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CABLE ANPACITIES, THE WEC AND COMPUTERIZED APPLICATIONS NT Brom, Menber, IEEE, MW Migitaro, Sentor Member, IEEE, P A Nobile, Seator He co Services Incorporated ‘2 word Trade Ceater New York, Hew York 10068-0752 Matrect - The cable ampactties in Table 310-16 of ‘The 198s National Electrical Code (NE) for low voltage underground cables are based ‘upon a. vethod developed by SJ Rosch, tn 1938." the NEC te pre poring nev tables which will becone effective’ i IBe7. the don a paper written by JH Neher and W Mecrath, in 1957. “thie method. te fused ‘in the 1984 NEC for’ high voltage eebless The Weher/tiecrath calculations are conplex, requiring. & large, snount_ of fata and the solution of numerous will “compare. the Rowch. aod fed note. their differencess Linitations to the proposed NEC ampacity tables will ‘also be discussed.” Finally, a new ateroconpater program will be discussed wtch calculates, wader owsd cable for any set of “given endl tone provides ‘efetetont cont-effective meene of optinising cable etter sernovocrrow In the design of any electrical power system, cable selection and application aust be considered. ‘Although the selection of conductor type, faeulation, shielding, shore clzeutt capability ent other paraneters, are all dnportant “considerations, “thie Bayer will “addcese~ anpacity calculations,” The Giacoseion will be. Limited to ‘undergromd (tery direct buried or duct) applications. Based upon @ method developed in 2938 [2], the NEC presented «loplifted ation of yproach to the calcu le anpacities, The sethod resulted ta yr the anpactty of « cable (ANG oF of whether the cable ia direct ed in. conduit tn ate oe underground ducts Heating effects of adjacent cable circuits ave Hot" considered, although detating factors sre fneluded tn ‘the NEC’ [6]. These factors. re, applicd to fsetallations with nultiple cables litle a conduit to account for the decrease in aapecity due to these heating effecte, In 1957, a new method wan presented for detersin~ ng anpacities of underground cablen [2]. This wethod fe. based. upon heat transfer theoty (Lees, te otelt the thermal reslatences of the cables, ducts, eneehs fod other systen conponeate, and entlyzes. the heat ‘lows through thea). In 1962, the Ineulated Power Gable ‘Engineers "Assoctetion "(predecessor of | the Inaulated ‘Cable Engineers Association ~ ICEA) pubs Lished ‘anpacity tables based. on the. Neher/meGrach fethod (3. These cables, although very ueeful to the Sndusery, “considered «| Limtved quaber of ‘cable snatallation configurations and conditions. “A aber of years ayo, the NEC adopted thie nethod for high voltage cable aupacities (Tables 310-69 through 310-84) and in 1967 the low voltage cable, anpacteies ‘through 31030) are rabies “10-22 ‘scheduled to 42 general formula for calculating cabie ‘applications "ct covered. ‘by the tables Skip “calculation tn, tedious end tapracescal topes Both [2] and [3] provide a means foe salcalation resulting in conset vattve cable’ ‘ene lasssisp e An alternate approsch ts to apply the Neher! MeGrath formulas directly. This approach, umaarined tn this paper, 8 seldon used because of tte cose Plextty and'vien it Ja, the calculations ‘are vouslly fade by specialists,” Hainérane ‘comjuter peopeane were used ‘in the past to perfors these calculstions, These progcans although accurate, may not accoamolate the ‘needs of field engineers requized ‘to. ashe on-the-spot dectatone. Today however, large computational over and peed are ‘available at a feasoaabie coat’ wich lcro-conputere, These computers taclude portable waits which tay be used at a Jobrelte or an the office. The ‘author will “describe sophisticated Propran developed for the calculation of endergccesd cable ‘opaciticn. A hey elenent ia, the dJevelopecse Of this program vas. to wake it exttencly.sinple oo use, while enabling exact calcvlation of anpacities, A"'description of "the program will be ‘presented, including’ presentation “of ssiple outputes key features. of” the progran are a bullt-te. cable dase tage and calculation of anpacities of eultiple underground ‘cable circuits where load currente are Known. This ia extremely useful fa reerotit