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SLU e ts Se ay Upper-Intermediate Workbook : ot) with Gratis MultiROM Tim Falla, Paul A Davies DEER ee CUE c Pen ee PRU UCeU Cercle Lc) Solutions Upper-Intermediate Workbook Tim Falla, Paul A Davies PEO Me Mc OUNCE! (@) XF ‘ORD Pore eG tin una Cece ices ccc! pecmrey Nevins pevectonses Determiners “Stages oe pa. ms “Manlenle = Stosowsole Goal warming Advice, 10 se (CUMULATIVE REVIEWS AND MATURA CHALLENGE 1-5 p73, IW Your CD PLAYER Track ‘LF Speaking: Stimulus-based discussion, page 9 2F Speaking: Discussion, page 17 Get ready for matura 1~2, page 20 3 Speaking: Presentation, page 27 3F Speaking: Presentation, page 27 4F Speaking: Presentation, page 35, Get ready for matura 34, page 38 5 Speaking: Talking about statistics, page 45 5F Speaking: Talking about statistics, page 45 weNaneunn p19 Rozumienl testy cytanegn + Stosowane “+Moutele + Rozunleniezesteche ~ + Viypowted pena Young andotd Worst Britons Beyingabroad ‘Science lion Meadtnes ‘Reported speach: Newspapers pe statement and ‘questions ‘Oplionand Question forms Religion ale ‘sRonumienie ze sucha + Rozumente teksty crytanego ‘ourvanshing FUNCTIONS BANK 9102 10 11 12 13, 14 15 16 17 Past perfect simple and p37 + Rozumienletekstuceytanego + Stosowanie strut eyo granatycnyeh ‘ronumienie ze sachs = Wypowedtplmna = Mbwenle ont Dovmandout Ye Docusion Esa patens foram aan Teesagersin rare Precentaon Dect maw Continua nd sense tute prea Sescetouism ruse: Preston arate ones svete ato reporingwebsTngsbout Rw burnt soc WWocandas Question apres te srintons 1 Wypenies parma aston, Specating:—_ Stimaubased wanteot” prose past—suson WRITING PHRASES BANK p105 WRITING BANK p10 pre ‘en symbol oznacza, 4e w odpowiednie] sekcjina MultiROM Te znajdziesréwiczenia interaltywme 6F Speaking: Expressing opinions, page 53 Get ready for matura 5-6, page 55 7F Speaking: Stimulus-based discussion, page 63 8F Speaking: Discussion, page 71 Get ready for matura 78, page 73 9F Speaking: A job interview, page 81 110F Speaking: Presentation, page 89 Get ready for matura 9-10, page 91 Premios I can describe someone's personality. 1. Write the opposites of these personality adjectives. TR 2 a s[olp[hli|s[t]ilclaltle[d = 2 dlelple|n|dlalbl tle | ift{t{-[mjafa} nel rletd q [ WW i 4 Cy 2 b -[h[ el al dj ela b eet C L Le] clo[ nlsli[dle[r 3 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. a 1 The children had been as good as ABC / gold all moming. 2 Finally, after 10 years in prison, Rodney found himself [alia e as free as a bird / bee. 3. Stories about strange creatures who live deep in the clhfele[r[flult uft] forest areas old as silk / the hills. 4 You have to be as quiet as an eel / a mouse, or you'll, —| wake my parents up. 5 Our dog looks quite fierce, but in fact, he’s as gentle asalamb / mule. 6 You should eat more. You're as thin as arake/ feather! 7 julie has been as busy asa bee / bird geting 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. everything ready for the conference. Don't let Ben trick you into doing all his work ~ he’ 1. My neighbours are so noisy at night. | wish they'd be xCcrrOeeeeereTIT more 1 2 | can say anything | like in front of my grandmother. She's ‘Complete these sentences with your own ideas so that they show the meaning of the adjectives. Grace is so argumentative. Last night, for example, she started an argumert wih a complete stranger in aca 1 Martin is very considerate. He often very for her age. 3 Itwas very of you to leave your bike Unlocked and think nobody would steal it. 4 His exam results are always fantastic, but he’s too ota about them 5 Mysisteris so — she’s quite happy to 2 | wish you weren't so narrow-minded. You never singin font of oom flo people 6 iden esalnaysinabod mood, | > MYmumtsavery generous person. she abvays —_ 4 Ruth is so unreliable. She never Unit» Arainsttneoads 7 aac 4 Past and perfect tenses 1 complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect simple. 4. You can’t be hungry. You (eat) a bow! of pasta ten minutes ago! 2. Lauren is probably the most intelligent person | (med) 3 We ___(catch) four ish already, and we've only been here an hour! 4. When he was a child, his Family. — (lve) in india. 5, Don't put the laptop away ~i___ (not finish) Using it yet. 61 (know) her for years, and! think she’s, very level-headed. 7 Gail picked up her coat and — the restaurant. 