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Source 1:

Jean-Pierre Housel/the Bridgeman Art Library/Getty Images

Today, France still celebrates Bastille Day. When the people stormed the Bastille,
Louis finally got the hint that revolution was nigh.
a) What happened during the Storming of the Bastille?
In the storming of bastille, the third estate stormed in to the castle to steal
weapons to prepare for when they were going to rise up against the upper
classes. We can see in the picture that the people rushed into a violent
battle, as there are people seen fighting at the castle. It is also evident
that the third estate broke through and won over the upper class, and
there is smoke billowing from the castle, indicating that the people got

b) Who might have supported this event?

The people of France supported this idea and they thought it was time
to finally go up against the upper class.
Source 2:

A coloured engraving shows the runaway royal family busted by French

democrats. King Louis and Marie Antoinette were apprehended in Varennes, just
miles from the Austrian border. Some say the strong scent of the queen's
perfume gave their whereabouts away.

What does the above photo indicate about King Louis XVI and Marie

The photo above indicates that the people of France didnt like King Louis
XVI and Marie Antoinette, even the guards and people that were on the
kings side went against them. The people coming at them with weapons
look angry and it shows that the King and Queen are going to pay for what
they have done. They are putting their hands up and that could be
representing they arent going to fight against the people and that the
give up.

b) Why were they being arrested?

The King and Queen were being arrested because they have caused so
much trouble in France by making the third class pay more money
because they were in debt, when they had money they still didnt treat the
third class right and the made France lose a lot of money.

Source 3:

In this engraving, titled "The Awakening of the Third Estate," an aristocrat and
clergyman are horrified to see a man casting off the shackles of his class.
Theorist Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes wrote that "Nothing can succeed without [the
Third Estate]."
a) Which estates do the three men represent in the above photograph?
The man in the colour black is the clergyman, he isnt carrying any weapons
and the man in
front of him with the colourful clothes is the Aristocrat, he
is protecting the clergyman. The man on the ground is from the third estate.
b) What message is being portrayed about the Estate System in the
photograph? Provide evidence from the photo.
In this photo it is showing that the upper class people dont want anything
to do with the third estate. The hand shackles are representing the third
estate being trapped and not having any rights, so when the guy was
braking free of the shackles they were worried because it is showing that
they are rising against whatever stops them and gets in their way.
Source 4:

This watercolour image on cardstock shows the motley assortment of people to

whom the French Revolution gave a voice.
a) Identify the following for the above photograph; who is being represented
in this picture?
The third estate is being represented in this photo, you can see this by
them holding up the king and queens heads on sticks.
b) What important event might this photograph represent?
It represents all of the third estate coming together to get revenge on the
king and queen. As it appears that they are having a meeting you can
assume that this photograph represents the tennis court oath.

Source 5:

The 1791 slave rebellion in Santo Domingo, which gave way to the Haitian
Revolution, was inspired, in part, by the French Revolution. The world was rife
with revolutionary fervour, given that the French Revolution, in turn, had been
influenced by the American Revolution.
a) Who is causing havoc in this photo?
It is evident that the slaves are causing havoc in this photo because you
can see them running and setting fire to the houses.
b) What caused this violent behaviour?
Because the slaves were miss treated they revolted against the settlers.
The third estate is angry at the first and second estate. They are burning
their crops to make it hard for them to have food sources.

Last question: Use any 3 of the above sources

1, 2, 5
Refer to at least 3 of the above sources in your answer, explain (in your own
words) why the French Revolution was considered a period of violence and
bloodshed but also brotherhood and liberty.
1: In the first picture you can tell by the smoke and fire that the third class and
the people of France are causing in trouble. The people in front of the building
are holding weapons which shows they are violent towards the king and queen.
2: It is shown that the French revolution was a violent time in this picture as the
people in this photo are about to kill or hurt the king and queen. It is also
representing the third class are working as a team to have revenge on the upper
5: In this photo there are people at the bottom of the hill looking angry and
carrying weapons, at the top of the picture there is smoke which I assume where
they have ruined or caused damage.
In these three photos I have chosen they all have shown a sign of violence. The
third class are either looking angry or carrying weapons. In most of these photos
there is smoke which represents where they have caused damage or where
trouble is.

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