installations since the actual heat generated by tae existing cables ie considered whcn ‘steieg the So cables The program deserthed presents one solution to the ‘problem of detersining cable anpacities, The authors’ feel the use of the program cen Tevult fa ¢ sontreftective chotce of cable size: The eiaplicity fof the progran enables tts use by percoanel’ thes than engineers, while ‘ensuriag be sccuracy of ita MEAT TRANSFER THEORY APPLIED 70 ABLES ‘The calculation of the amptcity of @ cable, sinply stated, is the elution ef a heat “transfer problem. “The objective ia to Liatt the ‘sasises of the conductor based ‘upon ea staured ent tenperature ‘of the aedivm wurrounding the cable. Heat is dissipated. by means of conduction convection and radiation, For cables ia ait of ta sofuit “ta “atc, convection and. radiation are’ the Predosinant seas of heat testpation, wheres for underground ‘cables, conduction ia the predosinant Beane of heat diestpation, From basic heat tranefer theory [4], the tem perature top acroes ‘a heat’ path having’ a thereel Resistance i defined an: are wh @ Equation (1) is analogous to oba's Law vhere voltage drop, AE, ‘corresponds to teeperature arop, ATs ‘current’ flow, Ty corresponds to watts of here flow, Ws and electeteal Teatetence, By cortesponde te thermal’ restatance, R. The heat flow through, the cable and. ite eavironment can be represented bys hereal circuit ‘witch Le sualogous oan electrical gireutt, “Figure 1 shows a simplified thevesl clrcutt for a 600 Veable. ‘crz20-ss000n 09236000 1985 IEEE ~323- Ce A vast) | did i 3 3 2 A 600 ¥ cable, generates heat from the conductor losses witch, are’ feprarented. by Me Sa” Figuce Le Teles heat, {lows through the cable ant” tts. surrounding prediun witch has # coubiaes theraal Feetetance Re The flow of heat results to 2 tenperatuce drop across T, hich tm analogous to currest. resulting In a*voltage Arop sctoas an nlnctrtcal reetatance. The Cenpetature Seay is the difference betunen the SStetwon atlowble conductor temperatuce, Tye_and the Rabione. cenperatura, gy, af the alton. parrounding. the cable. Using (L) Snd.the thersal fn Figure 1, the tenperavure drop serot ao eR @ 1 For s 600 V cable, the total heat generated, We ts doe t9, the 12k lorser in the conductor. substi= tating hae, for We da (2) and. solviog for 1 ylelds: o Equation (3) gives ‘the maxinun current Cenpactty) that ‘the eable “can. catey for” specified. waxiaun Conductor and ambleat teuperature, AB discussed j Wea WARE EAT SOURCES Later, (@) 19 not applicable to lish voltage cables, ‘conductor Lossen, osc NENHon OF CABLE ANBACITY The paper by S J Rosch [1], describes the theory and tonting used to develop the aapactty of rubber houlated cable in als anita comiutt in air, Rosch presented the following eluation? fee ane « NReu Beh qution (0) i state to (3) except thot 18 ee cludes # factor, (the suaber of conductors tn one cable). By making EN CEgh), (4) reduces to > For current underground cable {astallatioas, the Rosch metho! Us not accurate aiace if 1s not appli [ible ‘to voltages above 600 V oF to” underground ables. Table JU0-16 o€ the Wet, bared upon [1], Covete underground cables even" though [1] does not Gpectftcaity ‘address these applications. Te wasn" neil 1957, when Neher/McGrath, published (2), that a bore accurate auptctty calculation vas. possible for tidaeground cables. [NENER/WECRATH METHOD OF CABLE ANPACITY ‘The Weher/HcGrath method te very complex to volving the solution of 30 to 40. equations depending upon the Sostallation configuration. Rather” than describe these equations in derall, the sethod will be presented in a conceptual feenework which {11ua- trates ite accurscy and. complexity, ICEA P-46-426, 3], provides ‘thersal’ Tesietances for ‘typical cable constructions and voltages which reduce the nusber of equations required. Figure 2 Ailustrates a thermal cizcute dtagran for a single conductor, 3 KV cable installed under Ground, ia an nonmetallic conduit which ir encased fa concrete, It show the heat sources, the paths ome yg PONT Ry PONT A, PENT 924 a for heat dissipation, and the thermal resistances for those paths. Figure’ 2 also Socludes cross-section of the fastallation, " ‘Tereal etvcuit