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Soap Note

Turner Syndrome
Biographical Information: DAH, 14 y/o, female, Caucasian
S: Wide abnormal neck, difficulty eating, short fingers & toes, arms turn out at
elbows, low set ears, broad chest, delayed growth, delayed learning abilities
O: Abnormal fluid collections in the neck, narrow palate, delayed growth, ECG shows
heart abnormality, CT scan shows enlarged kidneys, blood tests shows low hormone
A: DNA tests shows positive for Turner Syndrome. Turner syndrome is a condition
that affects only girls and women, results when a sex chromosome (the X
chromosome) is missing or partially missing. Turner syndrome can cause a
variety of medical and developmental problems, including short height, failure to
start puberty, infertility, heart defects, certain learning disabilities and social
adjustment problems.
P: Growth hormone therapy is recommended for most girls with Turner
syndrome. This is used to help keep growing on track at appropriate times
throughout childhood and adolescence. Most girls with Turner syndrome need to
start estrogen and related hormone therapy in order to begin puberty and
achieve adult sexual development. Recommended regular checks to ensure that
the child is developing as close to normal as possible.

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