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practice test 5

module 1

Fill in using the right word:

A. identified, excuse, confused, waste, reached, compared, carried out, intelligence,
unquestionable, significance.
1. She was _____________ by many of the scientific terms in the article.
2. We ___________ California after driving for two days.
3. The show was a ___________ of money; we shouldn't have watched it.
4. She was easily ______________ by what she was wearing
5. The fact that he is the best actor in Hollywood is ______________; nobody doubts about it.
6. In the future, robots with artificial ______________ will work instead of humans.
7. There is no ____________ for what you did; I cannot forgive you.
8. The discovery has great ________________ to researchers.
9. The singer's voice has been _______________ to that of Elvis.
10. The police ______________ the mission successfully; the thief was finally caught.

B. polite, resisting, privilege, ability, attends, shelf, random, witness, gathering, ambitious
1. It was hard _____________ the temptation to open the box.
2. Good health care should be a right (=) and not a _____________.
3. She _____________ a school in the city.
4. He was a ___________ to a robbery.
5. It isn't __________ to interrupt (=) people when they're talking.
6. The child was ____________ flowers to give to his mother.
7. Our names were chosen at _____________ from the list.
8. She has an __________ to inspire people.
9. Put the vase on the ___________.
10. The company was created by two very ______________ young men in the early 1900s.

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