dtegras intler to Figure 2, can be developed for ultiple Sonductore ine conduit and for aultiple underground cireuite, Three heat sovres ete" cable, which are shove ia Figure 2, for “rom. the "conductor (ie), Gtelectric (Wg) aed shield (iq) losses with nice of Weonductor-foot. For a 600 V power cable, the tagran would include conductor losses aly since the Atelectric losses are negligible aad shields are aot Conductor Losses: hea gurrent passes through a conductor It proiuces In losses which are Sonverted into heat. Tale heat ia dissipated through fhe cable iasuletion, the cable jacket, the ait in the coadutt, the ‘conduit. itself, the con Hlaatly co the surrounding earth. These lo function of the loed currenty hovever ia practice the cable supactty is used to detersine losses although the actual load current sty be susller. tn additions the Tosses ‘ere based on «24 hour load factor, If the load te" consteat at the sarimum rating of the cable, the load factor ts 100%, Por ac voltages greater thu jdlation produces heat in the form of dieiectrie losses. The insulation of # cable ie Siatlar to the dielectric capacitor’ with the Conductor and the ground plane actiag a1 electrodes, When subjected co. an ‘alternating “current, the Atelectric in charged and thea dlacharged with the fycle reversal. Since the famlation ie not a perfect dielectric, # saall portion of thie chargiog Gnersy. is diseipsted in the form of heats “The electric lose te calculated using (5) which te equation 36 40 [2] Dietectrte Ls 600 ¥, the cable 2.00276 € «, cose pea? o a Proa (5) it 48 apparent that the dtelectrte Losses vary as the square of the voltage aad are tot ‘a'fmetion of the Toad current. Dielectric losses fre not uniforaly generated throughout the ineule= loa; however for the purpose of the calculation, they are considered to occur only at the ‘idpoine of the tneulatton. Thus, these losses are diseipeted through SOT of the iaedlation thickness of the cable, the eable jacket, the air ia the conduit, the conduit Kteelf, the concrete encasement and flaally tothe ‘urrousding earth, shield Lo For hah voltage cab ohtelde,_aR{eidToeson are a thivd able. ‘These losses are, a. functio carrent (cable sm fod" hysteresis loeees, If “the cable vahteld ie Srosoded at. sore. thon ove, polaty e. circuletiag Current occurs is the shield, "producing Ist louse Sud" addstional heats" Reference [2] gives. equations for catculating these losses and [3] provides proper Hlonality factors for ‘obtatoing these doreer ae a function of conductor losses. The proportions i¢y factor vill be discussed later. Of course, power cables without shielda do not have ahteld er Other Losses: Figure 2 doce not model the los saecciated vith cables installed 1a sagnetic conduits ‘and those lossce caused by tnduced currents in steel Stuoting. Reference [2] discusses both arwor ‘sad conduit Losses and gives equations for thelr calew isttons If a three-phase cable 4 tnatalied in « magnetic. conduit, ‘ediy current losses “and. hystereste sre developed inthe conduit, “These. loa heat, sinter to those for” the “shields conductor ch phase of « ctreukt ave faatalied An eparace aagactic condulte, 4 relatively. leree current ie, induced inthe conduits’ due ‘to the ‘Sagnetic field profuced by the load cattent. the induced. curreat ‘causes lod Tete. beat the cable "oe Pham wgetie conduit, ‘for thie Feason, tha practice te avelded, ‘The steel arnor losses in 4 three conductor armored cable “are caused by eddy. curreat and hysteresis losses etailsr™ to” those for a cable snatalled to « aagoetic coeduit. ‘It phase conductors afe individually araored, cursenta are induced in the arnor producing losses ‘statlar to phase. conductors installed “tn aepacate magnetic Conduite, Tole practice 4s uorasily avoided. ‘Terms Restatances ‘The heat generated by che losses ie conducted fheough theraalrestetances.Pigure 2 lluscestes vests dergtound. cable instal The theraal reetotences are for the cable elation éad Jacket, the air apace in the condctt, the conduit, the concrete and’ the urtoundiag aaseh, A theraal fesistance han the dincneicns of "G-fe/i watch la equal toe therual oheeit, Although ‘the following description {u for the most detalled