Islamo-fascists.'
It's fine to draw a line between Islam and its practitioners
while defining the end-purpose of a war which has been going
endlessly on like a meandering river in full flow. But it also begs
the obvious question: do the actions and policies of these governments really attest to what their leaders have been articulating
with theatrical gusto, or does it not?
Drawing a clear line between Islam and its followers and practitioners isn't a simple exercise, given the inherent quality of
Islam's comprehensive nature of a complete way of life and not
just a compendium of rituals, as is the case with many another
religions and beliefs.
The epicentre of Islam's precepts is not only the oneness of
God but, along with it, the unassailable personality of Prophet
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Islamic beliefs and practices
cannot be divorced, or taken in isolation, from the pivotal presence
of he who brought to mankind the last, and eternal, message of
In other words, Muhammad (PBUH) and Islam are integral to
each other and any disrespect to, or lowering the stature of,
Muhammad is an outright onslaught on Islam.
This is a position that the western world has either been conveniently ignoring-because of lack of appreciation for Muslim sensitivities-or deliberately denigrating with the mischievous intent of
provoking the Muslims into retaliation, which is then quickly
equated with violence, militancy, terrorism et al.
A clutch of western intellectuals and polemicists have argued
that reformation in the west-delinking the Church from the Statehas also 'humanised' the perception of Jesus Christ, the personality at the pinnacle of Christianity. Taking that as an example,
they've long been hammering away at the theme that Muslims
should do likewise, i.e. 'humanise' their Prophet Muhammad.
That the Muslim or Islamic world is not prepared to buy this
argument and-as a consequence of it-not willing to lower the
stature of their Holy Prophet to the level where western Christianity
has callously consigned Jesus Christ is , apparently, at the crux of
the perceptional rift between the wet and world Islam.
The aftermath of 9/11 lent a huge impetus and fillip to the centuries-old western Christian campaign to 'humanise' (read,
demonise) the Prophet of Islam. Western news media, in lockstep with the so-called intellectual backlash against the chimera of
'political Islam' has been in the vanguard of efforts making icons

Iraq Arrests ISISs US,

Israeli Military Advisors
in Mosul
Tehran: (FNA)- Iraqi Special Forces said they
have arrested several ISIS's foreign military
advisors, including American, Israeli and Arab
nationals in an operation in Mosul in the
Northern parts of the country.
The Iraqi forces said they have retrieved four foreign passports, including those that belonged to
American and Israeli nationals and one that
belonged to the national of a Persian Gulf
Cooperation Council (PGCC) member-state,
from ISIS's military advisors. The foreign advisors were arrested in a military operation in Tal
Abta desert near Mosul city. Last year, a senior

...much as President Obama or any other

western opinion or policy maker may wax
eloquent that they have no grouse against
Islam, their actions speak otherwise. Islam
is as much in their cross-hairs as are 1.5
billion Muslims of the world. It's a problem
of mind-set, of fear going berserk.
out of transgressors regularly tarnishing and viciously smearing
the stature of the Prophet of Islam. All this smear and intellectual
vandalism has been justified in the guise of freedom of expression
sacrosanct in the west.
The Charlie Hebdo episode is the latest in the long series of
western tirade against the Prophet of Islam which, then, puts a
question mark on the stereo-type argument that their problem is
only with the misguided elements of world Muslims and not with
Islam itself.
But the hypocrisy at the root of this self-serving argument of
convenience is easy to expose. They say the western culture holding its sway on both sides of the Atlantic is anchored in the sanctity of fundamental freedoms-of speech, writing and belief. These
freedoms enjoin complete equality to one and all and are, therefore, sacrosanct.
By this argument, if the freedom of expression-written or spoken-is immutable so should be the freedom of belief and respect
for it. You can't have it both ways: worship your freedom of
expression as a holy cow-and cry foul if there's any breach of it
or an attempt to silence the critique or the critic-but denigrate, with
impunity, the belief or set of beliefs of others.
That precisely explains the dilemma facing those Muslims
who have taken abode in the west: they aren't expected to protest
smear campaigns and acts of deliberate mischief targeting their
beliefs, doctrines and dogmas. But, likewise, shouldn't also
protest if their beliefs are declared as unworthy of-and incompatible with-the western values.
The concept of multiculturalism-of which the western political
leaders and intellectuals spoke glowingly-is being turned on its
head in this frenzied rush to condemn Islam and its followers as
backwards. Multiculturalism, in its classical sense, calls for equality of status for all cultures, languages, customs, beliefs et al vying
for recognition in a society. It has been ideally identified with a
mosaic where tiles and patches of different hues and colours
make a presentable whole. In other words, multiculturalism is coexistence in a milieu of tolerance and acceptance.
But western governments, in the post-9/11 period, seem to be
relentlessly striving for the so-called 'melting-pot' solution to what
their mealy-mouthed media gurus and propagandists argue is an
attempt to 'Muslimise' the continent of Europe. They want Muslims
to immerse themselves in the western set of mores. Assimilation
is the name of the game.
That's also where the dogma of secularism is being turned on
its head. The western intellectuals take pride in their 'achievement'
of holding the Church at the gates of the State and the government. But that's only half the description of what secularism
should be. The other half-conveniently ignored, if not deliberately
shunned-enjoins that the State should stop at the ramparts of
beliefs. If the church or the mosque isn't expected to foist their
beliefs on the statecraft, then, by the same token, the state
shouldn't try to impose its set of beliefs on a religious community, i.e. Muslims in the west, in this case.
But all such 'inconveniences' are shoved to the sidelines in the
name of security. The mantra coined on the heels of 9/11 that
'security trumps all' is being used, ruthlessly, to trounce individual
freedoms and liberties under the rolling juggernaut of revanchist
thrust against Muslims and their beliefs. This is an exercise reminiscent of the 11th century Europe that gave birth to the
Puny leaders, with little sense of history, like David Cameron
of Britain, or that philanderer, President Hollande of France, are
defining what civilisation should be all about. There's a noticeable
frenzy in their incontinent rush to hold Islam and Muslims at the
ramparts of Europe before the continent-as the increasingly feardriven sloganeering contends-is "Islamised" by the hordes of
Muslim immigrants in Europe.

aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin

accused Mossad of training ISIS terrorists operating in Iraq and Syria.
Alexander Prokhanov said that Mossad is also
likely to have transferred some of its spying
experiences to the ISIS leadership, adding that
Israel's military advisors could be assisting the
Takfiri terrorists. Prokhanov said ISIS is a
byproduct of US policies in the Middle East.
ISIS is a tool at the hands of the United States.
They tell the Europeans that if we (the
Americans) do not intervene, ISIS will cause you
harm," he said, adding that Iran and Russia are
the prime targets of the ISIS. "They launched
their first terror attack against us just a few days
back in Chechnya," he said, stressing that the
ISIS ideology has got nothing to do with the

