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Daniel Flores

Lei 4724
Title: 4 Corners
Source: Game played in many schools and after school programs with kids of younger age.
(Didnt get it from the internet)
Equipment Needed: For this activity the equipment needed is

A room with 4 corners

Group of kids up the age of 12
A desk for each student to be able to have a seat

Activity Description: For this activity everything that is needed is a group kids inside a room
that has 4 corners. The game is played in a very simple manner; the facilitator picks a volunteer
to be it while everyone else participating stands up. The kid that is it puts his/her head down
while the rest of the participants quietly make their way to one of the 4 corners. After a certain
amount of time determined by the facilitator the person that is it picks one of the corners. If the
participant is standing in the corner then that participant is out and must sit in their desk and wait
until the game is over. The winner of the game is the last participant standing and then that
person becomes it for the next round.
Leadership Considerations: During this activity the facilitator must be in the room at all times
monitoring the game just in case the kids get to competitive and begin to cheat. Couple of ways
to cheat while playing this game is the participants moving after the determined time is done and
also if the person that is it begins to peak to see what corner the participants are going to.
Another task the facilitator has to perform this activity correctly is making sure the kids dont get
mad at the other kids for picking the same corners as them. A common discussion question that
can be asked after the performance of this activity is: What did you find most difficult about this
activity? And why?
Adaptations: This activity can be adapted for kids with hearing impairments or for kids that
have a physical impairment from the waist down (Amputees and/or Paraplegics). For the kids
with the hearing impairments we can make cards with the numbers 1-4 so it is visible for them to
see what number the participant that is it chose. For kids with physical impairments there can be
two different adaptations depending on the condition of the participant. One adaptation can be let
the participant go to his corner in their wheelchair, if that is the case then the facilitator will have
to give more time for the participants to pick their corner. If there isnt enough space for the
wheelchair to be moving around then the physical impaired participant can be giving cards with
1-4 on them and from a specific spot he/she can pick what corner she would like to be in.

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