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Gilhuly 1

Robert Gilhuly
English 4 H
25 March 2015

Essential Question: How does Alzheimers disease affect care givers and family members?
Working Thesis Statement: Alzheimers disease negatively affects family members and care
Refined Thesis Statement: Alzheimers disease negatively affects family members and care
giver physically, emotionally, and financially.
Annotated Bibliography
Martone, Robert L., and Nancy A. Piotrowski, PhD. "Alzheimer's Disease."Ebsco Host. Salem Press,
Jan. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.

Liyakasa, Kelly. "The Emotional - and Financial - Strains of Caregiving." Fairfield County
Business Journal 21 Nov. 2011: 10. Web.

Gilhuly 2
Murray, Aileen. "The Effect of Dementia on Patients, Informal Carers and Nurses." Nursing Older
People. RCN Publishing Company, 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.

The complexities of dementia pose challenges for all. The profound influence of
dementia on the lives of people experiencing the illness, their families and formal careers is well
documented. A collaborative partnership between all three groups is the most effective approach
to improve care. Ensuring individuals have control over their illness is essential: education,
treatment and care are vital to ensure that they are protected from malignant social psychology
and disempowering processes. Education and training for careers focusing on positive
interactions is needed. Formal careers require dementia knowledge and skills training to enable a
person-centered culture to develop. Training in understanding peoples impairments and how
these affect their behavior and personality will result in symptoms being managed skilfully, with
empathy and an understanding of the messages being communicated. Identity changes
throughout the pathway of the illness are significant, and evidence-based support methods are
still being explored. An increased awareness and recognition of the trifactorial effect of dementia
can help to meet individual needs and ensure high quality care and services.

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