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Garrett T Maciel

508 Teton Court Petlauma, CA United States 94954 Tel: 707-762-1800 Cell: 707-695-3826

Work Experience

01/2015 - Present Sonoma State University Culinary Services, Rohnert

Park, CA United States
10/2010 - 11/2010 PEP Housing, Petlauma, CA United States
Volunteer at Casa Grande Senior Apartments
Assisted apartment residents in various ways and participated in social
06/2011 - 08/2011 Giant Steps Therapeutic Riding Center, Petlauma, CA
United States
Walked alongside mentally or physically disabled children while they
rode horses and cleaned the stables where the horses are kept.


2014 - Present Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA United States

Interdisciplinary B.A. in German Cultural Studies GPA: 2.94

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