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Social Justice has been important to me throughout my life, but up until the end of

graduate school, I just thought about it as giving back. There are many marginalized and
oppressed populations that may need assistance, but more importantly it is important that we as
professionals advocate for them. Understanding and being aware of the factors marginalized and
oppressed populations may face is critical to develop professional relationships with consumers
of occupational therapy, and provide appropriate services.
My understanding of social justice has evolved throughout the program through
fieldwork, volunteering, and the social justice class in fifth semester. I was able to learn about
many different populations including their values, beliefs, and how to collaborate with them
without offending anyone. Learning about the populations discussed in class, has increased my
cultural competency immensely. Participating in community events including awareness walks,
benefit dinners and events, and donating supplies to multiple organizations have increased my
awareness and passion to stay involved in the community.
Understanding the entirety of the individual, guides our profession to remain client
centered. It is common for professionals to develop attitudes and opinions about an individual
before they have event met them. With the education I now have, I will make every effort to
inform those about the damage preconceived thoughts and feelings can do to the professional
relationship. As I begin my career in occupational therapy, I feel the discussions we had in class
along with my personal experiences volunteering have prepared me to provide the best services
possible no matter their race, socioeconomic status, gender or age. This will not only increase my
abilities as a professional, but aid the client as they receive the most appropriate services and
resources they need.

The Code of Ethics for occupational therapy supports the importance of social justice,
and will guide me as a professional. More than ever, I will strive to advocate for everyone, and
raise awareness to the public about marginalized and oppressed populations.

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