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Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto ‘SUMMATIVE EVALUATION OF PRACTICUM-page 1 J Ow Year ]Practam session: +{] 2:[-] pats: Tonsday February 17,218 Fry, March 3". 2018 Yeu2[ ]Pactiam sesen:]2[ 77] ‘Associate Teacher: Mr. Anthony Modica School: St. Michael the Archangel Board: YCDSB. Grade level(s) and subjects) in which candidate taught: Grade 6 ee a Vanossa is always prepared with engaging, inclusive materials that me learning styles. She has shown a keen interest in planning with her teaching partners using 2 "top down’ approach. Her use of the 3 part lesson plan. Vanessa is able to outline expectations, provide Students with clear instructions and guide the students effectively in their learning process by using various strategies such as: scaffolding, KWL Charts, graphic organizers, Youtube Videos and Activinspire Flpcharts. She used both large and small group discussions to encourage effective ‘well as implement activities throughout her lessons such as classroom debates and the needs of a variety of Classroom talk discussions on Pluto not being considered 3 pla CES Vanessa effectively implemented a ‘hands up classroom management technique in order to quickly and effectively gains students’ attention when transitioning betwoon activities and lessons. She creates a safe and caring learning environment for students through her use of effective listening and talking stratogios such as: hand raising’, turn taking’ and ‘positive talk. She worked diligently in» short period of time to build a positive rapport with studonts where they felt comfortable asking questions, advice and a willingness to participate within the classroom environment. CEE TE s30ns around the Catholic Graduate Expectations. Hor dl She has successfully planned k a Jmplemont faith in her daily lessons is clear through class discussions and inher answer to students ‘questions on a variety of topics from ‘who created the universe’ to ‘what Is almsgiving’, Undcreronge the importance of building lessons that appeal toa variety of learning styles and intelligeneee Vanessa has shown that she understands that everyone has strengis and weaknesses me » student but beliefs through accommodation, pationce and practice that every student cam scenen, San ‘shown great motivation in learning how to assess and implement assessment as" ‘ot ana nn fearing, which provides varius opportunites for students to ‘show what they've lesned throughout the proces Dre res te een ore a cena ey, htc sa ‘also keenly re tand used that inher panning ofthe curicuum. She worked with susons panne mall ‘small groups 1 Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto SUMMATIVE EVALUATION OF PRACTICUM-p90® 2 ertrwd ner tiene whonever posse lovce concep frm leesons an hain. snd one on one to Students sought out en TT port She has a postive aude fs abways on tne and dresses profeasanaliy She bt Foaling snih stat poms und wertee eooy wh yoo snd cor vncting periner® It PINE YoTds, 4g {casone andaenement Bho sabe wing to roiec upon anon and ae advct 9 Suen eons egrancn ob ea eave at at Meer an ace wlingness to seek guldance and odvice om senor wuchers, core resource sacar w librarians shows » keen interest in her desire to grow as an educator, TT iso displays her commitment to elong larg, which se Yla models to her student CEA ‘Vanessa aided in setting up for schoo! masses and assemblies, which included ie ‘and prepering students for resdlngs. She also helped supervise the Intramural soccer program {radon to St rocese time, Furthermore, se took pat n ou PA Day actives on mental healt and {in in-service held on using Activingpite. The knowledge gained through the In-service she quickly Juded setting up technology Used to create her own flipchars to use during math lesson on surace area. COREE ‘Vanessa would be a great {oacher whon given the opportunity to begin in her own classroom. vena, "nae andthe SummatieEeaaton ‘opnAIBAL OF CANDIOATE | (eneen) L Alen ese Me “Checking the box replaces the AT “Checking the box. replces the TC | Sonateon te ezopy tte’ Signatur on the Sn ony oe Z 7

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