Fear-mongering and Muslim -bashing is also in vogue in

places, like Canada and Australia that used to be famous for their
multi-cultural mosaics of social harmony. These countries, too,
are saddled with bigoted, mud-brained, leaders like Stephen
Harper of Canada and Tony Abbott of Australia who believe to be
practitioners of the Orwellian fear-mongering as the most effective
tool of keeping their votaries in thrall of their palpably anti-immigration and anti-Muslim policies.
New legislations are being rammed through parliaments on
the strength of majority holds. All such new laws are, unabashedly, Muslims-specific. So blinding is the anti-Muslim and anti-Islam
bias that it's ignoring the bitter reality that in the process of targeting Muslims, many of those freedoms that western societies prided on are being trampled and ridden rough-shod over with impunity.
In what could only be described as an Orwellian nightmare
coming true, these ostensibly democratic societies are, blindly,
paving the way towards the replacement of democratic governments with police states by beefing up intelligence services with
draconian powers reminiscent of Stalinist Russia. In total disregard of the rule of law, intelligence operatives are being given
powers to detain 'suspects' over prolonged periods without feeling
any need for judicial warrant.
The freedom of movement is being curtailed by depriving citizens of passports to travel on mere suspicion. Invariably, in all
such cases where travel outside the country is denied the victim
happens to be a young Muslim man or woman.
In an environment of fear deliberately induced to serve a political agenda of Islamophobia, there couldn't be a more welcome
boost to Islamophobic agendas than the appearance of ISIL on the
global political map as a cabal of blood-thirsty predators.
The jury is still out-and will remain so for years to come-as to
who are the god-fathers of ISIL. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have often
been cited as having bankrolled this horde of vandals in the first
place. However, ISIL's agenda of blood-letting against Muslims,
and especially its targeting of innocent Muslim and other religious
minorities in Syria and Iraq, points the finger in the direction of
those who stand to benefit from anarchy in Levant.
The greatest bonanza from anarchy in its surrounding countries is being harvested by an expansionist Israel whose agenda of
denying the Palestinians their fundamental right to statehood
couldn't be given a better boost than the cover of ISIL. With the
western gaze fully riveted on ISIL, Israel has a free pass to terrorise its hapless Palestinian quarries to its heart's content.
A mass murderer like the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu-with
so much of fresh blood on his hands of more than two thousand
innocent Palestinian victims of his brutality of Gaza's invasion last
summer-is using the foil of ISIL as much as the moral bankruptcy
of US Congress to drive his own political agenda. Netanyahu's
address to Congress, on March 3, at the invitation of its Speaker,
is evidence of how deep-seated an Islamophobia is ruling the
roost in US. Hatred and fear of Iran-the ostensible catalyst behind
the invitation to Netanyahu-is just one aspect of the Islamophobia
mesmerising the neo cons majority in Congress.
The neo cons deep-seated aversion to Obama is also partially a manifestation of their unremitting suspicion that Obama is,
still, a closet Muslim.
The fact that ISIL's terrorism has been condemned, in no
uncertain terms, by the Muslim world, its leaders and spokesmen,
doesn't, still, seem to cut muster with the Islamophobes in the
west. They are just not prepared to relent that ISIL is an antiMuslim movement with a single-item agenda of tarnishing the
image of Muslims, universally, and the face of their peaceful religion of Islam.
Of course ISIL chopping off the heads of their western
hostages on camera and boasting of their 'triumph' is reprehensible. But it's as distasteful to 99.9 percent of Muslims in the world
as to Christians or Jews or any other people. However, the western fear-mongers still want the Islamic world to own responsibility for every act of ISIL brutality. That's nothing but twisted and
warped logic.
So, much as President Obama or any other western opinion
or policy maker may wax eloquent that they have no grouse
against Islam, their actions speak otherwise. Islam is as much in
their cross-hairs as are 1.5 billion Muslims of the world. It's a

problem of mind-set, of fear going berserk.

Islam practiced in Iran and some other Muslim

countries in the Middle East region.
Prokhanov said the United States and Israel are
one and the same when it comes to supporting
a terror organization like the ISIS.

Over 740 Islamophobic attacks

on Muslims in France in 2014
The acts of hostility against Muslims were mainly recorded in the governmental and non-governmental institutions, according to a report
published by the French Collective Against
The report stated that 81% of the victims of
Islamophobia were women, as the number of
physical assaults on them amounted to 22 in
2014, equal to nearly two attacks monthly.

The report suggested that the assaults against

Muslims in France had increased in the aftermath of the January 7 attack on the satirical
magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, where the
Collective Against Islamophebia recorded 153
acts of hostility towards Muslims, representing
an increase of 70 percent compared to the previous year.
The report noted that there was a big gap
between the official rhetoric that meant to reassure the Muslim community in the country and
the real situation on the ground.
It also stressed that the misconceptions about
Islam and the offensive stereotypes of Muslims
have led to the increase of acts of hostility,
intimidation, and discrimination against the
Muslim community. (

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The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015

but of Original Forgiveness
which shows the Merciful
nature of God.
Man is by nature bound
to commit sins either of
small or major magnitude. God knows this
nature of man because He is the Creator. God
on the other hand is Most Merciful and is there
to forgive man when he sincerely repents.
The lesson derived from the Quran is
much more complete and gives us a better
picture of the nature of God. For forgiveness,
all man needs to do is to turn towards God,
repent for the wrong he did and promise not to
repeat it. God who is Most Merciful then forgives the creation and on the Day of
Judgment, this act will not be held against
The Bible wished to give a similar lesson
but due to misinterpretations the lesson was
distorted thus portraying that the sin that the
father committed carries onto the son as well.
This, however, is not the theme if the Bible is
studied carefully for it is seen in the Bible:
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son
shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither
shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the
righteousness of the righteous shall be upon
him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall
be upon him. [Ezekiel 18:20]
Thus the lesson which God wanted to give
for all of humanity was that of Original
Forgiveness rather than Original Sin. Islam
teaches us this lesson and informs us that all
newborns are without the burden of any sin on
their shoulders. They are innocent. From the
story the theme it is easy to understand. God
created man - Man committed sin - Man
turned towards God for forgiveness - God forgave man for indeed God is Most Merciful. 

Original Sin or Original Forgiveness?