case, Ace, concrete. encased ducts, tt applies equaily. <3 (Getth appropeiete thecal Tealstances oaitted foe the circuits. Insulation Restetence! The cable insulation 48 4 ood thermal “gan electrical ineulater. Ie Stfer a resistance, Rj, to the heat the conductor due” t0''12 losses (ire, "508) to “the Selectric Losses: Tea wala depends pon the thickaese of the dnaulatton, "andthe type of aateriel used fue.,, ethylene propylene rubber, aked polyethylene, polyvinyl. chlor Hide, “nigh “deasity polyethylene,” ete. A. typical ‘elas forthe Insulation thefaal. Testetance. te 1-370 fhereal, heft for a aingle conductor, 500 keatl, SAV cabie. Values for other cables ces! be obtataed trea (31. Jacket Resistance: cables vith “Jotkets offers Fesistance, Tj, to the conbined flow of heat: generated by the donduetor, the disiectric aad the shield. ‘This resiatence dependa upon, the jacket satertal (iC, polyethylene, ete:), the thickucee of the jacket, the cable’ diaseter, and the umber Of conductors within one Jacket Equation 40 in (2) te used to calculate thts reatstance, A typical value 440.30 theraal. ohett for a wingle conductor, 500 kewil, 5 AY cable with polyeetiylene Jacket: Hestotance Betveen Cable end Condutt; The att space betveea The cable and the iiier surface of the condute offers “a resistance “to heat flov, This Festatance Iu based upon dissipation. by conduction and" soue convection. "thie tesletance, Hyg depends ‘upon the cable dianeter, the conduit dlanctery the ‘usber of conductors in, the cooduit, and the eabtent Reaperature of the mediua. A typical value te 2079 thenaal ‘obit Yor “e slagle conductor, 300 ‘teaily 925 - 1 vaduiuue sbbvdai’ eee SV cable in a 5 doch conduit. Other values are focluded in [3]. For dizect burted cables, yg quale zero, Therael Resistance of Condutt: The conduit reetstiite, ty depends upon the thickness of the Eondutt, the “conduit material and the auaber of Genductore within the conduit. A typical value for a Sach polyethylene conduit. ie 0.24 ehernal chet Rqvacio” 40.10, {2} ie used to calculate chia Tenistances For direct buried cables, Rg equals ‘Therael Resistance Between Condutt_& _Anblent ‘The isa costatance to the flow of heat ie the outer surface of the conduit and anbleat ree. dependa upon. the anount of earth Stet, Ghd thereat’ seeistivity of “the eurrounding Soll,’ the duct bank disenaions and. the | thersal feltdecrity of the ‘concrete aatertal. The thersal Feetativity of ‘the “dcpeh of “burial gteatly influence the cable ‘Tne deeper the Eiuls(e) “are buried, ‘the geeater the value of Ky ee Gheetpondingly “the Lover che ceble ampacity: Stntiaciy, che higher the therael resistivity of the doll, the ar ‘andthe lover the cable aapactey. feivity of the soll cpends pos the ‘soil density, ite aotature concent Inl'the eype of soli.” Densely compacted, wolet sada Me ‘better heat dtsatpavora then Loosely compacted SE, Sate." “typteat value for ect theraal Seslactviey ts 90"C-ca/¥. Rg te calculated using qoation 44a $n (21. 1 br 2, the tenperature drop between "ences ren ie calculated tne “conductor sal! ambient foliove! Ten Ta = Me E+ Me Med w 4g + Mg Ma) TH + Rag +g + Re) Simplifying (6) ytetd Ten Ta = Me H Rt Rag tat A a Rneniek. Wg ER Rg Rat We Regt Rg Re) ‘The shield losses can be related to the conductor oa (ig) by a Factor, Qy whlch te defined a0F Me™, 0 ite @ Wg = Me (0,1) (a) For unshielded cables, Qy equals 2 since Wp seror, For shielied “cables, (3) “dncludes for Gy for single coniuctor cables having Uvelée grounded at one point and for three" conductor Cables having shields grouaded at sore then one point. Substituting Ite for We and We, (DD reduces tor (a) for A Ty = Pe (0, + Regt Rae Re) il 5 ° + wg Re Rae ROR LY, " For simplification, lett Fea = IF) + Rag + Ra tl ao) aTg = Wy lGY Ry + Rat RQ) ap Substituting (10) and (11) tato (9) ytelds: Ten Ta 7 Rae Rea* Aa an Rac ts the de resistance (Rjc) multiplied by factor (1 +c) wilsh accounts for ‘the proxintty fad shin effects” of the “conductors. This factor, Phos se commonly refered to as the ae/a Eentalince ratio and can be found in ‘ary cable fenufectuter'a handbook {5]. Substituting (+ Ye) je for Rye and solving for 1, (12) decoues Fas oh 1 VR Rely a» nyustion (13) Aa the aapacity of en vaderground cables the Adentical “aguation | te. given a Stction 210-15 of the NEC ‘sad forme the baots for Tables 330-25 t0 310-30," Equation (13) 1 inple but the development of ach ther that comprtace zy le complet. For a covered by the tables, © conputerized celeulatton ie required. Effect of mult lonductoe Cable ‘The above discursion {1lustrates | the | Neher/ Yoorath theory ured to. develop WiC Tables 310-25 to Sio-30, ‘Equation (13) 19 general and pertains to any Underground cable configeration containing single Snductor or ‘hres conductor cables (for any umber Gf circuits). However, sore than one! conductor ia a Sondutes lnezeates the quaber of nest sources. which fa'tucn, lowers the aapscity of the cable, For a three conductor cable, this effect ts txeated by tripling the values for" the jacket rests tance Ry, the teststance of the air space ta the conduie'Eyg, the conduit resistance Rg and the Garth resistance “Ry. Ths yields the ase teaper~ ture dcop au tripling the eat flow through. thoge ta multiplied by the Farlatance to obente the Ceaperacote drop. Then’ CD) for Req becone Fa = 005; ao ous the effect of a aultt-conductor egble vithta one coodult ia to laccaase the value of fgg accorié fngiy. Referring c0. (3), 16 te avileae that the Righer the value of Reg,” the lover the ampictty. Theretore, a ehree condactor cable In a conluit has a lover apaciey than '¢ single cosiucter cable of the For three stsgle conductors 1p the waa condutt, ty the resistances, Ryjy Re and Ray are Ceipted wince the heat froe‘cne cable te disctpared Cheough “tts individual jacket. therefore, three ingle conductor enbler in one conduit have a higher Gapacity than « eee conductor eable fn a conduit, nttect of Addtttonal Ctreutes A precise calculation of cable anprctty for (Hfece of the adjacent cables on the teapereture rive 326 - a of each cable ctreutt, This calculation involves Solution of efaulteneous equations since the axpaclty Of each cable circuit inthe installation ie. not ‘Gquall even {f all etrcuita ate of the sane cable ize, “This difference in anpactty is, due to. the difference inthe depth of burial for each cable circuit end che difference in the mutual. heating Stfect of the adjacent circuits, Woreover, the top or Te a0 Sovtallation ‘consists of nore ‘than two circuits the precise calculation would be facilitated Sythe uae of « computer. ‘An alternate to the precise calculation for ‘ations consisting of circuits having the sane cable sive, te iocluded in [2] and (31, thie Alternate avolde the solution of simitancoue ‘Cquations by calculating the anpactty of the cable Giecult located in the worst’ position ia the installation and asstgaing that ‘anpactey £0 all cables, The calculation develope the theraal reele~ tance, Tg, including a "F" factor. ‘This factor is the tacts’ of ‘the distances between a reference cable ‘and “edjacent cables to. the distance between” the Eefecence cable and the cable inagess This calcule- Elon ie discussed in [2]. The proposed NEC tables are ed on this siaplified approach. ‘APpLicaTron ro THE we Comparteon of Anpsctty Table I compares the anpacity given io Table 310-16 with that given in Tablee 310-25 to 310°30, for a "500 “Keath “cable, For’ the eajerity of installations considered in Tables 910-25 to. 330-20, the anpactty fe greater that that given in Table ‘310-16, For three’ conductor cables installed ins concrete duct’ bank (Zable 310-26) the enpectey to Tabi Detween 62% to 92% of that given in Table 310-16, Although aot shows in Table “ty the proposed Cities for 300 keatl cable in conduit ta free aie Gables 310-204 to 310-26) would all be greater’ tha the 380 A ia Table 310-26." Thus, the proposed anpactttes for a 500 keall cable are higher for wost cates than those used in the peat The can renult in analler cable etzes for acy given Losd, Although only one cxanple te presented, it illustrates a ypteal relationship for" other cable eize Applicattons Not Covered By The NEC Tables Tables 310-25 to 310-30 of the NEC cover only those Inatallactons that aset the following A, all ctreutte have the sane cable ete Dd. maxtaus of nine eicutte are installed €. the trench of duct bank te accordance