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Volume 1, Issue 1

Fall 2013


Story Pirates

Story Pirates

Improv Comedy Acting

Ian in Israel

Letters From the Editors

Featured Articles

Hanukkah Mad Libs

Comics, Puzzles, Games

Ian in Israel
Traveling in Israel
A couple of weeks ago Ian, the Camp Keff Director, went
to Israel. He was chosen to attend a staff seminar there
with other JCC staff. While exploring and doing fun
things, he learned about Israels history, culture, and
about Judaism.

The Story Pirates are a group of people who come together to act. The Story Pirates are: Tori,
Josh, Brian, Duke, Jeremy, Amy, and Gabe. They do comedies, musicals and other
performances. Story Pirates travel all over the USA to Los Angeles, Northern California,
Texas, Nevada, Kansas, Illinois, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York.
There are over 250 Story Pirates all over the USA, including teachers, students, producers,
directors, musicians, and costume makers. Story Pirates are based out of New York and Los
Angeles. When the Story Pirates come together, they perform stories that children write. They
also do improvisation with kids, acting out stories on the spot with the audiences suggestions.
They are named Story Pirates because pirates search for treasure and your stories are their
Everyone in Story Pirates is talented and has been acting for a long time, like Amy. Amy
started acting in musical theater when she was 8 years old. She started acting because she
liked to make her little brother laugh by falling down on purpose (and now does it as a grown
up!) and always loved singing. She has a great voice! Some of the Story Pirates just really like
to act, like Jeremy. Jeremy loves to act and decided thats what he wanted to do after college.
He took acting classes in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles.
Each Story Pirate has a favorite performance they have been a part of. Their favorite
performances are:
Amy: Dreaming of Bread
Jeremy: Musical School
Brian: Charlie Has A Special Wish
Duke: Enemy Desk
Josh: I Like To Go To School A Lot
Tori: Why Would You Do What A Dog Does?
Gabe: he likes performing improv the best

To get to Israel from San Francisco, Ian took a 16 hour

plane ride to Tel Aviv. From New York the plan ride
would take 8 hours. When Ian landed in Tel Aviv he
explored the city. It is a very cool place to go because
there is a lot to do.

You can hear Story Pirates any time on XM Radio. They will come to Foster City for a
performance at Hillbarn Theatre on February 22, 2014 where they will be performing stories
written by the PJCCs very own Treehouse kids! Come see what all the fun is about!

Ians favorite thing he did in Tel Aviv was riding a bike on

the promenade along the Mediterranean Sea. Its a
relaxing thing to do and you get to look at the beautiful
beach. After Tel Aviv Ian traveled up to the most northern
point of Israel, Har Harmon.
Har Harmon is special because you can see three
continued on page 2


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countries at once: Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. It is the northern-most point of Israel. From Har Harmon Ian traveled south along the Jordan River (the river
that forms the boundary between Israel and Jordan) then over to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It is one of the oldest cities in Israel. Ian said The Western Wall is the dont miss sight in Jerusalem. Also in Jerusalem
(and all of Israel, but Jerusalem in particular) Ian ate a lot of really delicious food. He ate all kinds of really good Kosher food. Some of Ians favorite foods
in Jerusalem were smoothies, the delicious cheeses, falafel, pastries and pomegranates (which are everywhere in Israel).
After Jerusalem Ian went to the Dead Sea, the lake the Jordan River flows into. The Dead Sea is really cool because of all the salt in the lake. It is the
saltiest body of water. There are no living things in the Dead Sea. You can float in it because it is so salty. At the Dead Sea Ian said he felt like a pickle.
Why? After he put mud all over himself and floated in the Dead Sea, he was covered with salt so when the sun dried him up, he felt bumpy like a pickle!
The salt and mud from the Dead Sea are very good for your skin.
Ians next stop was to the Negev Desert. He stayed with the Bedouins, who are nomads and travel by camel all around the desert. Ian got to stay in a
Bedouin tent and ride a camel. Camels are very fun to ride but uncomfortable because of their humps.
Ian had so much fun in Israel and said everyone should visit because it is such a cool place and full of history!

