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Overall, the final examination result for ABDM3234 is satisfactory with passing rate of 90.18%.

A total of 6 students (9.82%) failed below threshold of 50 marks. 13 (21%) students out of 61
obtained an A and 9 students (14.75%) obtained an A-. 19 students (31.13%) obtained between
B-, B and B+ and 14 students (22.94%) passed with C and C+ respectively.
The final exam consists of Section A and Section B. Section A, being a case study question and
Section B is a structural essay questions where students need to only answer 3 out of 4 essay
questions. Students appeared to have done better in Section B than Section A. This is due to
the nature of the case study which require a little bit of analysis and this appears to be a bit
difficult for some students at a diploma level. Although, practice had been done in class on case
study, some students still have difficulties in answering analysis type of questions. Student did
quite well and answered most questions in Section B of the exam paper (structural essay
questions). Students who obtained good result (A, A-, B+,B) in the final exam showed that they
have strong grasp of the subject matter and there are evidence of critical capability and
analytical ability.
Generally, common weaknesses of students evidenced in the final examination are:

Inability to analyse the case study and answer analytical questions

Inability to elaborate on points
Inability to provide relevant examples to support a specific point/term
Inability to provide solid justification to suggestion/recommendation given

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