with Figure 310-1 51015 ‘of ene Wee destgoed tn of Section 4. Load factor t# 1002 AL thermal restetivity 49 90°C-ca/t Any deviation from these conditions will tovalt- date the ampactty given in the tablen, For example, feables ate depth greater than shown in the NEC wild havea lover anpacity. Conversely, if the load factor of sotl resistivity te lover ‘thea used for” the ables, the actual cable opacity will be highers Even. for Installations eating the NEC conditioue, the cable aupactty in the tables may be too low fot Sone ireules aicce it is based “os the worst-case Gireutt. Section 310-15 of the NEC peraite a wore precise calculation for {ostallations cot necting the NED conditions. Uhen this calculation wethod Let COMPARISON OF AMPACITY FOR A 500 KCMIL CABLE, COPPER CONDUCTOR, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 30°C, CONDUCTOR TEMPERATURE 75°C, 100% LOAD FACTOR, EARTH THERMAL RESISTIVITY 90°C-CM/WATT. che wee requires it be supervision. done under engineering (COMPUTERIZED APPROACH To optintse cable size without the Liattations of the Hic tables, © computer progran was developed pro- viding an offickent tool for deverwiaing the allor ble anpactty of individual underground etreutts. The progres, ANPACITY waa weitten in the Beste langua Forvthe IBM PC or coupatible computers. ‘The program duplicates the Neber/HeGrath method {21 “ana” uses” input parameters faatlier co. the engtocer/deaiguer. for exeuple, a data. base of ‘pptealcabie contractions ie weed to provide cable nefonel data. and thermal resistivities necessary ‘for the ealcilattons, These data ate defined by the liner through specification of che voltage class, feuacion "type and “cable etzes Ueibizing’ Approsch the progrem coosiete of two sections i.e. @ Gate inpot and preparation section, sod an analyeis Data spectfie to the installation 4# eatered via menu driven actesnt, ‘These date. include Ldenttfi- ation of configuration, conduit aatertal and. size GEE tay), cable tnavlacion and jacket eatertal “and fnstallarion éisenetoas, These Lapat options are show io Pigure 3 0, savusssitenavecsotnvessoesess ween 2 WE BnB see 3 ieee cer oct vena RE MgBATON Pema MP nr atone we 2 Aue 2 RNS ; ah 5 ERS his crane case { taene 4 Sbe Nome mea (a S$ naesia, cB Sate oe me tee "sie toes ae : bs a wee ‘ are $ ier gine : Bi atse is poss iat tin rt 1S oe as hoes hs bax B, ise i air bow NOL Bs hos EuLanrommannve———— Bea Riser ome ame wine wue———— ew i WALL Faber 2, ———— a FIGURE 2 SPECIFIC INSTALLATION INPUT DATA ‘The physical parameters of the inetallation 4 nuaber of circuits, colums, rows, spacing aad depth only dinenstonal data required for the freszens “ALL “other disenetonall “paranetere 5 Geteratced from the toput. Therasl reotetivitien, Gthiene “teaperature’ and” frequency ate assumed, but ean be nodteted by the user. Sintlar to the snatellation data, etreutt apect~ fic data ia entered via acteen ‘eaus as shown to Figure 4, Geaphica are utilized to assist the woot 1a ‘specifying these data including use of the cursor to iecdte’ the epecttie circuit directly oa the graphics ‘atepla Standard programming techaiques are utilized to prevent errors during input of specific tteas, For Sxauple, “acceptable Taages of input paraneters for ‘inensional daca are checked against user input. Ta fédttion, the relationship anong the data are’ checked fo assure consistency of oput. For tastance, 1f six 4ucto are available ina duct bask, three single com ductor eireuite with all conductors 1a separate con dutts (loess 9 dacte required) will not be permitted. ‘The User fe'alerted that a problew exiet ‘eae FIGURE 4 CIRCUIT SPECIFIC INPUT DATA Te following tnctued An the analyeie ‘The mutual heating effect of other cables in The cable eystea is accouated for by calcu ating the product of the ratiow of the die tance feos the reference cable to the taage of each of the other cables co the distance to that “cable very ‘the P ‘factor. Fors Maple six circuit ayaten this involver & Geteraination “of over "10 diet the conputer end speogeemed ‘coordinate eystem eerving at 1A total of 30 etreutte can be analyzed, Each Circuit can be of dilferent. aise, voltages the reference for eltcuit Tocation. Steny providing