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Please read everything here carefully and if you still have trouble kindly visit
our Knowledge Base and Support center located at
Important Information
Applying to become a Host on Please visit the Knowledge Base Arti
cle linked below regarding crossdomain.xml file, this most common error most new
Hosts make!
*** A note regarding IIS6 using ASP (changes not needed for ASP.NET) ***
IIS6 won't allow POST requests larger than 200K to be performed, and ASP scripts
are disabled by default. We advise disabling chunked transfer encoding.
To increase the maximum allowed POST request size and disable chunked transfer e
Open IIS Manager
Right-click on the server name at the top of the tree and choose "Properties"
Check the first box for "Enable Direct Metabase Edit" and click the "OK" button
Open C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv\metabase.xml with Notepad (NOT Wordpad)
Find AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed and change it to 1073741824
Find AspEnableChunkedEncoding and set it to False
To make sure ASP scripts are enabled:
Open IIS Manager
In the console tree pane (the pane on the left), click "Web Service Extensions"
In the details pane (the pane on the right), click "Active Server Pages" and the
n click the "Allow" button
*** Apache using PHP ***
Apache on some distributions disallow POST requests over 512K. This will cause t
he upload portion of the test to hang on faster connections.
To correct this problem:
Open php.conf or php.ini
Find LimitRequestBody and remove that line
Restart Apache (/etc/init.d/httpd restart)

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