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Process paper

After the announcement of National history day I came to my teacher and

asked her for some ideas for a topic. She had about 5 thick books that contained
people that impacted society positively. I opened the first book and started flipping
through it and I wrote down 3 names until I was amazed by Ding Darling so I
decided to do him.
To conduct my research I started by doing online research. The online search
gave me a good starting place. After 3 weeks of online research I needed to start
other types of research. Conveniently the school was taking us to the state
historical building where I got hands on with archives and original penmanship. I
also go to look at microfilms of newspapers he was in. After the historical building I
went to Iowa State University library where he publish many books though the
libraries press. I got 3 books and 4 cartoon books of his work.
I chose website because of last year I did a documentary and it had went
corrupt 2 times and was very time consuming to redo it. Instead of dealing with that
again I decided to do a website and it would be able to do it on our mac at home
and school and windows laptop unlike last year I could only do it at my mac at
home. I also wanted to code the theme to see how hard it is to do because I had
been learning coding.
My project relates to theme of leadership and legacy because Darling Lead
the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and his legacy still lives today with the NWF
and U.S. biological services. When Darling was appointed president of NWF it had
just started because of his ability of pulling together conservationist for a
convention. His leadership led to his legacy of starting the NWF.

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