8 How many times (you / phone) your boyfriend so far today? Choose the best tense, simple or continuous, to complete (walk) out of Dear Kyle T'm sorry I haven't written / been writing to you for $0 long, I've Jneant / been meaning to send you an e-mail ever since I 'got /was getting back to Peru from ay trip around Chile and Argentina with ny boyfriend, Gino The trip was reat, but unfortunately Gino and I ‘fell /was falling out. I won't go into details. Anyway, we've only "seen/ been seeing each other once since then. Love, Lisa Dear kyle Ok, if you insist! One day about half way through the trip. we ‘waited / were waiting for a train at the station when { noticed that a men “looked / was looking at me, as if he ‘tried / was trying to renenber sonething After a while, he ’came / was coming up to me and asked if my name was Lisa. To cut a long Story short, it turns out that we both "grew /were growing up in the sane village in'Wales! While we chatted / were chatting Gino suddenly "walked / was walking off! He Sdidn’t adeit / wasn’t admitting it, but he was Jealous! Can you belteve tt? Lisa E ) units» against odds T can correctly se a variety af past and perfect tenses. 3 Complete each sentence with the past simple and past continuous. 4 It Get) dark by the time we (arrive) at the holiday chalet 2 As! (prepare) lunch, |_____ (cut) my hand, 3 They____ discover) some ancient ruins when they (build) the new supermarket. 4 You (tart talking while|__ at 5 We Gust / leave) when the policeman, _ (knock) on the door, 6 When they (find) Lewis, he (live) in New York under a false name. 4 Complete the dialogue with an appropriate past tense of ‘the verbs in brackets. Kyle saw Lisa last week. She (ust /artived) back from a year in Latin America. Alyssa Really? What®, (he / do) there? Kyle Well, she? (work) as. an Enalish teacher forthree months in Peru. Then she 4___ (travel) around Chile and Argentina. Alyssa And (che / change) asa result of the experience? She was quite naive before she ‘ {g0), in my opinion. Kyle She looks different, She ”__ (not have her hair cut since before she left! Alyssa © (she / meet) anybody while she : (travel)? A boyfriend, | mean. Kyle Yes. While she (work) at the school In Peru, she * (start) going out with ‘one of the other young teachers. He "= (live) in Lima fora year before she arrived, so he showed her around, ‘Alyssa And is she still n touch with him? Kyle No, sheisn’t. Something weird” (happen) in Argentina, She * ______(not want) to tell me about it, but | insist ‘Alyssa What? Tell me! ontinue the dialogue. Write another four lines, two for | each speaker, Use exercise 2 to give you ideas. Kyle Alyssa kyle Ae Worst Britons Cone 1 Complete the summary with the word: In 2002, the BBC conducted a!__to discover which famous Britons were considered to be the greatest of alltime bythe general? In first place on the listwas Winston Churchill, who was Britain's?____ during the Second World War (1939-45). Churchill received around half of al thes _____. Some social ® were surprised that none ofthe top ten was alive. This showed that, while many people are interested In * they do not regard them as equal to reat” ___ from history. 2 Read the text about the 100 Worst Britons. Which of the following are definitely on the list? doctors L] film stars [] high court judges [1] lawyers [] members of the royal family [_] politicians [] reality TV contestants [_] singers L] ‘Wpresenters L] 3 Arethese sentences true or false? Write Tor F. 1 People who were in prison could not vote in the Channel 4 100 Worst Britons poll, 2 Jade Goody won the reality TV show Big Brother. 3 Seven former Pop idol contestants are in the list. 4 The list suggests that TV presenters are not popular with the British public. _ 5 The text suggests Queen Elizabeth Ils unpopular because of her role, not her personality. 6 The text suggests Richard Branson is unpopular because people are jealous of his success. —__ Choose two famous ving people from Poland that you ‘would put in a list of 100 Worst Celebrities. Explain why you have chosen them. person (name) 2person: (name) reason J cam express my opinions an. well-known peaple. 100 Worst Britons In 2003, ayear after the BBC's poll to discover the 100 greatest Britons, Channel 4 allowed viewers to vote for the 100 worst Britons. Unlike the BBC, Channel 4 did not allow votes for people who were not alive atthe time of the pall. They also excluded people wio were in prison or awaiting tal Many ofthe people in thelist of 100 Greatest Britons are there because of significant achievements in the world of science, music, literature and exploration. Many of those inthe 100 Worst Britons list are there precisely because, in the opinion ofthe voters, they haven't achieved anything. ‘worthwhile but are nonetheless inthe public eye. Number ‘Ain the list, Jade Goody, became famous for appearing in the reality TV show, ig Brother. And although the Reality TV show Pop Idol has