The story of Adam and Eve (may peace be
upon them) is quite similar in the Bible and the
Quran with minor differences, yet the lessons
derived from these stories differ greatly.
Sometimes minor changes to any document
can completely alter the actual meaning of the
story. Both the scriptures talk about the creation of Adam and then Eve (may peace be
upon them) which are somewhat similar.
However the events after their creation are of
great significance. Soon after God commands
them not to eat of a particular tree as eating of
it would cause harm to them and the act would
be transgression: We said: O Adam! dwell
thou and thy wife in the Garden; and eat of the
bountiful things therein as (where and when)
ye will; but approach not this tree, or ye run
into harm and transgression. [Quran 2:35]
According to the Bible, God said that if
they would eat from this tree, they would die:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that
thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
[Genesis 2:17]
According to the Bible, this warning was
given to Adam (may peace be upon him)
before the creation of his wife, Eve. However,
the Quran corrects this part and mentions that
at the time of the warning, Eve already existed
as the verse refers to both of them.
Woman misled Man or Satan misled Man?
Soon after enters the role of Satan who,
according to the Bible, whispered to Eve saying that if they would eat of this tree then they

would never die, contrary to what God warned

Adam earlier. This is an important stage in the
stories of the two scriptures. According to the
Bible, it was the woman who was led astray
and she ate the fruit and also gave it to Adam
(may peace be upon him): And when the
woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree
to be desired to make one wise, she took of
the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also
unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
[Genesis 3:6]
The Quran does not put the burden of the
sin on the woman but makes it clear that both
were led astray by Satan and hence both are
equally responsible for it: Then did Satan
make them slip from the (garden), and get
them out of the state (of felicity) in which they
had been. We said: Get ye down, all (ye people), with enmity between yourselves. On
earth will be your dwelling-place and your
means of livelihood - for a time. [Quran
From these verses it is clear that both
Adam and Eve (may peace be upon them)
were misled by Satan and it was not the
woman who led the man astray. When religious doctrines like the Bible state that it was
Eve (may peace be upon her) who came under
the influence of the whispers of Satan and thus
ate the forbidden fruit and gave it to Adam to
eat, it subliminally programs men to believe
that woman is evil by nature. When God asks
Adam (may peace be upon him) from where
he got the sense that he was naked, meaning
the sense of shame, Adam (may peace be

upon him) replied:

And the man said, The woman whom
thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the
tree, and I did eat. [Genesis 3:12]
Clearly Adam (may peace be upon him) is
accusing the woman as being the culprit and
later on when we keep on reading this chapter,
we see that it is further clarified that Adam listened to his wife (may peace be upon them)
and under her influence ate the fruit (Genesis
3:16) rather than under the influence of Satan.
The Quran corrects this and makes it
clear that while Satan did mislead the woman,
Satan also misled the man.
Also in 1Timothy we find a similar statement where it is stated that it was the woman
who became the sinner and Adam was not
deceived: And Adam was not the one
deceived; it was the woman who was
deceived and became a sinner. - [1Timothy
Original Sin or Original Forgiveness?
This act of Adam and Eve (may peace be upon
them) eating the forbidden fruit is labeled by
Christianity as the Original Sin. They say that
because of this Original Sin, all people born
afterwards were born in sin. The newborn
baby according to Christianity is a sinner.
Islam, however, goes on to give us a deeper
lesson from the story.
It is learnt that after eating from the forbidden tree, Adam (may peace be upon him)
repented and God forgave him for God is Most
Merciful. This is the lesson given to all
Mankind by Quran. It is not of the Original Sin

Bilal Movie Tells Story of Prophet Companion

airo: A new animation movie telling the
story of Prophet Muhammads companion Bilal ibn Rabah (may Allah be
pleased with him) has been announced
in Dubai, in the first-ever animation movie produced by Arab artists.

A thousand years ago, one boy with a

dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted
with his sister and taken to a land far away from
home, the description of the movie says on the
producers YouTube Channel.
Thrown into a world where greed and
injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage to raise
his voice and make a change. Inspired by true
events, this is a story of a real hero who earned
his remembrance in time and history.
The new movie was first announced on 23
February in Dubai by a group of Saudi professionals who have been working on the movie
over the past ten years.

Produced by Barajoun Entertainment, the

film was released in English to target American
audience, being a story of a slave who turned to
be a master in his people after Islam.
Voices in the film are played by some
famous American artists including Adewale
Akinnuoye-Agbaje, the Game of Thrones star.
The movie tells the story of a real superhero, an African slave who was brought to
Arabia 1,000 years ago and fought for his freedom, Akinnuoye-Agbaje said last January after
signing up to voice the lead character. He
became an inspiration to generations and were
retelling his story 1,000 years later.
American star Will Smith has also
expressed support for the movie, travelling to
Dubai to cooperate with the Saudi producers.
Producers said the movie would be
released in the final quarter of 2015.

Bilal ibn Rabah was one of the companions

of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
His father and his mother were both actually
prominent people before they were captured
and sold as slaves. His father, Rabah, was
actually an Arab and was not from Abyssinia.
His mother, whose name was Hamamah,
was actually a princess in Abyssinia. And they
were both taken as slaves in the Year of the
Elephant, the same year in which Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) was born.
Born in Makkah, the freed Ethiopian slave
after accepting Islam, was inseparable from the
Messenger of God.
His virtuous character and beautiful soul were
coupled with a delightful voice that the Prophet
(pbuh) honoured by making him the first caller of
Adhan (call to prayer) in Islam. (
See a trailer of this film here:


Indian Muslims Leading English Newspaper


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The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


Poetry in the Service of Islam

Poetry in the Service of Islam
Asif Anwar Alig
Book: Naghmaye Sarosh-A Farmers Poetry
Author: Mohammad Hazim Hassan
Publisher: Al-Huda Publications, New Delhi 110002,
Pages: 230
Price: Rs 200 (paperback)
Poets composing poems to express gratitude to Almighty Allah
are few. Mohammad Hazim Hassan is one of them.
Poems of Naghmaye Sarosh deserve critical acclaim. They
recount Islamic values through portraying diverse spiritual elements, from devotion to relation of the Creator with mankind.
Quraan hai kiya hadith kiya, kiya hai usool-e-deen
Kis baat kaa Khuda ne banaya hai tumhein ameen
Aankhein toh khud se aage kabhi dekhti nahin hein
Nazroun mein bas gaye hein faqat zan, zar wa zamin
(What is the Quran, what is Hadith, what Islamic way of life?
For what Almighty Allah has made you the seeker after truth?
Your eyes hardly see beyond themselves, clouded as they are
Your eyes are concentrated on women, wealth and power)
Praising Almighty Allah, such compositions request mankind to
be thankful to the Creator:
Rab ka ehsaan hai apni pehchaan di
Kya anokhi ada, kya judaa shaan di
Ruh youn toh diya saari makhlooq ko
Per hamein ek tadapti huwi jaan di
(Thanks to Almighty for giving us a unique identity
What a distinct identity and impressive features
Although all living beings breathe and survive
Ours is filled with emotion and a palpitating heart)
Paying tribute of a believer to the messenger of Islam, Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh), he sings:
Aasra hai teri rahmat ka ho aie maula karam

Houn tere mahboob ki ummat

mein rakh uska bharam
Dil mein ishq-e-Mustafa de sab
ke apne fazal se
Jiske sadqe hai aie maula Qibla
Kaaba wa Haram
(Desiring your mercy, My Lord of
the lords
Followers of the most loved
Prophet seek promise fulfillment
Grant everybody your adorable
Prophets affection, Almighty
For the sake of whom we got the
Kaba and Haram, the straight
Poems on the al-Rashidun and
the first muezzin, Bilal Habshi, the
Prophets (PBUH) companion,
adorn the book. There is also an
attempt at the exegesis of the
Taazgi-e-rooh ka saamaan hai
Saamne jo ummat ke Quran hai
Misl-e-aaina hai aayaat-e-Quran
Khair-o-shar ke darmiyaan furqan
Chahta hai kiya Khuda bandoun
se yeh
Uska hi detaa hai bas har dam
(It is a constant sustenance for souls
When the Quran is before followers
Quranic verses are mirror reflections
Sifting the good from the bad
What Almighty Allah wants from his servants
It gives an enduring message every moment)

