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Role of President ParentTeacher Association to

suggest the solution about
poor performance children
particularly in
Mathematics, Science and
English Language

Role of President Parent-Teacher
Association :
1. The main role is build strong working
relationship among parents, teachers
and schools, in support of students.
2. Suggest the ways to improve poor
performance students in a few subject at

The problems that the PTA

needs to address are:
1. Parents concern about their
children poor academic
performance in Mathematics,
Science and English Language

The problems that the PTA

needs to address are:
2. Methods to improve teaching
and learning in these particular

Actions that can be taken by

PTA are:
1. PTA should ensure that parents
are well-informed about any
particular weakness that their
children have in studies
through academic report, via
telephone, SMS and any other

Actions that can be taken by

PTA are:
2. PTA should encourage their teachers
especially in Mathematics, Science
and English Language to try new
techniques in teaching and learning
to attract students. Such new
techniques may include electronic
medium such as internet, or any
other means.

Work together with parents, teachers
and administration in education
community to ensure our students
get the very best each and every
Teachers get the talent, the tools and
resources needed to make sure the
children are successful in classroom.

The End
Thank You

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