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Management study

Organizational Policies
Company Policies

Number 1 priority of the company is the customers satisfaction and the

cleanliness of the store --- inc
Safety of the employees and the customer will also be a priority.
The store opens 9AM and closes 9PM. Customers that are still on the store 5
mins. before the store closes can no longer order and will be informed that
the store will be closed.
Customers and employees doing bad deeds will be dealt with security
Duty hours of employees will be 8hrs, 6 days a week
Rest days will also be on weekdays
Courtesy to customers is a must

Tardiness ----- google

1st offense: Verbal Warning
2nd offense: Salary deduction
3rd offense: Suspension. Number of days will depend upon the excuse and weight of
the offense
All employees should inform their managers 1 hour ahead of time if they expect to
be late. Employees intending to be absent should inform their manager on duty at
least 2 days before the date of absent.
Absent without leave shall be subjected to:
1st offense: Verbal warning
2nd offense: 3 days suspension
3rd offense: Termination

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