Letters From the Editors

Hello PJCC Newsies readers! I am excited to share the first ever edition
of PJCC Newsies with you!

The PJCC Newsies is a class that interviews, investigates and

photographs. The Newsies are made up of kids in grades 2 5. Our
reporters are Iman, Madelyn, Alice, Maya, Emma, Sophia, Chloe, Katie,
Emilia and Sina. I hope you will like our newspaper we made.

PJCC Newsies is a publication brought to you by PJCC Newsies

reporters, investigators, and photographers in grades 2 5. We explored
various writing styles while relaying fun, educational and informative
stories for you to enjoy. It was really great investigating stories,
interviewing people of interest and putting it all together to write articles.

In our newspaper there are articles about almost everything at the PJCC.
Some things we wrote about are: Story Pirates, Treehouse Soccer, Jay
and the Grow Justice Mural, Ian in Israel and we learned about Sharons

In this edition of PJCC Newsies, there is an article for everyone to enjoy.

Read about and see pictures of the Grow Justice Community Mural,
discover the wonder of Story Pirates, learn about the soccer athletes at
the Treehouse, get tips about the must-see sights in Israel and enjoy the
entertainment section complete with comics, games, puzzles and funny
stories and advice about Hanukkah, brought to you by way of Mad Libs
and the creative minds of PJCC Newsies reporters.
One of the stories I am most excited for you to enjoy is Story Pirates. As
you will discover, Story Pirates combines a whole mix of methods to
create their final product; from imaginations and creative writing to
improvisation and musical theater, Story Pirates unleashes a childs inner
performer and writer and indulges upon the energy of the audience to
produce a show-stopping, one-of-a-kind performance. Anyone can be a
part of the story, and I hope you will come away from the article with a
new-found desire to dive into the creative world, or perhaps it will give you
the encouragement you need to take your first step in writing.
Happy reading!

The article I like the most is Story Pirates. As you will discover, Story
Pirates are comedians that do very funny plays and are good actors.
These are the fun things I like about PJCC Newsies!

Hello PJCC Newsies readers! I am excited to share the first ever edition
of PJCC Newsies with you.
The people that wrote articles with me are: Chloe, Alice, Iman, Madelyn,
Kate, Emma, Emilia, Maya and Sina. Some of the articles we wrote were:
Story Pirates, Soccer Athletes, The PJCC Mural, Ian in Israel, plus in
there are puzzles, comics and games. One of my favorites is the Story
Pirates because they are very funny and were fun to talk to.
I liked writing the articles because it was fun and it brings friends together.
Articles tell information to people too.
Happy reading!

Good Afternoon PJCC Readers,

I am really excited and proud that I made this newspaper. These are the
people in my newspaper company: Iman, Maya, Chloe, Katie, Alice,
Sophia, Emilia, Madeline, Sina and the Editor in Chief, Adriana. I am a 2nd
My favorite article was when we saw the mural. It is my favorite because
the wall looked beautiful and I liked talking with Jay the artist to see how it
was made.
I hope you like the newspaper.
Happy reading!

Hello PJCC Newsies readers. I am excited to share the first ever edition
of PJCC Newsies with you!
Newsies is a publication by Sophia, Alice, Maya, Chloe, Emma, Katie,
Madelyn, Iman, Sina, and Emilia. Our main editor is Adriana.
We wrote about Story Pirates, soccer players at the Treehouse, the Grow
Justice Community Mural, travel tips about Israel, and comics and games.
My name is Chloe. I am 8 years old. My favorite part of Newsies is the
games and comics because I could figure them out and write them at the
same time. Since I know the answers I can finish faster!
Happy reading!


