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Rosa Parks

Rachel Dalton
I chose Rosa Parks for my Black History Month project for many different
reasons. One of the main reasons as to why I chose Rosa Parks was her
extreme bravery and her ideals as an individual. On the Montgomery Bus, where
Rosa was denied the rights of all white men and women and refused to stand for
it, unlike so many other black passengers who were told to move to the back of
the bus. This incident made Rosa famous among many, but very unpopular and
unwanted, which just made her stronger. Another reason for choosing Rosa for
my project was her extraordinary personality and moral standards she followed.
Rosa was the type of person who most every black American aspired to be
because of her integrity and her boldness. Rosas life is very inspiring to many
including myself, because it teaches people that no matter the circumstance, you
can stick up for yourself and others with firmness, without the fear of striking out.
Rosa was a person who put her fear behind her and her dreams and aspirations
before her and ran, not walked, to meet them, which is a person that I hope, one
day, I can be. I would like to say I am a lot like Rosa and share many
characteristics with her, however, this is not the case. While Rosa wouldnt let
fear and emotions keep her from doing what she felt was right, I tremble in the
face of a highly important situation where I might get chastised or punished for
my actions. Rosa was a highly important person in the black and white
community because of the attention she drew to the cause of black people with
little or no rights.

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