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Contents Preface v I. Anomalies and Fractional Charge 1 1, Non-Canonical Behavior in Canonical Theories 2. Quantum Mechanical Symmetry Breaking 21 3. Delta Function Potentials in Two- and Three- Dimensional Quantum Mechanics 35 4. Update on Anomalous Theories 55 5. Fermion Fractionization 79 6. The Chiral Anomaly 95 II. Gauge Theories and Gravity 103 1. Yang-Mills Vacuum as a Bloch Wave (with an ode by I. Singer) 105 2. Bifurcation and Stability in Yang-Mills Theory with Sources 115 3. Topological Structures in the Standard Model at High T 145 4. Planar Gravity 155 5. Time Travel? 181 6. Gauge Theories for Gravity on a Line 197 III. Symmetry Behavior 215 1. Introducing Scale Symmetry 217 2. Hidden Symmetry of Magnetic Point Monopole and Vortex 233 3. Invariance, Symmetry and Periodicity in Gauge Theories 239 4. Symmetry Restoration at Finite Temperature 275 5. Mean Field Theory for Non-Equilibrium Quantum Fields 283 IV. Approaches to Quantum Theories Following Dirac 307 1. Canonical Light-Cone Commutators and their Applications 309 2. Invariant Quantization, Scale Symmetry and Euclidean Field Theory 341 viii Contents 3. (Constrained) Quantization without Tears 4. Analysis on Infinite-Dimensional Manifolds — Schrodinger Representation for Quantized Fields V. Solitons, Instantons and Semi-Classical Quantum Field Theory 1. Non-perturbative and Topological Methods in Quantum Field Theory 2. Self-Dual Chern-Simons Solitons 367 383 447 449

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