There are poems on Indias sufi

saints Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti
and Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya as
well as the sufi poet Amir Khusrau,
Allama Iqbal and Unwan Chishti,
among others. In one of the
poems he pays tribute to Maulana
Wahiduddin Khan thus:
Ilm-o-hikmat se bhara hai ArRisala ka payaam
Ho raha hai dahar mein tu waaqai
Ho rahe hein zehn-o-dil raushan
badi tezi ke saath
Is sadi ka hai yeh tohfa isse badlega phir nazaam
(Ar-Risalas message is one of
learning and prudence
You are attaining popularity in each
and every corner
Minds and hearts are getting
enlightened faster
It is a gift of the century and it will
change systems)
Two of the poems are dedicated to
his parents. Verses written to
encourage new generations are
equally inspirational.
This book is a nice collection of poems by a farmer poet who
has not gone through great academic vigour. He couldnt study
beyond the 10th grade. The poet could have benefited from formal education. Shorn of academic profundity, the poems show a
remarkable simplicity of style and vision.
The reviewer is assistant professor and media relations specialist at
Saudi Ministry of Education. He may be reached at

Political history of Muslims of Muzaffarpur since 1857

Book: Contesting Colonialism and Separatism:
Muslims of Muzaffarpur Since 1857
Author: Mohammad Sajjad
Publisher: Primus Books
Year: 2014
Pages: xviii + 266 H/b
ISBN: 978-93-84082-04-8
Price: Rs. 1,195

History should not be merely recounting of
exploits of famous people or important conflicts.
It should also be about changes happening at
the grassroots level and how these local
changes shape the course of communities and
nations. Mohammad Sajjads Contesting
Colonialism and Separatism: Muslims of
Muzaffarpur Since 1857 falls into the latter category of history narration.
Muzaffarpur in Bihar is neither a seat of
power nor a place arguably having nationally
known history-makers admits Sajjad in his
preface to the book. Mohammad Sajjad who is
Assistant Professor at the Centre of Advanced
Study in History, Aligarh Muslim University, digs
deep to find the largely untold stories of lesser-known nation-makers of Muzaffarpur.
Beginning with a brief history of Muzaffarpur
region, the book, divided in 11 chapters,
explores the socio-political history of
Muzaffarpur and the neighbouring areas since
The failure of 1857 resulted in a new thinking among Muslims. Muzaffarpur Muslims were

ahead of Syed Ahmed Khan in starting a movement for modern education. Syed Imdad Ali and
Syed Mohammad Taqi were successful in getting non-Muslims also to join their cause.
Muslims joined hands with Hindus to set up

Continued from page 1

Mysterious Chemical Powder
The third team came with an unknown chemical powder and used
it as catalyst for quick arson. They were meticulous and carried
away the gas cylinders to avoid injury to themselves. They
destroyed the wells dumping in them household items they could
not take away. Most of the domestic wells in the area still remain
unusable. Many vehicles were torched. At the end of the orgy,
around 80 houses had only outer walls left while everything inside
was destroyed. Some of those houses were worth anything from
25 lakh to one crore and 50 lakh rupees. During the attack, a
woman jumped from the first floor of her residence with two children. These children have not yet started speaking since the incident. About 18 children are undergoing psychiatric treatment for
shock of witnessing the brutal attacks.
Destruction of this magnitude in such a short period was
never seen earlier in Kerala. Use of a similar chemical has been
reported previously in an incident in which a Muslim owned textile showroom was destroyed causing a loss of Rs one crore

schools and colleges that benefitted all, not

exclusively any one community. The HinduMuslim cooperation extended to politics as well.
The movement for separation of Bihar from the
Bengal presidency was the first such movement
where both Hindus and Muslims participated.
British administrators devised a rift between
Hindus and Muslims by removing Urdu from
school instructions and official business and
restricting teaching of Urdu to only Muslims.
As the movement for Hindi turned communal, Muslims responded by establishing Urdu
Sahitiyik Sabha to bridge the gap between the
two languages. But the movement for Hindi was
not for the development of Hindi as much as an
attempt to shrink public space for Urdu. The
1937 Madras session of Hindi Sahitya
Sammelan (HSS) was presided over by
Jamnalal Bajaj rather than the Hindi poet Maithili
Sharan Gupt, making it clear that HSS was a
political group rather than a literary body.
By 1920s, parts of India were reeling under
communal violence. Muslims feared that the
Congress was being converted into a Hindu
organization and Muslim leaders were pushed to
the margins. In 1923, Hindu Sabhas Gaya session was presided over by Dr. Rajendra Prasad
which gave credence to Muslim views that
Hindu leaders of Congress are encouraging the
communal elements.
The electoral defeat of Muslim leaders like
Shafi Daudi and Mazharul Haque, who considered themselves as Indian leaders and not just
leaders for Muslims, came as a shock. Muslims
believed that communal elements in the

almost a year ago in Nadapuram town. Police and forensic officials say that this special chemical is used for fast burning. Such
chemical was earlier used in the Gujarat pogroms of 2002.
KPCC President V M Sudheeran and K Sudhakaran, former
Congress MP, have demanded special investigation into the carnage. State home minister, Ramesh Chennithala, seems to agree
but nothing has come through.
Helpless IUML
Curiously, the police neither stopped the criminals nor recorded
the attacks while everything was taking place in front of their eyes.
Only later, after protests from the victims, both the Chief Minister
and Home Minister visited the place and announced a paltry compensation while earlier the UDF government had announced a
compensation of Rs 25 lakh to the parents of the murdered youth.
This was an unprecedented move in the history of political
clashes in the state. At the same time, Muslims have lost more
than 40 crores in the attacks. All this happened despite the fact
that the Indian Union Muslim League has five ministers and twenty MLAs in the current ruling dispensation. They have failed to
bring relief and ensure justice to the victims and have received

Congress conspired to ensure their defeat.

