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Nama : Agustina

Kelas :
Nim : 2011.111.100

What the perpose wrking with youg kanguage learners?

To indentified the skill and instincts a young child bring to learners a
foreign langeuange at school.


What the priorities of the tittle about identifying and their implications?
a. Teaching which is based on the skill and instincts bring with them to
the classroom
b. The development ofb attitudes and responses which contribute to the
prosess of developing competences an another languange
c. Ways of working with the language for real

3. What the functions of the games guessing: to practise going to + places

for stents?
This games make engages emotion,and this so fun also the students will
be interest when they study using this games.

The coursebook helps the teacher by providing ?

a. Clearly thought out programme which is appropriately sequenced and
structured to include progressive revision.
b. A wider range of material than an individual teacher may be able to
c. Security
d. Econmy of preparation time
e. A source of practical teaching ideas
f. Work that the learners can do on their own so that the teacher does not
have to be centre stage all the time.

5. Why the teacher need a clear and coherent programme ?

a. They too need to know where to direct their energies
b. It provides a central path through the limitless complexities of a
6. Why is integration a good idea?
Because it is important for the children to see the new language they are
learning as something normal and natural.
7. How to make the children like to read?
The children always like a playing,so when we study the children to read
we must make the study interest with the games.
8. What the function left hemspheres?

The left hemispheres is responsible for the interpretation and production

of symbolic information for languange,mathematic,abstarction and

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