been a huge hit in the UK, it provides the lst with no fewer than seven people, including judges, presenters and former contestants. And judging by the lst, the British public has a particular dislike for TV presenters and politicians. Most interesting are the people who appear in both the 100 Greatest ist and the 100 Worst lst. These are controversial figures who have large numbers of supporters but who are also detested by large numbers of people. Two former Prime Ministers fll into this category: Tony Blair and ‘Margaret Thatcher. Two singers also appear on both lists: Cliff Richard, who first became a pop star in the 1950s and is stil performing, and Robbie Williams, who has millions of fans worldwide but whose personality many people Find arrogant. The reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth I, appears as number 10 on the list of greatest Britons and umber 24 on thelist of worst Britons. This might bea reflection of the public's attitude to the monarchy as an institution, rather than the personality of the Queen herself. Entrepreneur and adventurer Richard Branson is on both lists, to0, Many people admire his energy and achievernents, building successful companies in the fields of air travel, ‘music, publishing, mobile phones and even space tourism. However, many people also dislike his public image and his frequent publicity stunts. Infact, looking at the list as a whole, being inthe public eye too much seems to be the main cause of disapproval Although he is a hero for many young footballers, number 91 ‘on the list of 100 Worst Britons is David Beckham ~ and his wife, Victoria, is number 13. Unitts Against the odes a 2 Rewrite the sentences using verbs in the box. 11 Water was flowing into the boat very quickly. Survival at sea 2 With difficulty, we climbed onto the rocks. 3 The wooden floor was so old and damp that it had. fallen apart. 4 The little boy was crying noisily and pointing to his sister's Ice cream, 5. Athief suddenly took hold of my bag and ran of. 6 He dropped a leaf into the water and watched it move slowly under the bridge. 7 Ashe got older, her health got worse. 3. Read the text, Trouble at Sea, quickly. In what way could ‘you describe Violet Jessop as both very unlucky and very lucky? ‘She was unlucky because ‘She was lucky because < ) Unit 1» Against the odds Lean understand and react to a survival story Imagine that you were one of the survivors of the Titanic who escaped ina lifeboat. you saw and how you felt. 4 Choose from sentences A-G the sentence which fits each ‘gap (1-6). There is one sentence that you do not need. {A Initially, she worked with the Royal Mail Line like her mother, but later moved to a company called White Star. B Violet wrote that she was lying in bed but not quite asleep when the collision occurred. That is why she decided not to accept another job on a large passengership. D But even atthis early age, Violet was a survivor and recovered fully from her ines. E Shewas sucked under the boat and hit her head on the keel, but she survived. F Both ships were badly damaged, but managed to struggle back to port, G itwas so badly damaged that it sank, withthe loss of 30 members ofthe crew. 5. Find these words and phrases in the text. There is one in each paragraph. Paragraph 1: a phrase meaning ‘personally’ 3 words) Paragraph 2: a serious disease — Paragraph 3: a female member ofa ship’s crew Paragraph 4: aword that means ‘very good’ —_ Paragraph 5: phrase meaning a new ship's first voyage (words) Paragraph 6: a bomb that is hidden in the sea___ Paragraph 7: the period of life when you have finished working short text saying what Ban Te eae Most people never experience at first hand the fear and excitement of a disaster at sea. Violet Jessop experienced it three times! She did not go looking for danger, but reading the story of her life, it sometimes seems that danger came looking for her. Violet was born in Argentina, the first of six children born to Trish emigrants William and Katherine Jessop. Her father was a sheep farmer: As a child, Violet became very ill with tubereulosis, and: her doctor told her parents that she would die within ‘The death of her father led the family to return to Britain, where her mother needed to work to provide an income. She found a job as a stewardess for the Royal Mail Line, a shipping company, while Violet and her brothers and sisters went to live at a convent school. When her mother had to stop work because of poor health, Violet gave up school to became a stewardess herself. ? Violet didn’t want to work for White Star because their ships sailed across the North Atlantic and often encountered bad