In spite of the rising anti-Muslim feeling
which had engulfed even the Congress, Muslims
continued to actively participate in the freedom
struggle. They also vehemently opposed the
Muslim League and its two-nation theory.
Sajjad writes Muslim political leadership (of
Muzaffarpur) has displayed progressive outlook Yet, it is quite intriguing that their share in
political power has undergone a noticeable
Muslims of Muzaffarpur didnt fare well in
independent India either. The situation turned so
bad that even such a big Congress leader like
Maghfur Aijazi quit the party to contest the
1962 parliamentary elections on Swantatra
Party ticket.
Read this book carefully and you will see
that Muslims of Muzaffarpur despite putting
emphasis on modern education and not only
being part of political movements but leading it
for most part still end up being marginalized in
the political processes and governance institutions. Even their history is on the verge of being
wiped out if not for historians like Sajjad who are
ready to invest their time in researching and writing about people who are largely forgotten.
Mohammad Sajjad shines through as a
modern historian in the last chapter which is
100-year long history of the village Turkauliya
(population 6,500). Its a wonderful reading of
how outside political and economic forces
affected the lives in this predominately Muslim
village. It is a fascinating read and highlight of
this brilliantly-researched book. (

much flak from their own ranks itself. It is also believed that there
is a tacit understanding between CPM and IUML local leaders to
hush up the clashes to protect their respective political fiefdoms.
In the past too they made secret settlements, letting the culprits
go scot free.
While all the IUML activists allegedly involved in the murder
were arrested, even after one month, only 48 out of around 800
CPM cadres have been arrested for burning and looting of a whole
area. Of these 48, 45 are CPM members, two belong to RSS and
one to CPI which is suggestive of the nature of the grouping.
Arrests are being delayed due to the pressure from RSS and CPM.
Police recovered some ornaments and mobile phones from two
CPM members.
Political parties like SDPI are holding protest programmes like
highway march, rallies and protests against the inaction of police
and the state government.
The latest incidents show that the factors that keep
Nadapuram communally volatile will remain as such in future.
CPM will play the Hindu communal card and IUML will go along
with backroom political games while Muslims and BCs of all polit
ical hues will continue to be at the receiving end.


The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


Word Jumble

Aaliyas kitchen

Chicken Masala
600 grams chicken
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tbsp. of fresh, grated Ginger
1 tsp red chilli powder
1 cup yoghurt
1 tbsp of ground Fenugreek, methi
1 bunch fresh mint, pudina
1 bunch fresh Coriander
2 tbsp Vinegar
2 tsp Salt, or to taste
1/2 tbsp clove powder, laung
1/2 tbsp Cardamom, hari elaichi
1 tsp of turmeric

Born in a gujjar family as Abdul Hayee (08 March, 1921 - 25 October, 1980) in Ludhiana,
Punjab in India. His parents had a very loose and estranged relationship. He was a popular
Urdu poet and Hindi lyricist, who worked extensively in Hindi films. He won the Filmfare
Award twice, in 1964 and 1977, and in 1971 was awarded the Padma Shri. He was
honoured with the issuance of a commemorative stamp on 8 March 2013, the 92nd
anniversary of his birth. He began writing poems when he was doing intermediate from
Government College, Ludhiana. He was barely 19 when a satirical verse on Emperor Shahjahan - "Ek Shahensha Ne
Daulat ka Sahara Lekar Hum Garibon Ki Mohabbat ka Udaya Hai Mazaq.." - that he recited at a college function created
a pandemonium in the literary circle. He arrived in Bombay in 1949. His mastery over the Urdu language, immaculate
diction, intensity of feelings and emotions and enchanting style of expression made him a lyricist of a different kind a class apart. In Guru Dutt's Pyasa, his songs Yeh duniya agar mil bhee jaye to kya hai, Jinhen naaz hai Hind par woh
kahan hain, Jane woh kaise log thhey jinke pyaar ko pyaar mila won him acclaim. He grew up to hate exploitation of
women seeing the ill treament his mother recieved from his father. He wrote Kapdey hee nahin roti ke liye yahan khaal
bhee nochi jati hai/ Beti ho, behan ho ya maan ho her lash dabochi jati hai. He was hardly 58 and at his creative best
when he suffered a massive heart attack. Unscramble his pseudonym.



Answer at the bottom

of the page.

Whats in Gods Names? Word Search

Allah has described Himself in the Quran through His Names and Attributes. Understanding these names
is an effective way of strengthening ones faith in God. Meanings associated with the names:
Al-Mujib, Al-Wasi, Al-Hakim, Al-Wadud, Al-Majid, Al-Baaith are hidden in this puzzle. There are 11 words.
See how many can you find. /

(Answers are at the bottom of this page)


Grind fenugreek, ginger, mint, garlic, coriander, salt, vinegar, cardamom,
red chilli powder and clove till you get a smooth paste. Mix in the yogurt.



Place the chicken in a tray and marinate with the spice paste; cover and
leave in the fridge for 4 hours, or overnight.




Preheat the oven to the highest temperature and put the tray in the oven.
After 20 minutes, turn the heat to 200-250 degrees C and roast the chicken for another 20 minutes until a knife inserted in the biggest piece can
cut through smoothly. Serve with cooked rice or by itself, as a side dish.

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Responsive, The Answerer; Al-Wasi: The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Omnipresent, The Boundless; AlHakim: The All-Wise; Al-Wadud: The Loving; Al-Majid: The All-Glorious, The Majestic; Al-Baaith
The Resurrector.

Advertisers alone are responsible for the claims and contents in their ads. The Milli Gazette doesnt
vouch for any claims made by advertisers. MG shall not be held liable for any consequences, in the
event such claims are not honoured by Advertisers.
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understood by a common example where parents always scold their
children when children commit some wrong on the instigation of their

We need to thank you for taking up and persevering under very

difficult circumstances the onerous burden of being the voice of
those who care for the Secular India and the rightful place of Muslims
and other minorities who are integral part of the fabric of India.
Mirza A. Beg
By the grace of Almighty Allah and your endeavour, MG has
successfully completed 15 years of its publication. The cartoons
appearing in MG have been hard-hitting against the ills of society.
"Har Shaakh pe ulloo baitha hai/Anjam-e-gulistan kya hoga" in your
16-30 Dec 2014 issue was remarkable.
S. Haque, Patna
On 125000 likes on MG Facebook Page
I like this paper because it is bold and fearless.
Mohammad Khalilullah Ansari (on MG facebook page)
Masha Allah, One of the best news paper leading the news of Indian
Muslims .
Syed Mudassir (on MG facebook page)
I have been a reader of MG since the last 10 years and I love the
standard which the newspaper has, the seriousness of its contents
and the issues raised, the thought-provoking articles, the moraleboosting community work it brings to notice, the languagealmost
everything is commendable. But to be honest, your facebook posts
are disappointing most of the times. I humbly request you to kindly
take steps to improve it and raise the standards.
Muhammad Sayeed (on MG facebook page)

