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On weekdays i wake up at 5:50 o clock in the morning, then get up at 06:00

take a shower at 06:15 am, then i brush my teeth. I make the bed. I get dressed
at 06:50 am, breakfast before then go to work 8 to 05:00, lunch at work at 1pm.
I go to the University of 6:30 to 10:00 pm
almost always dinner at 11 pm some fruit. I get 5 hours of sleep a night.
Saturday I go to University 8:00 to 11:15 in the morning go home at 12 midday
then wash my clothes, clean the house, I rarely cook.
Sunday I play sports,stress treatment outside Lima. watch comedy movie,
horror movie, action movie, after go to the supermarket read and review my

On Christmas eve I always help my mom to cook the

turkey. In the evening my family and I go to the church
near my house and listen to the mass. Later We arrive at
home and my sister and I set the table. My father and my
brother watch TV and drink some beverages. Then we wait
some relatives and talk together until the midnight when
we put the baby Jesus in the Nativity. After that we thank
God, hug and say Merry Christmas with everyone and eat
the dinner. Later we talk and drink beverages and play with
fireworks. Later we go to bed; we usually go to bed at two
in the morning.
On Christmas day I always get up late, take a shower and
have breakfast. Then we watch TV while my relatives arrive
at home and enjoy the day together.

On Christmas eve I always go to the supermarket with my

mon to prepare Christmas dinner. Then I clean the house for
the night, while my mother cooks the turkey, salad and
chocolate. At midnight We sit at the table and drink to

Discoteca Infinito
Aqu tu diversin no tiene lmites!
Escog una discoteca, porque se asocia a lo que ms me gusta que
es el baile y el nombre es por el nmero 8 que en smbolo se
parece al infinito, dado que mi objetivo es construir mi futuro y
no tener lmites para seguir creciendo como profesional.
Los premios que les dara a mis clientes serian:
-Brazaletes para la Zona Vip (solo clientes asiduos).
-Pases para festejar cumpleaos, incluye torta, barra libre y 30
pases para sus amigos.

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