weather. Nevertheless, Violet became a stewardess for the White Star Line working 17 hours a day for less than £8 a month. She was serving on board the Olympic when it collided with HMS Hawke in 1911. Violet was quite happy working on the Olympic and didn’t really want to join the Titanic, another ship owned by the same company. However, her friends persuacied her that working on the largest passenger ship in the world would be a wonderful experience Violet Jessop’s own account of the Titanic’s maiden voyage talks about a translated Hebrew prayer that an old Lrish woman had given her. The prayer was supposed to protect her against fire and water. Violet, who was a devout Catholic, read the prayer as she relaxed in her cabin only hours before the Titanic sank. ¢ ordered to go on deck. As water poured into the ship and it began to sink, she helped a group of women into a lifeboat, and after eight hours in the boat, Violet and the others were reseued by another ship. About 1500 other passengers were not so lucky: they died in the tragedy. Immediately, she was When the Great War broke out in 1914, Violet served as a nurse with the British Red Cross on board 4 ship called the Britannic. As a medical ship, the Britannic was safe from enemy attack because of an international agreement. However, towards the end of 1916, the ship collided with a mine in the ‘Aegean Sea 5___ At the time of the collision, Violet herself was on deck and was thrown over the side of the ship into the sea by the force of the explosion. © ‘She was picked up out of the water and taken to safety. Years later, a doctor told her that she hhad actually fractured her skull in the accident. Despite these three separate incidents, Violet Jessop continued to work at sea for another $4 years. She retired in 1950 and enjoyed many years of retirement before her death in 1971 at the age of 84: Unitt Against the odds 1 Lookat the time line. Then complete the text using the past perfect continuous with for or since. 1990 Boy band Take That Robbie Williams, Gary Barlow, Howard Donald, Mark Owen and Jason Orange) start performing together 1992 Take That star having hits 1996 Take That split up 1998 Gary Barlow starts vwnting songs for other performers 2000 Howard Donald becomes aDjin Germany 2001 Jason Orange becomes a psychology student 2004 Mark Owen starts running his own record label 2006 ‘Take That reunite without Robbie Williams for a hugely successful world tour By the time Take That started having hits, they (perform / for) had been performing together for two years. When they split up in 1996, they (have hits / since)" They got back together in 2006, Gary Barlow (write songs / since) ? Howard Donald (work as aD) / for) Jason Orange (study psychology for) * and Mark Owen (un record label / since) * ) usta» Against the odds Past perfect simple and continuous T can talk about actions and events and their consequences in the past 2. Yesterday, Ava began an expedition to climb Mount Everest. Had she completed her preparation schedule? White sentences in the past perfect simple, affirmative or negative. gain & tos im weight Complete a physical training regime study basic Nepalese obtain long-term weather forecasts w” plana route to te sunita” det to know the other climbers inthe group X spend a wee at high alttude 0 ‘She had gained es in weigh 1 2 3 4 5 6 Study the verbs below. Tick the verbs which are not usually used in continuous tenses (state verbs). belong = enjoy oO know imagine spend =O) think =) understand] wait Oo Complete the sentences with the past perfect simple or continuous of the verbs from exercise 3. 1 Nothing Tara did surprised him, because he her well since childhood. 2 She was glad when the bus arrived, as she more than half an hour in the cold, 3. We were sad when the concert ended, because we itso much. 4 | was amazed when Fran phoned, because | about her just a minute earlier 5. When he finished speaking, | realised that! only a fraction of what he'd said 6 The bracelet was particularly precious to her because it to her grandmother. 7 was a little disappointed when I saw the hotel room because | something bigger. 8 Her parents decided that she too much time with her boyfriend. 7. += 41 Match items a-h with each word in the chart a @ headline wang hire should not be photo ‘expected to take frame. Neauses a vet: steat deal of stress. statistic {inant Poet 199019921998 ‘Average number of students each year who drop out of ther university T can describe and respond to visual stint in a discussion % 00 YEAR SOURCE: centre fr Education and Empiyment Research Univers af Such Course in their jc Astyear 12,950 University Students (10005) 2nd year 6,400 198s | 2005 Srayear 2,900 Chemistry | 14 | 53 beyond 3rdyear | 700 ‘Media studies | 2.1 | 109 1@0M Listen to part of a stimulus-based discussion about education, Which items from exercise 1 are the students referring to? -] CL] C1 LC) {GION Order the words to make sentences from the discussion. Then listen again and check. 