Rahul's decision wrong

Rahul's going out on holiday while Parliament was in session, depicts
his bachpana. He can come out from the political tension by getting
married. This is the proper age and proper time to perform the good
deed. If he marries a beautiful Dalit girl, he can boost his political
image. He will get the political support of a large segment of the
population and the Dalit organisations will be compelled to
supporthim politically. The behind the curtain bosses in the party,
who are anti-Muslim and anti-Dalit will become less effective. The
main reason of the defeat of Congress is involvement of party leaders
in corruption and their anti-Muslim stance. Thousands of Muslim
youth were apprehended and thrown behind the bars on mere
suspicion of involvement in terrorism. The upper caste elements of
the Congress are fully responsible for the shameful defeat of the
party in the parliamentary and Delhi assembly elections. The party
president and vice president are naive. They should expel all the old
faces of Congress and build a new party on the lines of AAP.
Dr AH Maqdoomi, Hyderabad
VHP Move
There is a news in The Hindu, reported by Simrit Kak, that VHP wants
ban on bars and liquor. This is a good move of VHP. Wine is
dangerous. It not only destroys the health of a man but causes the
loss of his money also. The government is only interested in taxes
than the health of its citizens. lslam has strictly banned liquour.
Dr AH Maqdoomi, Hyderabad
RSS: make your mind clear
RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat while rebutting Obama's "religious
tolerance is essential for development" lesson, said in Meerut "Sangh
is home for all religions." Unity in diversity is basis of India, Hindutva
paves the way for development etc" (Meerut / 8 Feb. 2015). Just a
day later, the RSS chief said, "Favourable time has come to organise
all Hindus. India is Hindu rashtra" (Delhi, 9 Feb.).
S. Haque, Patna
Prominent Indian print and electronic media has reported that after
coming to power in J&K, PDP legislators condemned the execution
of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru and demanded his remains to
be handed over to his kin. It involves two issue and should be
understood separately:
(1) Certainly the hanging of Afzal in February, 2013 was bad in law.
Capital punishment is rightly on statute but is reserved only for those
who are physically involved in killing some one. By no stretch of
imagination capital punishment can be given to a person who is
involved merely in criminal conspiracy of any murder / killings.
Because it goes against the basic concept of criminal jurisprudence
about the primary responsibility of the person who physically carry
out the act of murder / killings.
(2) This fundamental principle of criminal jurisprudence can be

In the race of greater industrialization, we have polluted our environment gravely. Man may eat, drink and inhale that which is good and
clean. Every sensible person seems concerned about the increasing
pollution in the atmosphere resulting in the drastic climatic changes.
A very crucial question has to be answered, and soon, whether
we want to opt for life instead of death? To create awareness and
educate masses will, certainly, help to rescue the humanity from the
pollution monster. Moreover, with the depletion of the ozone layer,
enhancement in the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays reaching the Earth,
widespread occurrence of skin cancer, eye diseases, depression,
human immune responses, global warming, rise in sea level, Man
has reached the inescapable conclusion that despite the strength of
all his intellect, knowledge and advanced technology, he is no match
to the ravages of Nature. So man has to learn to live in harmony with
Nature to save life on this planet, earth.
According to the recent report (IE, March 1) of the Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) about the deteriorating air quality of
NCR, it seriously violates the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS). And Delhi tops the list in terms of the highest level of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and benzene. Carbon monoxide is an

friend. Parents always say 'Vo kahega kuve me kood ja tu kood

jayega' (if your friend says jump in the well, will you do it). Especially
in a democracy where every adult citizen is supposed to be intelligent
and responsible person who can elect even government, it is a
travesty of justice to hang anyone who is involved merely in criminal
conspiracy but not physically in murder / killings.
(3) Because Afzal was found involved by court only in criminal
conspiracy but not physically in murder / killings at the site of crime
(the Indian Parliament in 2001), hence not only Supreme Court of
India erred in its judgement & sense of proportion when it passed
death sentence to Afzal but President of India was also wrong in not
converting capital punishment of Afzal Guru into life imprisonment
while deciding his mercy petition.. Therefore anyone (in J&K or in
rest of India) who criticizes the hanging of Afzal Guru has every
constitutional right of freedom of expression to highlight the glaring
injustice done to Afzal and his family by Indian State through hanging
of Afzal Guru.
(4) Had the family members and friends of Afzal taken interest at that
time in March 2013 then not merely the remains of body (which now
they are demanding in 2015) but even his body could have been
brought to Kashmir (at his home place) for giving last rites and burial
to Afzal, as per the practice of his religion Islam. The PDP
Legislatures, party members, some Kashmiri Muslims and others
who are raising this demand of getting remains of Afzal's body, are
interested only in blaming government of India and projecting Hindu
majority India in a bad light on communal basis. Even now if some
authorized person (family member) is interested in getting remains of
body of Afzal Guru then he/she can do it easily through court
proceeding as mention in said published letter and if he / she finds
any difficulty in getting relief through these court proceedings then I
am prepared to help him / her by coming to J&K or Delhi (wherever
and whenever needed).
Hem Raj Jain, Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Be Liberal
This refers to Bushra Khwaja's groveling letter, Michelle Obama-Be
civilised Please (MG, 1-15 March). At the outset, she must know that
Taslima Nasreen is a full-fledged medico (she's an MBBS). As a free
citizen, out of an oppressive and fanatic country like Bangladesh, she
(Taslima) has every right to criticise and her criticism of Saudi
Arabia's extreme religious rigidity is justified. What Obama's better
half did was praiseworthy and she displayed the guts by not kowtowing to Saudi Arabia's antediluvian rules and notions about women
as insignificant creatures and mere doormats. Muslims must know
when and whom should they praise. Remember the words of Persian
mystic Fariduddin Attar, 'Be liberal in praising even your enemy if he's
Sumit Paul
Personal law
The judgement of Mr. Justice C. T. Selvam of the Madras High Court
that the Indian Muslim minority community cannot rely on their
Personal Law to marry off minor girls contradicts the judgement of
Mr. Justice J. B. Parchiwal of the Gujrath High Court who held that
Muslims do possess the right to marry off their daughters when the
latter obtain puberty. Hence, this is a fit case to be taken up before
the Apex Court.
S. M. Pasha, Periamet, Chennai 600003
Real terror blast conspiracy exposed
There was a big terror blast conspiracy in Godwana Express at Sihore
on 16 Jan in which security personnel arrested Vineet Kumar (40), an
engineer with electronic devices explosives, batteries, copper wires
etc. The express was on way to Hazrat Nizamuddin from Jabalpur. On
coach no. 8, berth no. 14, the terrorist was planting the bomb (TOI
/ 17/01/15). Gaya DSP Shafiul Haque received a call threatening a
blast in Pitra Paksha Mela and a blast at Mahabodhi mandir. The
terrorist was saying "ISI agent speaking". DSP tracked the phone call
and caught Mukesh Sharma and news appeared on page no. 4. Such
faces are not glaring faces for media. Why? Later on, there was a
minor blast in Mahabodhi Mandir.
S. Haque, Patna
Better Alliance Than Merger
The news is roaming that Samajwadi Party, Janta Dal and Rashtriya
Janta Dal are going to merge. But the past experiences shows that
merger of the parties are not practical for instance the example of
Janta Party in mid seventies was not successful. The mania of
extremely harmful and poisonous gas. It combines with the
Haemoglobin (red colouring matter) of blood to produce carboxy
haemoglobin, thus rendering it useless as oxygen carrier. When
inhaled in its pure form, it first produces giddiness, then unconsciousness and finally death. People sleeping in closed rooms with
charcoal-fire burning inside have died in large numbers due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Nitrogen dioxide is a highly poisonous gas
and corrodes the skin. When inhaled, it produces headache and sickness. Benzene is a colourless liquid, its vapours are highly toxic,
which on inhalation produce unconsciousness. Benzene poisoning in
the long run can prove fatal as these destroy the red and white blood
corpuscles. These poisonous chemicals have very very low permissible limits and so have to be monitored regularly.
Environment degradation reduces the capacity of reprocessing
potentiality of the biosphere. To keep the environment clean and
unpolluted is the moral and spiritual duty of Mankind. Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) had warned the people, "Guard yourself against
three causes that beget the wrath of the Lord: Polluting the water
reserves, befouling the pathways and shades." Even during war
times, Muslim warriors were instructed neither to harm innocent
people nor to cut down any green plant.

