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Abigail Trahms

Mr. Sonneville Per. 6, English Class

Del Mar Middle School
105AAvenida Miraflores
Tiburon, California, 94920
Dear Sir or Madam:
My name is Abby Trahms. I am an 8th grader at Del Mar Middle School, located in
Tiburon, California. I am writing this letter because I love that you show people
Americas national history.
Its amazing that you have research on anthropology, astrophysics, Earth and
planetary sciences, and paleontology. I learned that anthropology is the study of
humans, past and present. I learned that astrophysics deals with the physics of the
universe and the museum provides continuous research and support for learning and
education. I also learned that the earth and planetary science department, has
worlds renowned minerals, gems, meteorites, and rocks collection. I also learned
that paleontology is the study of extinct fossils and more. You provide the highest
standards of curatorial care in the maintenance of fossils and sub-fossils.
You have influenced the world by discovering lost artifacts like dinosaur fossils. You
have learning programs for all age groups, including after school programs, online
courses, and class field trips. With programs like these, promotes learning and
expanding the mind of everyone, young and old.
To promote the museum and obtain more funding, the museum could organize more
fundraising events to solicit more sponsorships and donations. The museum can
create more volunteer opportunities for students. I could contribute by volunteering
in different events, but my Long-term goal would be to have a career in anthropology
so that I may continue in the work and research of the fellow scientists.
Thank you so much for teaching me how interesting fossils and animals are. I will
always remember the importance of museums.

Abigail Trahms

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