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Throughout of the entire novel, Atwood presents numerous ways of rebellion.

She uses significant

characters as vehicles to provide examples of rebellion to the Giladian society. Many individuals in the
novel attempted to fight against the society, although none rebel as directly as Moira. She represents the
female resistance to Gilead. She is a lesbian who opposes the idea which the Gilead society values .
Defying the fate that the handmaids adopt, she stands up to the authority and escapes the Red Center.
Moira, being a symbol of rebellion, fails her attempts to rebel and worst, she is caught by the
authorities in her way to escape the former USA through the Underground Female Road. When Offred
is reunited with Moira, her voice is indifferent as if she isn't the Moira she once knew who is full of
volition and spirit. Moira gives up with her attempts and has become submissive to her fate showing
how totalitarian state can crush even the individuals that fight for the power.
Before the establishment of Gilead, Offred's mother demonstrated women's rights by organizing
protests against male violence. Unfortunately, she is caught by the Colonies because of her opinions
about feminism. Offred lost touch with her. Later on, Moira informs her what happened to her mother.
Unexpectedly, the Commander and her wife rebel in small-scale circumstances. Serena Joy, is a True
Believer. She is someone that respects the law of Gilead but she also rebels to the law by sacrificing her
morals and values in order to fulfill her desire to have a baby. She then helps Offred to get pregnant
with Nick by tempting Offred to get a picture of her daughter. On the other hand, the Commander,
despite havingth e very advantage of being a man, desires a deeper emotional connection to Offred and
he even shows how he cares about Offred's well-being to consort with her beyond his duties.
Ofglen, a handmaid who is Offred's companion in shopping trips, is a member of the resistance called
Mayday. Her rebellion is more related to the community, since she works in the resistance, although her
plots ended up badly. She hangs herself before she was even questioned by the authorities regarding her
involvement in Mayday.

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