The Milli Gazette, P.O. Box 9701, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025

The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2015


supremacy will lead to bifurcation. Instead of merger the option of

alliance is much practical. In this option like minded parties as
Congress, Trinmul Congress, C. P. I., C. P. M., A. A. P., M. I. M., Indian
National League may come closer to safeguard and to fight fascist
forces and to defend democracy and secularism. In this way a broad
band and strong opposition may be formed, one the basis of
common minimum programme. Which is the need of the hour for
their survival and to safeguard secularism and democracy in this
Dr. S. R. Khan, Aligang, Lucknow
I appreciate your efforts I impressed with your worked and
Contribution in empowering the social justice raising the voice
against the communal forces in India.. May Since pray to MG grow
rise highest vertical as well as horizontal growth in media. Insha Allah
We will make India free from communal pollution..
Anas Khan,
India For Indians
Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has done well to speak out publicly
to the nation at celebration of the elevation to sainthood of Kuriakose
Elias Charara and Mother Euphnasia at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi
against religious violence and intolerance after a series of attacks on
Churches, the controversy surrounding 'ghar wapsi' or religious
conversions and love Jehad. Mr. Modi has pledged that "My
government will ensure that there is complete freedom of faith and
that everyone has the un deniable right to retain or adopt the religion
of his or her choice without coercion or undue influence." He further
assured that "My government will not allow any religious group,
belonging to the majority or the minority to incite hatred against
others, overtly or covertly." It should be kept in mind that India is one
of the largest democracy in the world. It has been the cradle of a
variety of civilizations, cultures and religions. It is a pluralistic society.
It has the birth place of Buddah, Mahavir, Guru Nanak, Mahatma
Gandhi, Kabir, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Dr. Zakir
Husain, Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi and the like. All these
beacons taught lesson of brotherhood and fraternity in their
respective period and time. Their instructions and messages still
inspire us to lead a peaceful life on this land. Let us revive the thought
- provoking slogan of Swami Dayanand "India for the Indians". It is
time Prime Minister must thwart VHP and RSS who try to turn India
into a Hindu rashtra. They indeed undermine BJP's development
agenda on which the party came to power. Moreover, Mr. Modi's
slogan 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas' can only be realised if communal
harmony prevails and the government is seen to be upholding the
Obaidur Rahman Nadwi, Nadwa College, Lucknow-226007
Serious words
There are words that touch us; abortion is certainly one of them.
According to Diccionario de la Lengua Espaola, abortion is the
interruption of pregnancy due to spontaneous or induced causes.
The first ones are part of the natural dynamics of the human being
and there is little we can do to prevent them. The second ones cause
mixed reactions and no one can be indifferent to this. Even for the
same concept we look for words that reduce the actual or emotional
burden that this word causes, I mean the determination to use the
term "voluntary interruption of pregnancy." The core of the matter
starts from a reality that today and from the scientific viewpoint
nobody can dispute: the existence of human life from the moment of
conception. It is true that this life is dependent on the mother, but no
more dependent than is the newborn child from the care of his
mother. A new life starts when the sperm and egg join together. It
only needs time to become a child, adult or old person but already
has all the genetic and biochemical systems to reach its full
development. The passage of time makes the rest. Now came into
force the new law on Sexual and Reproductive Health and the
voluntary interruption of pregnancy in Spain. This enshrines the
woman's right to abort until 14th week of gestation without more
requirements or conditions. It is the free abortion up to the 14th week
of gestation and the creation of an area of absolute impunity and
autonomy for woman where is allowed to damage the main well of a
person (life) in a violent and unpunished way. The act also allows that
girls aged 16 can abort with or without knowledge, if it causes to the
minor a serious conflict-of one of her legal representatives. We can
make quite a lot of reflections about this law; now I will mention just
a few: The first one would be conceptual and linked to the fact that
the World Health Organization uses the term abortion and specifies
its different types and classes. It would seem reasonable to adopt its
terminology; I mean abortion instead of the term "voluntary
interruption of pregnancy." The second one would be linked to the
positive fact of the respect and protection that society and us give to
the life and physical integrity of people: we are firm champions of
torture abolition and death penalty, we do not understand how
slavery could exist, we are terrified when remember the examples of
mass genocide of races and sick people that Nazism practiced, etc.
If these achievements fill us with satisfaction why society does not
care and defends in the same way the human life of the unborn? Do
people who defend the respect for life only in some cases and not in
others have a coherent thought? Finally, the last thought is related to
the shocking fact that a girl aged 16 and 17 cannot vote in elections
or drink alcohol in a bar, however she can, practically without the help
and advice from anyone, abort.
Luis Ciprs Casasnovas, 44 002-Teruel, Spain

Congress crocodile tears routed them

Congress MP and former minister Shashi Tharoor tweeted that
hanging of Afzal Guru was wrong (9/02/15). Congress senior leader
and former CM of MP, Digvijay Singh had said killing of two Muslim
students in Batla Hose was a fake encounter but home minister of
UPA P. Chidambaram announced that the encounter was genuine. He
did not allow a fair judicial enquiry in the case. Before, during and
after Babri Masjid demolition, Congress conspiracy emboldened the
saffron brigade when Congress shed crocodile tears and now
PROF. SHAISTA BANO, ALIGARH Congress has to shed real tears for its rout in the political game.
S. Haque, Patna
Read more letters on MG website


The Milli Gazette,16-31 March 2015

The Milli Gazette

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The memories still haunt me AMUs Dr Ahmad secures 63 All India Rank
The memories still haunt me.
Haunt me to the extent that, I avoid
visiting my place that frequently
says Mujahid.
Born in a small village Mahra,
in Poonch district of Kashmir he
was orphaned in his childhood. He
is the 9th child of his parents.
Mahra is possibly the most backward village in the most backward
district of the Paradise on Earth.
He says he opened his eyes in a
family which suffered acute destitution. When I came to my senses, I saw poverty and destitution
hovering over the family like anything. His parents worked as
labourers and had a small farming.
The struggle for survival of the
family was further threatened by

the violence of ninetys all around the valley.

