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The goals of this programme are to help teens identified with co-dependency to gain
independence and increase their self-esteem. The programme is designed to help the individual
establish their self-worth so they will be able to form mutually beneficial relationships and will
be less likely to entire into or stay in abusive relationships.
Janis and Mann (1977) identified different patterns of handling stress when faced with difficult
decisions. The patterns were divided into two categories; adaptive and maladaptive. Those who
had a certain level of confidence and self-esteem believed more in their ability to make decisions
and were able to more informed decisions. The maladaptive category had three patterns;
complacency, cop-out, and panic(Janis & Mann, 1977). Complacency is when the person ignores
the information about risks and losses and continues on the present course or chooses a course
based on others suggestions. Cop-out is when the person escapes conflict though shifting the
responsibility on to another or avoiding making a decision. Panic occurs when a person panics
and searches for an escape from the dilemma then impulsively chooses a solution without
considering the consequences. Those who have low self-esteem are more likely to make quick
decisions or avoid making them all together (Mann, Harmoni, & Power, 1989).
In order to help improve their confidence this programme will help the individuals identify who
and what is important in their lives and why. It will help them to learn their strengths and to take
pride in the accomplishments they have already made in their lives. This programme will also
help to identify areas of weakness or areas they do not like about themselves and create ways to
improve them by learning how to create SMART goals. SMART goals help break larger
unrealistic seeming goals into smaller more attainable goals. This builds the confidence of the

individual because they conquer more milestones and are not discouraged by the seemingly
impossible far off end result.
Janis, Irving L., and Leon Mann. Decision Making: A Psychological Analysis of
Conflict, Choice, and Commitment. New York: Free, 1977. Print.
Mann, Leon, Ros Harmoni, and Colin Power. "Adolescent Decision-making: The
Development of Competence." Journal of Adolescence 12.3 (1989): 265-78.

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