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EU Programs - Presentation of programs and examples of good practice, EU Info

Corner Nis The goal of this conference was giving relevant information to NGOs from south
Serbia about European programs and projects. The program that were presented on the
conference are: IPA CBC, EIDHR, Erasmus +, EU Progress, Europe for Citizens, Civil Society
19.02.2015. Seminar 'Equal access to higher education for all' - Presentation of the results of
the project TEMPUS EQUIED, University of Nis The main objective of the project is to establish
the structural preconditions for improving the chances of under-represented groups of young
people to acquire higher education at universities in Serbia.
24.02.2015. Information and training session 'Application Successful Project', Hotel Niski cvet
The project aims to increase the knowledge of the new Europe for Citizens Programme (20142020) in Croatia and Serbia, develop skills to run quality projects and promote partnerships
across Europe. This session was organised by European House (Budapest) with the partnership
of the Center for Peace, Non-Violence and Human Rights (Osijek) and the Local Democracy
Agency (Subotica) and supported by the European Commission.

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