Hello PJCC Newsies Readers,

Hello PJCC Members,

I hope you like the newspaper. There are 4 articles. They are about the
Grow Justice Mural at the PJCC, a Treehouse soccer game, Story
Pirates, and Ians trip to Israel.

I am glad to share our newspaper. I like to read very much. People in my

newspaper company are Emma, Alice, Sophia, Katie, Iman, Madelyn,
Emilia, Sina and Chloe, and the chief Adriana.

I liked writing about Ian in Israel because I learned a lot interviewing him.
It was fun. I hope you like it too.

In this newspaper you will find articles for Story Pirates, the Grow Justice
Mural, soccer and Mad Libs. My favorite is the Grow Justice Mural
because I like to paint and look at art.

Happy reading!

I hope you like the newspaper!


Hello PJCC Newsies Readers,

The PJCC Newsies write newspapers for the PJCC. Newsies include:
Emilia, Katie, Emma, Madelyn, Iman, Maya, Sophia, Chloe, Alice, Sina
and our teacher Adriana.
During our classes we interviewed a painter, traveler, soccer players and
Story Pirates. My favorite article was about the Story Pirates.
In addition, we also learned about photojournalism. In photojournalism
you have to follow these rules:
- Think if other people would like to see the photo
- Show the facts; dont edit the photo
- Decide on: far/close, bright/dark, shapes
- Rule of thirds: off to the side, top or bottom
- Most important thing is light
- Cloudy days are the best times for pictures

Dear Reader,
I am so glad you are reading our newspaper. I hope you like it.
My favorite is the comic section because it is laugh out loud hilarious, and
since its written by 2nd - 5th graders its easy to understand.
I hope you have fun with this paper, made by all of us in PJCC Newsies.

Happy reading!

Featured Articles
PJCC Newsies reported on the PJCCs Grow Justice Community Mural and interviewed the creator and artist of the mural, Jay Wolf Schlossberg-Cohen.
In addition, PJCC Newsies covered the Treehouse Soccer game, played by soccer athletes from the PJCCs Treehouse Afterschool Program, and interviewed
the players and coaches.

Jays Mural
October 8, 2013
By: Alice
On Oct. 8, 2013 I interviewed Jay, a painter that was working on a mural. Jay, adults, and kid volunteers were painting it. Photographers were taking
On the mural they were painting five pictures of the books of Moses in the Torah. They used about 40 - 60 different colors. The paint is called Nova Color.
Jay is painting with palette colors because you could mix and use all the beautiful colors.
A mural that is outside lasts about 15 - 25 years It could last 100 years inside. The mural is being painted outside in the PJCCs Justice Garden.
Jay became a painter at age 18 because he discovered that he could paint at his first art camp and has now been painting for over 40 years.

The Treehouse Soccer

October 15, 2013
By: Alice
I interviewed soccer players from the PJCCs Treehouse. The teams included two coaches whose names were Robby and Scott, and the kids grades
were K - 5. Scott and Robby decided to play soccer because they enjoy running, teamwork, and chasing the ball.
On Oct. 15, 2013, while watching the game, I noticed that the teams colors were red and blue and there were five people on each team. The October
game was held at the PJCCs mini turf field. They were playing soccer because they picked it for an elective. They were playing by running, scoring and
kicking the ball.


Artist Jay
October 8, 2013
By: Maya
Jay is the artist of the Grow Justice Mural. Jay became an artist when he was 18 years old. He has been painting for 40 years. He sketches almost every
day in his free time because sketches before he paints something. Jay lots of other classes before painting. He makes ceramics too. Jay is from
Baltimore and has a very long last name.
Jay used about 18 basic colors to paint the Grow Justice Mural at the PJCC. He also mixed them to get about 60 - 80 different mixed colors. He uses a
paint called Nova Color, also called artist paint. The paint lasts about 25 years outside. It lasts about 100 years inside.
The mural was made to show justice. It was painted by volunteers and other artists. A person of any age could help paint, from 2 years old to seniors. He
started the mural by painting the outline first. Then the volunteers came and painted it. The volunteers and painters were really good.