1 the / the / right / some / on / photo / shows / students 2. more students / headline / the / that / suggests / more and / choosing / this / subject / of / kind / are 3 shows / fallen / the / the / graph / numbers / maths / of | has / students / taking 4 quoted / psychologist / children / under / are / a / lot / of /a/ 1s / saying / as / that / stress 5 13,000// up / nearly / give /year/ in /frst/ the 4 Write sentences that refer to the other three items from ‘exercise 4. Use phrases from exercise 3. es Can you explain what these quotations about educal mean? Use you own words. 1 "The oosof education are biter, butthe ts ae sweet? | Aristotle 2 “Education is what remains when you have forgotten everything you leamed in school. Einstein Unitt+Againstthe odds Preparation 1. Read the jumbled parts of an account of an event. Match the paragraphs (A-D) with the paragraph plan below. ‘A I'd been staying with my aunt and uncle at theirhouse near the sea. The weather had been fantastic, and I'd been going to the beach every day fora swim. There was a large, flat rock about five hundred metres out to ‘sea, and | enjoyed swimming out tot. Id even started timing myself to see how quickly! could get there, An account of an event B When I finaly reached safety, | was so relieved. Itfelt as if 'd been swimming for ever. WRN UTStanice hat been twisty meties further, | woulldn'thave made tt ainever been so exhausted in'mivlifel Arter that day, | always checked the times of the tides before | went, swimming! € This is something that happened to me about three years ago. At the time, | wasn't really frightened, but looking back, itwas quite a dangerous incident. in fact, in some ways, | was lucky to survive. D One afternoon, | swam to the rock as usual and climbed onto it fora rest, as it was a warm and sunny day. Iwas So tired that fellasl@@pi Only when | woke up did | realise that the tide was coming in ~ and fasi! The rock was now more than a kilometre out to sea! Could | swim that far? | wasn’t sure, but | had no choice. I dived into the sea and started swimming. Paragraph 1: Introduction Paragraph 2: Background inform: Paragraph 3: Main events — Paragraph 4: Conclusion = 0) un 1+ Against the odds T ean write an account of an event. 2. Find atleast one example in the story of: 1a sequencing word or phrase 2. aphrase or sentence followed by an exclamation mark 3 an extreme adjective 4 stylistic inversion 3 Rewrite the highlighted sentences from the text using stylistic inversion. Begin like this: 1 Had = 2 Never 3 So 4 Think of something that happened to you which was dangerous or frightening, Make notes. Where were you? What happened? When did it happen? Who was involved? How did you feel? 5. Use your notes from exercise 4 to write an account of the event. Follow the paragraph plan from exercise 1 Writing Guide 41. Wiite a brief introduction saying where and when the event happened. Don't go into detal at this stage. 2. Explain the background to the event. Say why you were there, what you had been doing, etc. 3. Describe what happened. Remember that the past simple is the most commonly used tense for this kind of narration. 4 Write a brief conclusion. Say what you leamed from the event and how it affected you. Have you: *+ followed the paragraph plan? ‘+ used appropriate tenses for each part of the story? ‘* used stylistic inversion ora feature from exercise 2? ‘© checked your work for mistakes? For what it’s worth —— ines Value and price 1 Complete the chart with adjectives made from the nouns. price 6 economy price 7 profit worth 8 value finance 9 worth cost 10 economy f io Tecan talk about money 1 2 10 n 2 Choose the correct adjective. We're spending too much money. We need to be more ‘economic / economical The food at that restaurant is great, but it’s very pricey / precious. The website provides valuable / profitable advice on choosing the right university course. Economists are predicting that rising interest rates will create economical / financial chaos. | thought the painting | inherited from my grandmother was worth a lot of money, but it tumed out to be worthless / precious. Businesses often prefer to sell goods on the intemet, because itis more profitable / valuable Aworthy / priceless collection of Michelangelo drawings was destroyed in the fire, Since joining the EU, Poland has