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Master Formula to Calculate Square in 10 Seconds.

Till now we have seen various formulae to calculate square of the number. Now I am giving
such a master Formula by which you can orally calculate Square of the number with in 10
Let us first find square of 11 using formula:
The formula is self explanatory. However, let me explain it in detail for more clarification.
The slash is used just as a operator.
Our operating zone is 10 X 1 or simply 10.
11 is more than 10.
We add 1 to 11to make 12.
The number of digits after the slash can be only one.
If the number of digits after the slash exceeds one, then we place only the rightmost digit
the extreme right after the slash, and the remaining gets added to the number on the left
hand side of the slash.
Now have a look at few more examples for better understanding.
14square=14+4/4square=18/16 (Apply step no 6 here) 18/16=18+1/6=196.
You can work like this up to 19square.But for 20 formula is slightly change.
The slight Change in formula as follows:
21square=2 X (21+1)/1square= 2 X (22)/1=44/1=441.
This change is because now we are operating in the 10 X 2 Zone. Similarly we can calculate
Square of 31 but with slight change as follows:
31Square=3 X (31+1)/!square= 3 X (32)/1=96/1=961.
By these methods explained you can easily calculate and memorize the squares of numbers
up to 99 with out much hassle

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