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Mathematics 6th Class Ch#01

1. A set is a collection of ________ and _________objects.

A. well-defined
B. distinct
C. Both
D. None
2. The objects of a set are called ________ or _________ of the set.
A. members
B. elements
C. Both
D. None
3. We generally use _______ letters to denote sets
A. capital
B. small
C. both D. None

4. The elements of a set are said to belong to the set. The

symbol _____ is used to denote belongs to
A. B.
C. both
D. None
5. If P = {1, 2, 3, 4} and Q = {a, b, c, d} then 5_______P
A. B.
C. both
D. None
6. If P = {1, 2, 3, 4} and Q = {a, b, c, d} then 4_______P
A. B.
C. both
D. None
7. If P = {1, 2, 3, 4} and Q = {a, b, c, d} then d_______Q
A. B.
C. both
D. None
8. Sets are described in ______ ways.
A. Two
B. Six
C. Four

D. Eight

9. A = {a, e, i, o, u} is a ______ form.

A. Tabular
B. Roster
C. both

D. None

10. P = {x:x is a counting number less than 100} is a ______

A. Tabular
B. Roster
C. both
D. None

Answers Keys:
1. C
6. A

2. C
7. A

3. A
8. A

4. A
9. A

5. B
10. B

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