experienced a period of rapid profitable / economic growth They wanted to buy a house in London, but it would have proved too costly / over-priced Trying to improve the lives of poor people isa valuable / worthy ambition for any politician In my opinion DYDs and CDs are ridiculously overpriced / valuable. This necklace isn't worth a great deal but it's very worthy 1 precious as it belonged to my mother. and finance. © @ Extension: Expressions connected with mor 3. Match a-j with 1-10 to make expressions connected with money. a bedirt 1 aside b cost 2 somebody off, © rip 3 akilling 4 paythrough 4 the nose (for something) e make 5 cheap fF tighten 6 afortune § put 7 off h bewell 8 your belt i splash 9 hard up j be 10 out (on something) Rewrite the sentences using expressions from exercise 3. 1 The skiing holiday was great but it cost alot of money. 2. Jason paid far too much for his new car. 3 They haven't had much money since Sam lost his job. 4 We spent a lot of money on a new computer. 5 Sarah got a bonus at work, which she's going to save forthe future. 6 Nowadays printers hardly cost anything. Eee aces ee RET ey 8 We'll have to economise to avoid getting into debt. Write sentences using the words given. afford ___ be worth. change (verb) _ cost (verb) owe value (vero) Unit2eForwhati'sworh Crt Determiners 11 Complete the news article with a/an, the or no article. -__ Crime Doesn’t Pay Jane Wilson only had a few pounds in? bank so she decided to limit herself to” £10 cash withdrawal, But when she went to the ATM to withdraw she discovered to her amazement that she had £100,000 in her account, Jane was used to living on £100° week, but aver ® next few days 25-year-old lived the life of ® lottery winner, even though she knew the money wasn’t hers. thousands of pounds worth of ® clothes, took out nearly £10,000 in ccash and booked _luxury holiday to "™_ us She splashed out on ® She also spent money on her family and gave money to a charity that helps 2 Choose the correct option: some, any or nothing. 41 Peter hasn't got some / any / -- long hair. 2 Can Ihave some / any /- grapes, please? 3 Ihaven't got some / any / --- money in the bank. 4 [don't like some / any / ~~ strong cheese. 5 6 i Call me at some / any / += time. It doesn’t matter when beautiful lowers! What some / any / Some / Any / ~~ cars use a lot of petrol, others are more economical. 8 Some / Any 3 Complete the sentences with few, a few, litle ora litle. 1 Itusually snows a lot in Poland in the winter but last year there was very snow. | bought this jacket days ago. I've run out of bread. Could you give me 4 Sam's determined to leave school. There's use in trying to change his mind. train from this platform goes to Hastings. 5 tourists visit the Arctic. It's dangerous, 6 Sorryt'm late, | last my way times coming here, 7 people stay in this hotel because it's ridiculously expensive. 8 {don't understand this. | need help. 12) unit2+Forwhatirs worth a L can use determiners to describe quantities. disabled. However, * staff at” bank soon realised their mistake and froze Jane’s account, She knew there was no point in running away, so she stayed at * police to knock on” door. In court she pleaded guilty to steali home and waited for ® the money and was given a two-year suspended sentence. 4 Complete or write a sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Include the word in brackets. 1 tdoesn’t matter which road you take. (any) You can take any oad, 2 We don't have a lotof time. (much) We ee, 3. My brother plays football and so do |. (both) My 4 ItGidn't rain on Tuesday and it didn’t rain on Wednesday. (either...of) ons 5. The shops are all closed. (none) — open. 6 The food wasn't good. And it wasn't cheap. (neither .. not) The food 7. There aren't any easy answers. (no) 8 Not many of my relatives live nearby. (few) 9 My parents haven't got much money. (litte 10 He read the magazine from beginning to end. (whole) 11 The majority of graduates quickly find a job. (most) 12 Allof us want to be happy. (every) Buying abroad Cte 1. Complete the sentences with words from the box. The flat we live in was. so we had to buy furniture. We live ina house. Ournearest neighbours 100 metres away. Sally recently moved into a new bam —____ Until last year the bullding was part ofa farm. don’t like houses. | preferto have separate rooms. Welivein the go down the steps. ‘Tom's home looks like a Fact it was only build five years ago. We have fabulous views across the city from our hae We have a 12 month flat, so when you arrive cottage, but in ‘on our house. 2. Read the text quickly. Which paragraph (A-D) tells you about: 1 which countries UK emigrants go to? 2 why people choose to emigrate? 