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Balgemino, Christian P.



MARCH,6 2015

The Beggining
On the first day of sport feast or college week, ill never attend. Because I
go to my sisters home to meet my mother . Because my mother want to see me again. And
because she is my mother i want to give it to her. But i said to myself that ill back early to attend
sport feast. But that will never happened because, my mother ask me about my study and my
life here in Manila. My expectation on our conversation was also short but because my mother
have more questions about my life here. the short conversation will became too long.Look our
conversation started at past 8:00 am in the morning and it will end at 3:00 pm in the afternoon.
Because we miss each other. That s why i can t attend on the first day of school week.
And i said to my mother I attend class tomorrow and my mom said Ok,
Then after we go to my sIsters home we went to my grandmothers home here in Manila

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