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Theories of Personalities

A group of student came late at the morning lecture & the lecturer prohibited them to follow
the lecture
The students reaction are vary : grumbling, angry, go home, etc
Tendency -> explain about personality theory -> by learning new cases & new studies report
(i) Freudian -> Sigmund Freud -> Psychoanalysis
(ii) Individual Psychology -> Alfred Adler
(iii) Analitical Psychology -> Carl Gustav Jung
(iv) British psychoanalytic schools : The Klenian School : Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion,
Donald W Winnicott
(v) Psychoanalytic object relation theory : Fairbairn, Michael Balint
(vi) The trait approach : genetics of personality : Gordon Allport, Raymond Cattell
(vii) Interpersonal -> Harry Stack Sullivan, Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, et al
(viii) Ego Psychoanalysis -> Anna Freud, Heinz Hartmann, David Rappaport, Erik Erikson et
(ix) Psychobiologic -> Adolf Meyer
(x) Learning Theory -> Watson, Wolpe, Pavlov, et al -> Behavior Therapy

(xi) Life span approach : Erik Erikson

(xii) Humanistic approach : Abraham Maslow,Carl Rogers
(xiii) Attachment Theory : John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth
(xiv) Hollistic Eclectical -> Kusumanto Setyonegoro
Classic Psychoanalysis
- Sigmund Freud : Founder of classic psychoanalysis
- In his view, symptoms, thoughts, feelings & behavior could all be viewed as the final
common pathways of meaningful psychological process, many of which were unconscious
- Topographical Model of the Mind: Unconscious, Pre conscious, Conscious
- Unconscious: All of the drive that tries to discharge & all the things that not remembered
by the individual; Those element cant reach the conscious level again; Primary process
thinking -> fulfill the need of instinctual drive without delaying it & without thinking about
the reality; Unconscious memory -> no connection with the reality (except if there are words
or events that interdependent with the memory which fall into oblivion); Limited for the
pleasurable needs.
- Pre conscious: Door to the conscious & unconscious; Secondary thinking process ->
avoiding the unsatisfied, delaying the instinctual drive, considering the external reality,
rational & according to condition; Pre conscious = unconscious that easy to recall to become
- Conscious: Perceptual apparatus that receive stimuli from outside; Part of mental life that
been aware by the individual; Attention cathexis -> Tracking pre conscious & instructing
attention for pre conscious; Pre conscious process to become conscious -> hypercathexis
- Structural Theory of the Mind: Id, Ego, Super Ego
- Id: Basic instinctual drive since birth, Pleasurable principal, Unconscious, Id -> ego &
superego (energy & development)
- Ego: Personality executive part; Relationship between id & ego; Reality principle;
Conscious, pre conscious & unconscious; Secondary process; Ego defense -> unconscious
- Superego: Ego conscience & Ego ideal; Ego that experienced particular specialization;
Conscious & unconscious; Moral; Oedipal conflict; Ego conscience: right or wrong; Ego
ideal: things that been dream by the individu -> inner feeling
The Neopsychoanalytic Approach
- Alfred Adler; Carl Gustav Jung; Karen Horney
- Adlerian School: Alfred Adler (1870-1930): Individual psychology; Masculine protest: the
tendency to move from a passive, feminine role to a masculine active role; Inferiority
complex: sense of inadequacy& weakness that is universal & inborn; Birth order results in
lifelong influence on character % lifestyle
- Jungian School: Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961): analytical psychology; Unconscious:
Personal & Collective; Personal:acquisitions of personal life, everything forgotten, repressed,
subliminally perceived, thought, felt; Collective :inherited possibility of psychic functioning
in general, i.e : structure of the brain; 2 types of personality organizations: Introverts &
Extroverts; Introverts: focus on their inner world of thoughts, intuitions, emotions &
sensations; Extroverts: more oriented toward the outer world, other persons & material
goods; Each person has a mixture of both components; Persona, the mask covering
personality: the face a person presents to the outside world; Anima: mans undeveloped
feminity; Animus: womans undeveloped masculinity
- Karen Horney (1885-1952): Persons current personality attributes result from the

interaction between the person & the environment & are not solely based on infantile
libidinal strivings carried over from childhood; Holistic psychology
- Adolf Meyer : Learning living human -> observed the whole thing about the man; The
whole thing from the man -> integration from the arranged function hierarchyly; Individu &
its behavior -> interaction from various factor : .. dynamic, somatic, psychologic & social
- When facing a case : dynamic, genetic, psychobiologic, objective & common sense
- Objective : human behavior can be observe objectively
- Common sense : Human must be critical; according to order which have been agreed on;
Theory which have been agreed on have to be applied according to requirement of public
The Interpersonal & Cultural Approach
- Erich Fromm; Harry Stack Sullivan; Henry Murray
- Erich Fromm (1900-1980): 5 character types that are common to & determined by,
Western culture:
1. receptive personality: passive
2. exploitative personality: manipulative
3. marketing personality: opportunistic & changeable
4. hoarding personality: saves & stores
5. productive personality: mature & enjoy love & work
- Harry Stack Sullivan (1892-1949): Prototaxic mode: undifferentiated thought that cannot
separate the whole into parts or use symbols. Occurs in infancy & schizophrenic patients;
Parataxic mode: events are causally related because of temporal or serial connection;
Syntaxic mode: logical, rational & most mature type of cognitive functioning of which person
is capable
- Henry Murray (1893-1988): Personology: study of human behavior; Focused on
motivation, a need that is aroused by internal or external stimulation; Thematic Apperception
Test (TAT)
Behavioral Theory
- Something that resulted from learning process learn ought to earn to be improve by learning
process too.
- Behavioral theory: Classical conditioning therapy & Operant conditioning therapy
- Classical conditioning therapy (dealing with reflectory behavior):
(a) Reciprocal inhibition: patient conduct behavior which as reciprocal from the arising out
physical symptom -> reducing or overcoming the anxiety
(b) Desensitization: patient alternately think of or write down what the scariest thing until the
less fearful
(c) Aversive conditioning : giving unpleasant stimuli for the patient when they do something
- Operant conditioning theory: Changing /eliminating behavior that had been done voluntarily
= behavior modification
Learning Theory

- Classical conditioning: Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

- Operant conditioning: BF Skinner
- Social learning: Albert Bandura & Julian Rotter
The Trait Approach: The Genetics of Personality
- Gordon Allport & Raymond Cattell
- Gordon Allport (1896-1967): The founder of humanistic school of psychology; Propriem:
strivings related to maintenance of self identity & self esteem; Traits: chief units of
personality structure; Personal dispositions: individual traits that represent the essence of an
individuals unique personality; Maturity: capacity to relate to others with warmth & intimacy
& an expended sense of self
- Raymond Cattell (1905-1998): Introduced the use of multivariate analysis & factor
analysis-statistical procedures that simultaneously examine the relations among multiple
variables & factors to the study of personality
Life span approach: Erik Erikson
- 8 stages of the life cycle:
1. Trust vs Mistrust (0-18 months)
2. Autonomy vs Shame & doubt (18 months-3 years)
3. Initiative vs Guilt (3-5 years)
4. Industry vs Inferiority (5-13years)
5. Identity vs Role Confusion (13-21years)
6. Intimacy vs Isolation (21-40 years)
7. Generativity vs Stagnation (40-60 years)
8. Integrity vs Despair (60 years death)
Hollistic Eclectic
- Eclectic = accepting all real correct fact and reality and there is relation with the patient
- Hollistic = to exert to look into all manpower energy as a unique individual in its struggle
for the perfect recovering of physical and mental health.

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