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Describe a painting of your own choice. Write an essay (of 250 - 400 words),
using as much specialized vocabulary as you can.

Useful resources:
Notes: Start by looking at the painting and writing every word that comes to mind on a
piece of paper. Think about color, composition, subject matter, what you think the painting is
trying to portray and say to the viewer, how you as a viewer feel about the painting, do you like
the painting? dislike it? and why. What aspects in the painting do you like? Are there any
symbols in the painting? if so, what are they? Talk about whether the painting is realistic,
abstract, expressionistic, conceptual, etc... and why it is this? An important thing to talk about is
how you connect with the painting. After you write down these words and descriptions, take each
word or description and write a paragraph (1-3 sentences) on each one. So, write a paragraph on
subject matter, composition, style, how you feel about the painting, etc. The intro and conclusion
should talk a little bit about each paragraph.
Try and make your essay interesting. Go beyond describing the elements. After defining the
aesthetic characteristic, think about the artist. Why did he make these decisions? why did he
draw the line this way? why did he paint something this way? Put yourself in the artist's place. If
you were the artist, why would you have chosen the canvas size he chose? Why would you have
used a specific color... Describe what the artist did and then why he did it.


Write a short presentation of yourself as an Art student. (150-200 words).

Notes: The following questions might help you in writing your presentation: Why did
you want to become a painter/visual artist with a degree? Why did you choose Ovidius
University (Faculty of Arts) in order to earn a Degree in Arts? What are your future plans and
how will your Degree help you in your future activity?

1. Rene Magritte Not to be Reproduced

I choose Rene Magrittes Work Not to be Represented because I think it is

meaningfull. The composition is vertical and static. Not to be Represented is a Surrealistic
painting where a man, his back turned to us, is seen facing a mirror. But instead of seeing the
reflection of his face, the viewer can only see his back again. The brushmarks are very precise
and realistic. The artwork shapes are 3D. The atmosphere of the painting is mysterious and
Privind din perspectiva filozofica, oglinda este doar un motiv. Artistul foloseste reflexia
incorecta e personajului pentru a spune ca noi nu putem sa ne percepem la adevarata noastra
valoare, nu putem sa fim obiectivi cu noi insine. Parerea noastra despre noi este de cele mai
multe ori fie distorsionata, fie incorecta, fie nu este sincera ne mintim pe noi insine si nu putem
sa ne privim fata in fata. Chiar si atunci cand se priveste in oglina, omul, nu vede imaginea sa
reala, ci doar o reflexie a sa. Lucrarea pote fi privita si la nivel spiritual, prin incercarea
personajului de a se intelege si de a se privi. Omul din oglina nu este omul real, ci doar o imagine
a omului real.
Barbatul din imagine ne atrage atentia si mareste misterul tocmai pentru ca sta cu spatele.
Lucrarea este specifica Suprarealismului, fiind prezenta atmosfera de vis.

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