3 future emigration? 3 Are the sentences true or false? Write Tor F. 1 About 600,000 Britons live abroad permanently or for part of the year. 2 The top six destinations are other English-speaking countries. 3 The majority of emigrants are middle-aged. 4 Some people emigrate to find somewhere cheaper to live 5. Emigrants can’t usually afford to buy propery. 4 Express information from the text using these numbers. 1 500,000 2 1,300,000 3 750,000 4 1,000,000 4 can take British emigration. about — A. Every three plane or a ferry nies someone ir Britain boards a 1 travels abroad to start a new lif, Emigration from the UK has increased dramatically over the past 10 years and now at last five and half million British citizens live pe ‘ara father 500,000 Britons spend! paat ofthe year abroad, either spending extended period homes, or working. This means that 10% of British people ate living abroad at any one time. B Six ofthe eight most popular destinations for Britons seeking a new life abroad are other English-speaking manently overseas, eis estimated n second ‘countries: Australia 0.7 million), Canada (0.6 milion), Ireland (0.8 million), and New Zealand and South Africa ( 0.2 million). The second most popular country overall, however, is Spain, where British people have setled permanently C_ Why do so many people settle abroad? The majority are either young peopl (vith 1.8 million expatriates) the US hs with about ee quarters of a million hoose to leave the UK and ‘without families, who are just starting their careers or people at the end of their working life who are seeking to retire. Other reasons for emigrating are to find a better quality of life m that the UK is too expensive), orto join other Faly better climat py complain, ‘members who've already Teli the UK, Whatever the reason, cheap air travel and free movement within the Earopean Union mean that emigrating is easier than ‘ever: Moreover, high property prices in the UK mean. that people can exchange a fairly modest louse inthe UK for something much grander overseas D hsp Jeave in the next five years. So, has this led to a decline in the UK population’ No, because for every two people who emigrate, three people move to the UK. Unit2*Forwhatits wont -dicted that a Further one milion Britons will from abroad. Down and out Revision: Student's Book page 18-19 1 Complete the sentences using the words in the box. 1 f've_____ money. Can l borrow some from you? ‘shocking 37 million Americans live in according to a recent report. Credit cards tempt some people to ‘more than they eam. The for the flat we live in comes to £500. month. In 1850, a slave in the American South cost the es ‘of £25,000 in today's money. The government has expenditure on health and education. Don’t_______ your money on expensive designer clothes that you don't need. Of the Earth's six billion people, half ive on an of under $2.a day. Read the text, ignoring the gaps. Answer the questions. 1. Which other two famous works by Orwell are mentioned the text? and 2 Inwhich city did Orwell workin a hotel? 3. Why couldn't he find work in London at First? Match sentences A-G that you do not need. A He recounts how this life had a severe effect on his humanity. B Having found a job and started to eam some money, life improved dramatically for him. C However, when this work dried up, he had to start selling his possessions while he tried to search for more work. D Until his boss returns, he finds himself sleeping on the streets ofthe city wth the other poor and unemployed. E Still can point to one or two things I have defintely learned by being hard up. F He finds himself working seventeen and a half hours @ day in the restaurant, almost without a break. G However, Orwell was also completely against totalitarianism in any form, to) Unit2+ Forwhat t's worth gaps 2-6. Theres one sentence a T can understand an. article about an author and his work. 4 Ave the sentences true or false? (The answers may be in the sentences in exercise 3.) Write T or F 1 Down and Out in Paris and London is an exact account of Orwell’s experiences in the two cities. 2 Orwell took a job in a hotel because he was fed up of ‘teaching and writing, 3. He earned very little money working in the hotel. 4 One night Orwell couldn’t sleep because someone was, killed near his room. — 5 Orwell slept outside in the open in both Paris and London. — 6 Onwell thought that itwas the workers’ own fault that they had such dreadful working conditions, 7 Orwell had a lot of sympathy for tramps and beggars. 8 Orwell thought that socialism was good as long as it

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