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Ram 1

Athu Ram
Period 6
English 12
Susanna Faria
Interview Project
I interviewed a doctor from my volunteer center and his name is Dr. Pritchard. He was
born in Chicago in 1934 and so he was in elementary when World War II occurred. So, when I
asked him if he remembered when WWII ended, he responded with, Faintly, but I wasn't really
involved in learning about what was going on. I then asked him when he first heard of the
atomic bomb, he said, I heard about it, but honestly, I fell asleep when my teacher was talking
about it. That response made me laugh because I know the feeling. I asked him how he felt
about the Cuban Missile Crisis and asked if was more involved or more interested because he
was older. He then told me, Well, I was in High School when this was going on and as a student
being interested in the sciences I guess I had to get more involved in world news and such
events. I felt very insecure during this time period because I didnt know if there was going to be
a war and if there was, was I going to be recruited. I followed up with, Since you were so
involved in world news, how did you keep up with the times when the TV came out? And did
you watch any shows? He responded with, I really didnt have time to watch TV especially
because I was studying for Medical School and I just had too much on my plate. So, the TV
didnt really intrigue me at the time being. But, it was a part of my life once I became a doctor. I
then said, Okay, so TVs didnt really interest you, but how about computers. Did they interest

Ram 2
you when they came out? He told me, I think the computer was something that interested
everyone, so, yes, it did interest me. I first heard about them when I was in college and I did have
to use them once in a while. You know, being a college student and all, I needed to find
information from other places and sometimes the books wouldnt have them. I then went on to
talk about how computers have expanded throughout the years. Then we got on to the Korean
War. I asked him if he recalled how people felt and he then responded with, I think people kept
feeling like, Oh no, not this again. Especially because we were expecting more good things to
occur and were predicting that we werent going to be in any more wars. I then ended the
interview and thanked him for spending time for this interview.

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