Soccer at Treehouse
October 15, 2013
By: Maya
They are playing a soccer game at Treehouse at the PJCC on October 15th from 4:30 - 5:30pm. First they played a warm up game to warm up. Then
they played the soccer game. There were 10 boys, 1 girl and 2 coaches. There were 2 teams: the red team and the blue team They are playing it for fun.
I interviewed some soccer players. Here they are:
Stas playing for 2 years. 7 years old.
Andrew playing for 2 years. 7 years old.
Robby (coach) playing for 10 years.
Scott (coach) playing for 24 years.
Isaac playing for 4 years and in 5th grade.
Vedant playing for 4 years.
Eitan playing for 4 years. 6 years old.

The Mural At the PJCC

October 8, 2013
By: Katie
At the PJCC on October 8th, 2013 people volunteered to paint the mural in the Justice Garden at the PJCC. An artist named Jay was the artist of the
Grow Justice Community Mural.
Jay is from Baltimore. Jay did not think he was a good artist at first, but when he was in 12th grade he found out he was a great artist. He has been an
artist for 40 years.
The paints he used to paint the mural were mural paints called Nova Color (also called artist paint). He used 18 basic colors and mixed the basic colors to
turn them into 40 - 80 more different colors.
The Grow Justice Community Mural is made to show that we need to make a better world by not littering and by helping people in need. Thats how we
can make a better world.

The Soccer Game

October 15, 2013
By: Katie
The soccer game today was the blue team vs the red team. There were 2 teams. There were 5 people on each team. The coaches were Scott and
Robby. They were playing on the turf field. The red team had more points than the blue team.
First they had a warm up game. Then they talked about the rules and started playing. They were kicking the ball very hard. Once a person kicked the ball
so hard that it went over the fence. I think that player is very good at soccer.
I think it is fun to be the coach because you get paid to teach people how to play soccer. It is fun teaching other things to other people because you might
learn something new.

Jay the Artist

October 8, 2013
By: Sophia
Jay uses a mural paint called Nova Color. It is a specific paint for artists. Jay used bright colors of paint for the mural. He used about 18 basic colors,
mixing them to make about 60 - 80 other colors.
Jay did sketches first and then painted the mural. Jay worked with a team to create the mural so he has volunteer painters and real artists that help. I
estimate the volunteers and artists used about 50 paint brushes to paint the mural.
The mural is all about justice and is on a wall in the garden. Jay said when murals are outside they last for 25 years, inside it lasts for 100 years. I
thought the paintings looked like something from the 1980s with all the colors.
Jay also grew up in the theater. He was around art his whole life. Jay also paints with water color. Thats the story of Jay the artist.

October 8, 2013
By: Chloe
Jay is the artist of the Grow Justice mural. He used paint called Nova Color for the art piece and palette colors. He used 18 basic colors, including black
and white. He made about 60 - 80 more colors by mixing colors together. The paint will last 25 years. To paint the piece, he mixed art and ideas from
people of all ages. They all also got to paint the mural.
How Jay became an artist
Jay was born in Baltimore. He thought he was a horrible artist until he was 18. One day, something like magic told him that he could paint and he tried it
and it was right. He says anyone can paint and you should start painting now!

The Treehouse Soccer

October 15, 2013
By: Chloe
Soccer players are at the Treehouse. The Treehouse is at the PJCC in California. On October 15, 2013 they had a soccer game.
There was a blue team and a red team. There was 1 girl, 10 boys, and 2 coaches. The coaches names are Scott and Robby. Scott and Robby like
playing soccer because they enjoy running, teamwork and kicking soccer balls.
Soccer at the Treehouse starts at 4:30pm and ends at 5:30pm. It is on Tuesdays. First, they start with a warm up drill. Then they play a soccer game.
They were playing by running, scoring, and kicking.

