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Darkroom Chemicals

The chemicals used in the dark room are toxic, so care

needs to be taken when using them. Always ask the
teacher to set the chemicals up, and clean up any
spills immediately.
The developer is an alkaline solution used to reduce
the exposed silver halides to black metallic silver
(BMS). It is the first chemical used in the developing
process, and the exposed photographic paper needs
to stay in the developer for 2 minutes. The solution is
mixed as a 1:9 ratio (100mls developer, 900mls
Stop Bath
The stop bath is used to stop the developing process
and to prevent cross chemical contamination of the
fixer. The stop bath is predominately water, with a

Darkroom Chemicals Cont

The fixer is an acid solution used to permanently fix
the image by dissolving the unexposed, undeveloped
silver halides. It is the third bath in the developing
process and the paper needs to be left in this bath for
5 minutes. The solution is mixed as a 1:9 ratio (100mls
fixer, 900mls water).
The wash is the last bath used in the developing
process. It is a bath full of water and is used to wash
the remaining chemicals off your image. There needs
to be a constant flow of water into this bath so that
any remaining chemicals are washed away. Your
image should be left in this bath for 5 minutes.

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