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9,000 homeless

20,000 homeless
homeless age 18 or
younger 39%
42% under age 5
40% LGBT
5,000 die per year
from assault,
suicide, illness

Majority of
homeless are
Shelters are
unable to
everyone seeking

Statistical data about the prevalence of youth homelessness in New York and Chicago.
Chicago 9,000 youth homeless
New York 20,000 homeless youth
Statistical data regarding populations of homeless, including youth.
Chicago 9000 youth
New York children 18 and under 39% of the population, 42% under age 5, 40% are
LGBT, 5,000 die per year from assault, suicide, illness
Types/levels of supports available including, but not limited to, shelters, community and
school-based supports, etc.
Chicago - A Home for Everyone. Chicago Continuum of Care. Homeless Management
Information System. Unified Funding Agency. Advocacy Support. Capacity Building
Support. Commissions and Constituency Support.
New York - Covenant House New York this program has a crisis center, community
center, street outreach program, health and mental health services, mother and child
programs, training centers, ministries, substance abuse services, transitional housing

The policies supporting homelessness in each state.

Chicago Central Referral System that was created to supportive housing that launched
October 2012 . Minors between age 14-18 can consent to medical care for themselves for
minor illnesses and injuries.
New York I could not find any
At least one other interesting statistic or learned information of your choice about
That the majority of homeless are under age 5 and the amount of homeless that die per
year is very high.

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