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Mr. LeBlanc and Mrs. Brodie Investigate how to heal unhealthy relationships Christian Ethics 30 Instructions: Read the following description of a certain kind of relationship. On the reverse side of this sheet, write a description of an anonymous fictional couple who meet this description. = co You Feel: You Feel: You Feel Trusting Guilty Abused Respected Stessed Controlled Confident Worthless ‘Ashamed Manipulated Dissatisfied You need to be able to read the signs of a relationship to be safe and happy. What is a healthy relationship? A healthy relationship is one that is mutually satisfying (where both people feel good about themselves and the other person) and that doesn’t put the physical, mental, or emotional health of either person at risk. What are the signs of a healthy relationship? Some signs of a healthy relationship include: + You enjoy being with the other person. + You feel good about yourself when you are with this person. + You are able to be yourself without feeling as though you have to act like someone else. + You feel secure and trusting because the person has earned your trust. + The other person is a positive influence on your life. + You can continue to grow and reach personal goals. + The other person respects your personal values and desires. + The other person respects your wishes to do, or not do, things + You feel your relationship needs are being met. + You are both able to communicate in a way that meets the other's needs. + You both have similar expectations (same wants) from the relationship. 2.0.4 (Mr. LeBlanc and Mrs. Brodie Investigate how to heal unhealthy relationships Christian Ethics 30 Instructions: Read the following description of a certain kind of relationship. On the reverse side of this sheet, write a description of an anonymous fictional couple who meet this description. = co ‘You Feel: ‘You Feet: Trusting Abused Respected Controlled Confident Ashamed Secure Manipulated @ Happy Dissatisfied You need to be able to read the signs of a relationship to be safe and happy. What is an unhealthy relationship? ‘An unhealthy relationship is where one or both people involved create physi- cal, mental, or emotional risks or pain by being together. What are the signs of an “unhealthy” relationship? Some signs of an unhealthy relationship include: + You don't enjoy being with the other person. + You feel inferior, guilty, or worthless when you are with this person. + You feel as though you have to put on an act to impress this person and keep this person interested in you. «+ The other person puts you in situations that create stress or risks in your life + Your physical, mental, and emotional health needs are ignored or placed at risk. + The other person attempts to use guilt or anger to manipulate you into doing things. + You do not feel as though your relationship needs are being met. + One or both of you fail to communicate in a way that meets the other's needs. + You both want different things from the relationship. (Chistian Ethis 30 Mr. LeBlancand Mrs. Brodie Investigate how to heal unhealthy relationships Instructions: Read the following description of a certain kind of relationship. On the reverse side of this sheet, write a description of an anonymous fictional couple who meet this description. = | & You Feel: ‘You Feel: Trusting Guilty Respected Stessed Confident Worthless Secure ‘Manipulated Dissatisfied You need to be able to read the signs of a relationship to be safe and happy. ‘What is an abusive relationship? Unfortunately, abusive relationships are growing more and more common, especially among young people. Some signs of an abusive relationship include the following: + Your partner physically abuses you (slaps, hits, kicks, burns, or inflicts any other kind of pain on your body). + Your partner emotionally abuses you (tells you that you are worthless; ties to make you feel guilty, ashamed, nervous, or afraid; ignores you), + Your partner socially abuses you (spreads nasty rumors about you or tries to put you down or embarrass you in front of other people). + Your partner psychologically abuses you (tries to control whom you talk to, whom you spend time with, where you go, what you wear, what you do). + Your partner sexually abuses you (uses physical force or threats to make you perform any kind of sexual contact or intercourse), + You feel afraid to say or do certain things around your partner. + You are worried about what he/she will do to you the next time you are together. + You feel dependent on him/her to live and survive. + You make excuses about why this person is the way he/she is. + You make excuses about why you will not end the relationship. + You are afraid to break up. (Christan Ethics 30 Me. LeBlane and Mrs. Brodie Investigate how to heal unhealthy relationships ‘Write your description of the couple here. Include © how they appear in public and in private, © how they speak to each other and about each other, © what they do while together and what they do on their own, © their relationships with their family and friends, and © how they feel about their relationship. 24.4

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