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Chinese 1

Fall semester
Monday & Wednesday & Friday 1:25-2:45pm
Yuanyuan Wang (

Learning Objectives
In this class we will first learn pinyin (the Chinese phonetic system), and then begin to
focus on learning to read and write simplified Chinese characters. Students will also
learn to conduct basic conversations on topics such as school, friends, family, and
others. Throughout the class there will also be several culture lessons that explore
unique aspects of Chinese culture and tradition. Friday is our culture day!

Textbook () Learn Chinese with Me
Notebook Paper
Pen and/or pencil
Folder or 3-ring binder (to keep track of class handouts)
Technology (You may bring a personal electronic device to use in class such as a
tablet or laptop) - *This is optional; if there is any assignment that would require the
use of technology it will be provided for you.

Classroom Expectations
Be prepared and on time to class, and actively participate.
Be on task in class. One behavior that will not be tolerated in class is distracting
other students or interfering with others desire to learn.
Turn in homework assignments on time.*
Study and learn the assigned material so that you can use it in class discussion.

*Homework Policy 1 day late = loss of 20%, 2 days late = loss of 40%, 3 days late=
loss of 60%, 4 or more days late = 0
Course Assignments and Requirements

Preparation and Active Participation (25%)

a. Each day a participation score will be awarded for coming to class and 1) being
prepared, 2) and actively participating in the days task.

Homework Assignments (40%)

a. There will be several homework assignments throughout the semester. Each of

these assignments is expected to be turned in on time and accounts for an equal
percentage of the homework grade.
b. Chngy of the week You will be responsible for learning one new chngy
every week (as posted on the website).

Exams/Projects (35%)

a. For every two lessons that we cover in class there will be either an exam or a
project you are required to complete. Each exam/project will be worth an equal
percentage of your grade.

Final Grade Analysis

Preparation & Active Participation... 25%
Homework Assignments....40%
Projects/ Activities.... 35%

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