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Production Log


13th - 19th October 2014

During this week I had completed the

possible production logo ideas. Also I had
written an analysis based on a media
students preliminary task. While also writing
the preliminary tasks synopsis.

20th - 26th October 2014

I acted in the preliminary task video. I also

completed the preliminary task analysis

10th November - 16th November

This week I wrote the film opening analysis

of Harry Potter based on a fantasy drama
film. Also I completed the genre importance

17th November - 23rd November

As a group task, my group and I wrote the

pros and cons to do with each genre we

1st December - 7th December

During this week I wrote two different film
opening analysis.

8th December - 14th December

I wrote the story and narrative for an action

film. Also I wrote representation in Purge

15th December 21st December

I wrote about the directing style of Michael
Bay who is an action director. I also was in
the filming of the pitch and acted in it with
another group member in an elevator

29th December - 4th January 2015

I went out with two of my other group

members to find out what possible locations
to use for our opening. I had also vlogged
while we were doing the recce.

5th January - 11th January

during this week I had helped during the test
shoot by vlogging with my camera and I also
had brought extra batteries to help film.

12th January - 18th January

I had helped during the filming part of

making the rough cut and helped by being
the runner and making sure all the
equipment was there and ready to use.

19th January - 25 January

During this part I was the technical term of

being a runner during the filming stage to
get the rough cuts completed.

2nd March - 8th March

During this week I completed question one

and two for my evaluation.

9th March - 15th March

I acted in the 3rd question with my group and
that was completed in the same week. I
wrote and creatively presented my 4th
evaluation question.

16th March - 22nd March

This week I completed the 5th evaluation

question with my group and then later on in
the week I completed the 6th evaluation
question which is individual.

23rd March - 27th March

This week I completed my final evaluation

question and made a web banner which is
used attract my target audience.

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