greater flexibility in : Sandctgeoued’ cable deaign than pernitted by by The final cable anpactttes involve the (Byer tel solution of simultaneous equations whitch ts complished ehrough matrix manipulations a. The current ta any circutt can be ftxed ‘and Gruss-Jordan elimination aethoda, (ergey known “currents. for exiting clicuits). Anpactties of the _revaining ex. The ac restatance is calculated based upon circuits are calculated including. the fanta ‘base parameters and topot cenperature eftects of ‘these nova heat aources oa the In sone. progease of thie nature the ac Snatallation. Feetatance of the exble configuration aust be determined by the user and in a required he A data tase of cable “charactertatice te Enputs butle into. the progan sad includes over 30 ‘idressable componente for conon cable 4, The progtam considers the effects of shteid Constructions. Tones oa cable aapacity. Shield grounding at one or both ade and the effects of ‘The output of the progres provides a detatted or ceculating current can be evaluated. sumarized forme, witch can be viewed oa the creea oe printed (oce’ Figure 3). All input data. are a. Frequency 1s considered a variable at either summstized and a. graphic output of the’ installation 50 or 60 ney is" princed with the resules, © cKTSs — soo KemrL — tRreLex AMBIENT SO DEG. CG ~ COND Temp 75 DEG. Cc GROUND LeveL eee LOAD CAPACITY IN ARPERES 1 267 caucro : 3 234 cALerD 3 eae Cacero 2 5 250 eAcerD 3 etn aan com seven on Fu curt #3 sere. era por cu 0 5 oie coca © 267 95 oR.) Lo cmc = 2 9s xe.) oma camerty + ws Ke) 1. oes a ——— 1.0 ‘ 2 maim ne caus — 2a Canine neon — 2 2 ARIST OF cn 4 be MSIs tO =—— es A remus pe Br se se MSI OF COO ——— 2 5 Ar Heist oF 9 S ner ect oun —— 0 Snr oe st rmer one may —— 7 Sub le is at — 1 Sen cia ss rt ° 2 su em uses ys ——— © (543 av Us ee ° 4 0 USS Ys z 5.90 uses 1s 18. RE MIN 18, OMe meine wn We coe wae wah ——— I. 600 4 BLED LSS 1 coe t puaeoa uss iL ev Sune Use — 1 eis Fg {eu rete : 12 tas race t 1 Me ses 1h be. aes nn se Hen uases hse 1 TOW ASO “Os = 1 TOW RS OK TODIm Las = IM 1 Tow tse Oe Toe US ~ I. Yoa w 1 Weeist 6 —— 1S Mast WSL 1S Wrist St 1 SST OF JT 1 west OF oT ——— “ea 1K te resis oF sroer —— “hse AISI Ber eS wer Sa 1 SST Mey A WAIST RTcoe act ~ Sasi 1M Twaesst arco Fact — sta 1 TessT arc |e? — Ss 1S. MEISE Ovo 1 mp =— LS 1S. atst Gao Th tat — fat 1. DURSIST Ong Tt or — 18 2. GME SE =———— tte £8, GOOAETR STE =m 8a 18. CHET Ste ————— 3 tet FIGURE 5 PROGRAM OUTPUT . 209 - ee WawGuil waiuidUd iii Ti ‘To Allustrate the capabilities of the prograa, an woderground,instatlation wes sodeled ro dateratne’ the epectey of. 300 Kenil’ cable rated 600 Ve The Sebetts’ may then be compared tov the aapscity ta NEC Tune nods. The duce’ bask contained six racowa Teck’ wth. 500 Kemi eriplexed cable. Conductor Scggerature “te 75°C, earth theraal” resistivity te So'Cren/w and an earth aubient ‘tenpereture 10 30°C, he computer’ teoulte, for this ‘sodel are. atow ta Figuce 5c he graphic display shove circuite 1 aed 2 tethe cop of the ductbesk, 3 and 4 dn the:ceater Stand oat the bottom, Detatied output data 1s only Grom for circuite ty 3 and 5 ‘since resulte are Hdentical for chrcutto 2, 4 and 6, The sllowable seecity for all veit” cltcutes 1a. accordance "with Table Ji0-27 in 240, wich tncluden the aableat Temperature. correction lactor for 30°C. This ie a show ia Table T- ‘the ampacity computed for etrcutts 3 and 4 ie 244 Aabich fa 4.9E lover than the NEC, However, the iepactey for circuite 1 and 2 Se 267 A vhich i6”8.5T figher than the NEC value, Thus, a 50D keail cable Thave aa aapacity ranging from 234 A to 267 A pending on ite Location withta che duct bank, This precise srelatiouship ia not recognized. inthe “NEC Febieo, Te the actual 1oeda oo each cfrcutt ranged from 236 Ato 267 Ay 500 keatl cable would. auffice ince the circuits could be tustalled ia the appro priate positions. Using the M&O Tables directly, Mould revult to solecting a 750 koatl cable for loade Greater then 246 A which gost Likely vould have boon eed for ail efx circuits to avold installing several, ‘The tapsct of the atapLtfied approach used tn the nec tabtes wey be sore pronoueed in retrorit appli- ettons where the load curtenta