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Sonia Goetschius

English 0
3 December 2014

Laying a Carpet
As the troopers travel to their new dwelling,
They carry their first piece of furniture to their new home:
A carpet.
Laying a carpet, they admire the new roof-- a sky of smoke.
Laying a carpet, they move into a place that they have made their own.
Laying a carpet, they navigate the dwelling, their enemies are like the new squeaky floorboards.
But like every new home, it doesnt feel quite right.
The walls are not painted, but are simply splattered sparsely with a scarlet sheen.
The windows do not have a pleasant view, but instead a rather unpleasant one.
But these soldiers never stay in any place for too long,
For there are many more carpets to lay.
Only those here from the exposition will make a final, fatal home under this carpet.

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