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In general, nitrite (NO2) and nitrate (NO3) are natural occurring inorganic ions
present in our environment. High nitrate levels can also indicate the presence of
other pollutants, such as bacteria, as these pollutants may follow the same path as
the nitrate into the water supply. Nitrates in other hand is nitrogen-oxygen chemical
units which combine with various organic and inorganic compounds. The greatest
use of nitrates is as a fertilizer.
From this observation, the concentration of NO2 and NO3 was determined in
the given sample (sample-C). It is found that the sample value of nitrate (NO 2) was
0.098 mg/L and the concentration of nitrate (NO 3) is 0.56 mg/L. The value of the
concentration are within the range and it is acceptable.

1. Used blank sample to re-zero
2. Handle with care all the apparatus with conducting the experiment as the
chemical may be harmful to skin
3. Use three decimal places for recording data to get more accurate reading

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