are kaova for exist= fag ctteutees The existing load currents will usually bbetiese then the sariaus cable anpacity «5 defined by the NEC, therefore thefr heating effect on adjacent Gireutts ds lesa, This should pernie cablew ine Sito a retrofit application co have © bigher anpa Sley than given in the NEC tables, Other than considering the actual anpectty of extoting circuita, the opttaisation of cable selec Elon. through the ‘use of thie -conputertzed approach Can coneldet cireait location (leery use of am out ide duct vernue a ceater duct location), depth of Burial, varyiog cable elses, use of various backftlls couctsr0%s hte paper hes desertbed: «the baste theoretical approach to the deter ‘ination of cable aupacities aa developed in [950 and ea fureher refined tn 1957. + the original approsch by the NEC of one Sapacity value per cable size irrespective Of the Installation andthe recent revision of ‘the NEC to Tecogatze the Nener/tecrath = + the integration of present atcrocosputer technology £0 optiaize cable selection, ‘The major cosclustons reached to this tone paper + The NBC underground cable sapactty tables yroponed for 1987 are aore accurate than Sxisting Teble 310-16, since they are based fon the Neher/HeGrath sethod viich sodela the Rac Rea =390- heat tranafer betves surroundiog soll. Righer sapacity Table 310-16, he new tables yield uaa” the eateeteg Avthough the proposed NEC tables are an faproveaent over those used in the past, thelr application is Lalted to specified Underaround cable configurations sad paren eters. Even for {nataliatioas meeting the Nee" coaditions, the, propoced tablea “jleld Conservative vaspacttiee which way lead £0 Gvetaized cables reruiting La” higher 1 Stalled. coats. To avoid this addietonal Sixpenditurey «precise calculation Le necded eich 4p tailored to the ectuel installation Ghler coos ideration, ‘ie availabiticy of atcroconpurers and the fofcuace dercrived inthis peper provides & fortable tool for optiateing cable selec Tionc thie cgot cen be used ‘by owe office Geatga. end field pessoonel sud’ tntegtates the Caiculecton approncy with the soot tian serine in opeiatsing cable m NowenctaTuRe tosulation power factor outetde dtaneter of the conductor, inches venperature diftereattel, °C vonperature rise due to dielectric losses, °C Line-to-neutral voltage, KV. epecttic inductive capacitance of, tnsulatton (res, dielectric comseast cable anpactty, aa anperen. tuaber of conductors {a the cable. ‘onduetor 14 watch relates shield losses to thermal rest tagce of the heat, path, chepaal chee, ‘hieo "C-fe/ae theres) restetance of the conduit. Therael reatetance betveen the condutt and eblent earth, a therual restetance of the cable snsulatioa. sheraal reste! ce of the cable Jacket. thermal resistance of the pith frou conductor roasblest aie. thermal restatance between the cable and the conduit. thermal restatance between the conductor and fabient cheraal thermal aatatance of a 3-conductor between the conductor and aabtene. cable ac restatance of the conductor at Tey ‘hae/te- fac restetance of copper conductor, ohae/fe. ne te 4e_reatatance of the conductor’ at Tey ohaa/fe. ehtchaean of the togulation, inches. anbient temperature, *C. conductor teaperature, °C. © Aosaes generated as heat, watts per conductor foots A conductor Lossen. dtetectrie 20 sy shteld Losses. ‘n4te) ae/de restetance rato. crv span the authors wish to acknovlege F Kohansedgh and A Cartonegno for their vork tn coding and verifying f computer progran. Ereapces 1 $5 Roach, “The Current-Carcying Capacity of RubbersTneulated Conductors,” AIRE Transac~ lons, Vol. 57, pp. 155-167, 1938. 1} 5M Weher, MH HeGrath, “The calculation of the Tenpetature Ree and Load Capacity of Cable “Systens,~ AIEE Transacttoos, Vol. 76, Pare IIL, pps 752-764, 1957. ‘Power Cable Anpacities,- TFCEA P-46-626, (ATE S-135-1), American Ingettuce of Hlectrtcal tagineere, 1962. 1 AJ Chapean, Heat Tranefer, the MachtLlan Coapany, New York, NY, 1960,.p. 52. The okostte Conpany,, Engineering Daca for Copper and Alumina Coniuctor Electrical Cables, Bulletin EIBY-78, 1978, p. 5. 6] ANSI/WFPA 70-1984, National Electrical Code, ~ 0 =

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