He was brought up in Poonch by his brothers. He treats his elder brothers
like his father, as he mentions in his book, The Paradise Unseen". He wrote this
book for promotion of Ecotourism in Pir Panjal, a neglected region. To be able
to reach maximum people, and for the sake of region, he happily bore the burden of everything, and even made available book online free of cost. He wrote
the book just after completing his Masters in Geography.
He has done B.Ed from AMU. He qualified NET (National Eligibility Test)
three times. He even became a teacher at a Government High School in Poonch.
But he left it to study further. Mujahid I. Mughal is 25 now. He is a pursing PhD
at the Department of Geography in Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
He regards Sir Syed Ahmed Khan as his role model. He dreams of making
a University like AMU, in Pir Panjal.
He writes frequently on issues concerning the society for national and international publications and websites.
He loves reading and writing poetry. His poetry revolves around communal
harmony, environment, poverty, brotherhood etc. Faiz Ahmad Faiz is an inspiration to him.
He is working on the Kashmir Conflict and tries to help the victims of the
Conflict. He runs an NGO called, Payaam-The Message.

Miracle Nawaz Nizars untimely death

Nawaz Nizar, blind since birth was an Assistant Professor at University of Delhi.
He was loved and admired by everyone. Aged just 31 he passed away today
morning (21 February 2015). He was in Kerala attending a conference. Felt
fatigued while speaking, and hence went for a health checkup. Just yesterday
he was diagnosed with brain tumour.
Navas Nizar, born on 6th February 1984 in Manama Bahrain he was the first
of six children to his parents. He grew up listening to his father read to him
newspapers everyday even as discussing politics was a way of life in his
coastal town.
Navas Nizar grew up listening to his father read to him newspapers everyday even as discussing politics was a way of life in his coastal town. He went
to junior basic school near by his house in Vadakara, Kozhikode district, in
Kerala. He cleared pre-degree course from Sir Syed College Taliparampa and
earned degree in Political Science from Maharajas College, Ernakulam. He did
his Masters from Jawaharlal Nehru University. He was currently Assistant
Professor at the Department of Political Science at Dayal Singh College in
University of Delhi. His areas of specialization were Political Philosophy,
International Relations Theory and Indian, Foreign Policy.
In 2013, Economic Times ran a story Sachin Tendulkar serves as an inspiration for Navas Nizar, a blind political science professor.
Besides his seven year old teaching career, he was also pursuing doctoral

With best compliments from

Kaleem Kawaja, Washington DC

AMUs Dr Mohd Ahmad secures 63 All India Rank in AIPGMEE-2015 among

1 lakh candidates alhamdulillah!
All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination is for entrance to
Post Graduate medical course through out India. AIPGMEE-2015 result was
announced on 15 January 2015.
Dr Ahmad hopes that during counseling he will be able to opt for M.D. in
Radiology from Delhi.
Born and brought up in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, Dr Ahmad came to
Aligarh Muslim University in Class 11, and then later got admission in MBBS
2008 batch and completed it in 2014.
He says regular study and continuous revision for the last 6 months is
reason he was able to do well in the test.
To give back to the society, Dr Ahmad says that he plans to open a state of the art diagnostic centre in Ghazipur, as there many facilities which are not available in his home town.
Dr Ahmad feels that AMU should have 50% reservation for Muslims and that the curriculum and
infrastructure at madrasas should be improved. He said he has been with students of madrasas in
AMU and hence strongly feels this need.
We asked him if he would be helping madrasas in his home town to better prepare their students,
he said, of course!

Subair awarded for his paper

Psychological Well-being and Religiosity among Muslim Women
A research paper by M.Subair., M.Sc., M.Phil.,
(Applied Psychology) has got Prof. Dipak Bhat Award
for best paper presentation. 50th National &
International Conference of Indian Academy of
Applied Psychology was organised at Sri Padmavathi
Womens Degree & PG College, Tripathi during 23
25th January, 2015.
Many research works were presented under the
title of Applied Psychology and SpiritualityContribution to health, Profession and Leadership.
Many researchers and Psychologists from around the
world participated in this conference. Brother Subair
from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore has presented
a paper on Psychological Wellbeing and Religiosity
among Muslim Women.
This study proves that the behavioural aspect of
Islam like Namaz, Roza, Reading Quran, referring to
Hadith, etc., has relationship with the Psychological
Wellbeing of Muslim women. 147 women participated in this research. Islamic practice helps to
reduce stress and Depression and it also helps to increase Self Esteem and Life Satisfaction among
Muslim women was the finding of the research paper.
This research presentation was selected as one of the best research papers presented in the conference and got the award of Prof.Dipak Bhat. Similar kind of research by Subair has already gained
a Best Paper Award in a National Conference which was organised in Bharathiar University,
Coimbatore last year.
These kind of researches scientifically proves that Islamic way of life helps human being to lead
a best life, which must be carried out now, at this time of crisis. Apart from explaining these concepts
through literature, academic researches must be conducted to make these messages understandable
to the society.
Subair is conducting motivational and life skill development classes for Students. He is also Zonal
Advisory Council Member of Students Islamic Organisation, Tamil Nadu.

research on the subject Popular Sports and
Conflict Transformation, a Case Study of India
Pakistan Cricket Relations under Prof . Sujit
Dutta in Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi.
Prof Dutta told The Milli Gazette that he was
absolutely shocked at the news. I am extremely
sad and remorseful and so is every at the Nelson
Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution
at Jamia Millia. Prof Dutta said Nawaz was, brilliant, full of life, very thought full, cultured, actively involved in things, progressive and had all the
qualities of becoming a great scholar. He said
that Nawazs Ph.D. topic was very interesting
and he could only wish this wouldnt have happened. He said his heart goes out for Nawazs
Nawaz was a regular face in the political discussions on MediaOne TV. He was President of
the Cricket Association For The Blind In Kerala
(CABK) which is affiliated to the Cricket
Association For The Blind In India. The association said it was a black day for blind cricket in
His friends have expressed shock and grief at
this entirely unexpected news.
"He was a miracle. An inspiration. He was a
real Muslim. A very pious personality. May Allah
bless him eternally" Habeeb K Ayiroor

"We miss u,Navas Nizar, an extra ordinary

personality, a spiritual leader lived with light of
beautiful heart, may Allah include us with him in
His Firdous. Ameen" Nizamudheen
"Navas Nisar was a legend and a role model
for the youth of our times is no more... A personality whom after meeting once, you can never
forget. Just by touching the hands he used to
identify and say "Suhail bhai, how are you?" The same with everyone he knew. Literally a
great loss... His in-depth knowledge in international politics, his deep insight and his communication skills was stunning. A frequent invitee in
television channel discussions. He was the Asst.
Prof in Delhi University - Political Science. It was
a sudden death. Innalillah" Suhail KK
"Shocking to know that Navas Nisar, Asst
Professor Delhi University, a brilliant scholar,
passed away this morning . I had met him so
many times in conferences and seminars in
Jamia Millia Islamia. May he rest in peace."
Asad Ashraf
Nawaz is survived by his wife, 3 years old
son, Abdul Kalam and a 8 months old daughter
MG Newsdesk with inputs from
Habeeb K Ayiroor

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Editor: Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan

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