Hanukkah Mad Libs

PJCC Newsies honed their word and parts-of-speech skills completing Hanukkah Mad Libs to relay Hanukkah tips!

Hanukkah Quiz

How to Light the Menorah

How much do you really know about Hanukkah? Take this true or false
quiz and find out if youre a hero or a/an 13!
1. The name Maccabee means plant. True or false?
2. The villain of Hanukkah was Michael Jackson. True or false?
3. We celebrate Hanukkah for 17 days because thats how long the
banana smoothie lasted. True or false?
4. Hanukkah celebrates the victory of the locks over the teachers.
True or False?
5. The Maccabees were from San Francisco. True or false?
6. The Hebrew word for dreidel is quiche. True or false?
You can find the answers in the back of the car. If you scored 100%,
congratulations! Youre a Hanukkah dog!

Lighting the menorah is the most hairy part of celebrating Hanukkah. The
whole family gathers around and is reminded of the miracle of the eight
medicines. In order to perform the lighting ceremony you will need a
menorah, backpacks, that fit in your menorah and matches to light them.
The candles of the menorah can be in a green line. The menorah should
be placed on a hair so that it can be seen by as many owls as possible.
On the first night of Hanukkah place a candle in the cow on your menorah.
This is called the shamash or horse and you always light it first. Then
place a chicken in the right most position on your menorah and use the
shamash to light it. After walking you can sing songs, eat, very boring
foods, and open eyelashes.

How to Play Dreidel

Celebrating the Jewish Holidays 101

The Hebrew word for dreidel is sevivon which comes from the root word
that means to walk. Dreidels have four Hebrew letters on them, nun,
gimel, hay, and the letter a. They stand for the words a great Sprite
happened there. Each player starts out with the same number of game
pieces which can be pennies, chocolate chips or even LEGOS. At the
beginning of every round each player anties up one telephone then they
take turns quickly spinning the dreidel. If the dreidel lands on nun, the
player neither gives nor takes any moustaches from the pot. If a player
spins a gimel, he gets to take all the hairs for himself. If the dreidel lands
on hay, the player takes half the plants and if it lands on shin, the player
has to pay two noses into the pot. Once a player runs out of game
pieces, that player is red. The game is over when one person has won all
of the horses for himself.

We all know how to celebrate Hanukkah. We light the rollercoaster, sing

stinky songs, eat oily marshmallows and play dreidel. But how do we
celebrate some of the other smelly holidays throughout the year? Well on
Tu BShevat, we celebrating by planting a puppy in the ground or by
donating money to an organization that plans trees in Iran. To celebrate
Purim, we read the book of Emma and wear tasty costumes. On
Passover we have a special meal called a Sedar which means
Chihuahua. Someone hides the booklet and all the kids try to find it at the
end of the Sedar. On Sukkot, we build a mad lib outside and then jump in
it for seventeen days. There are many more holidays but one of the most
pretty is Shavuot. That is when we stay up and skip all night long and
then the next day we listen to the reading of the ten horses. I guess thats
why they call us the people of the poodle.


Comics, Puzzles and Games



Unscramble the letters!

By: Alice

Unscramble the letters!

By: Katie





Find the way out!



By: Emma

By: Maya

The Nightmare
By: Chloe

The Jungle
By: Emilia


Cute but Feisty

By: Madelyn

Sinas Concept Car

By: Sina

Sinas concept car is the car of the future! It can do anything you want it to do. It can even wash your laundry! Its better than the Batmobile. It
drives itself, it parks itself, it has a computer inside and the drivers seat is an ejector seat. Come test drive it today at Sinas Cars!

By: Sophia


800 Foster City Blvd
Foster City, CA 94404



PJCC Readers
Everywhere, USA 98765-4321

PJCC Newsies 8

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